


美国大学本科申请策略与安全- 第31部分

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  基于以上种种原因,2004年以来,美国政府在国内外发起了一场签证公关活动,希望逐步扭转留学生减少的趋势。2004 美国参议院外交委员会于10月上旬举行听证会,几位资深参议员赞扬了在美国高等院校求学的外国学生做出的贡献,并坚决表示要确保美国的签证政策不妨碍正当的教育交流。美国国务院专门向驻世界各地的签证处下发了通知,要求他们优先处理学生的签证申请面谈,加快签证审批速度。2004年美国前国务卿鲍威尔来华访问时也提到了加快处理敏感专业学生签证的审查速度。美国国务院领事局表示,他们已经在努力疏通颁发学生签证的手续,争取在30天之内完成VISAMANTIS学生签证特别审查程序。国会还向国务院增拨款项,在美国各驻外使领馆增加了350名签证官。美国国际教育研究院院长古德曼说,这项学生签证特别审查程序估计今明两年会出现明显的改进。 
  1.Summary:This cable provides some guidance for consular officers in how to interpret the immigrant intent provisions when adjudicating student visa applications。 Consular officers adjudicating student visa applications should evaluate the applicant’s requirement to maintain a residence abroad in the context of the student's present circumstances; they should focus on the student applicant's immediate and near…term intent。 Revised FAM notes follow。 End summary。 
  概要: 发送给各位使领馆签证官的此(电报)信息,为各位提供了一些涉及到在判定赴美留学签证之时,关于如何解释移民倾向条款的指导。签证官对于学生签证的判定,应该是基于申请人当前情形评估申请人是否会保留申请人本国的居所不变(注:即申请人不会移居美国)。签证官应该把审查的重点放在申请人当前以及近期的意向,而不是不确定的未来。下面是修订过的FAM照会(注释)。概要结束。 
  2.Residence abroad requirement in general terms: As explained in ref (B); the immigrant intent requirement applies in only certain nonimmigrant visa classifications。 Most of these visa classifications require the visa applicant to satisfactorily demonstrate that s/he possesses a residence abroad that s/he has no intention of abandoning。 This residence abroad requirement is found in the B; F; J; M; O…2; P; and Q visa classifications。 
  3.The Purpose of travel is always the controlling criterion for determining a proper visa classification。 Each classification differs fundamentally in terms of activities permitted and time period contemplated in the United States。 Student visa adjudication is made more plex by the fact that students typically stay in the U。S。 longer than do many other non…immigrant visitors。 In these circumstances; it is important to keep in mind that the applicant's intent is to be adjudicated based on present intent – not on contingencies of what might happen in the future; during a lengthy period of study in the United States。 
  申请人前往美国的目的应该是决定其申请何种类型签证的关键性评判标准。每种签证,依据其允许持有人在美国从事活动的不同,以及预期在美国停留时间长短的差别,不同签证类型会有根本的不同。学生签证在评判过程中,会比其他类型的签证更加复杂,这是因为学生签证持有人在美国停留的时间普遍比其他非移民签证持有人要长。基于此种情形; 签证官一定要牢记(学生)签证申请的评判,要基于申请人的当前意向,而不是依据未来签证持有人在美长期的学习过程之中; 可能发生的种种不确定因素。 
  4.Context of residence abroad for students: While the concept of “ties” is very useful in evaluating many non…immigrant visa applicants; it is relatively less useful in assessing the present intent of a student。 The typical student is young; without employment; without family dependents; and without substantial personal assets。 Students may have only general rather than specific plans for the future。 These personal circumstances differ greatly from those of persons usually qualifying for B…1's or P visas for example。 The residence abroad requirement for a student should therefore be considered in a broader light; focusing on the student applicants' immediate intent。 While students may not be able to demonstrate strong 〃ties〃; their typical youth often conveys a countervailing major advantage in establishing their bona fides: they don't necessarily have a long…range plan; and hence are relatively less likely to have formed an intent to abandon their homes。   
  关于学生海外居所的理解: 虽然“(与本国的)约束关系”这个概念在评估许多非移民签证申请人的过程中,起到了重要的作用,但是在评估学生当前意向方面,其作用就显得相对来说不是那么明显。因为学生普遍较年轻,非在职。也没有家庭,更没有实质上的个人财产。学生关于各自的未来,一般只会有概括的、而非具体的计划。学生签证申请人群体的这些特质,令他们与符合其他非移民签证(比如:B…1或P签证)人士的情形有很大的不同。因此,对于学生签证申请中,海外居所这条的评判; 应该有适当的体恤; 要放在一个更广大的范围内来考量。真正的焦点是学生申请人的当前意图。虽然学生也许不能展现很强的“约束关系”; 但是他们明显的年轻特质,所传达的是一种足以弥补“约束关系”不足的优势; 而此种优势又足以令我们(签证官)建立对他们诚恳表述的信任:如果学生们没有长期的计划; 因此也就不太可能有放弃他们在母国身份的意图。 
  5.Intended course of study: The fact that the alien plans on studying a subject for which there is no or little employment opportunity in his country of residence is not a basis for denying the visa; because circumstances may change; this fact should not be deemed a negative factor in adjudicating the case。 Nor; on the other hand; is the fact that the country of residence can provide the equivalent quality courses in the same subject matter。 The student has the right to choose where s/he will obtain an education if accepted by the school。 
  6.Visa renewal during course of study: Some students have to apply for new visas if they go home or travel during their period of study。 Returning student applications should generally be reissued in the normal course of business; unless circumstances have changed significantly from the time of previous issuance。 Studies in order to maintain ties to their country of origin。 If students feel that they will encounter difficulties in seeking a new student visa or that a visa will not be issued to them so they can continue their studies; they may be less inclined to leave the United States during their studies and hence may distance themselves culturally from their homeland。 Posts should facilitate the reissuance of student visas so that these students can travel freely back and forth between the homeland and the United States。 
  7.Student Visa Reminders:a)Educational qualifications: The I…20 is evidence that STATE 00180015 002。2 OF 003 the school has accepted the applicant as a student。 The choice of the subject matter is not determinative of the applicant's scholastic aptitude。 Consular officers should not go behind the I…20 to adjudicate the alien's qualifications as a student for that institution。 If the consular officer has reason to believe
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