


美国大学本科申请策略与安全- 第32部分

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en's qualifications as a student for that institution。 If the consular officer has reason to believe that the applicant engaged in fraud or mispresentation to garner acceptance into the school as laid out in 9 FAM 41。61 Note 8; then that information is an important factor to consider in determining if the applicant has a bona fide intent to engage in study the United States。 Verification of admission with the school would usually be required if you are considering applying INA 212(a) (6) (C)。 
  b)munity colleges or lesser…known schools: All legitimate schools must be accorded the same weight under the law。 The INA does not distinguish among schools qualifying for I…20 authorization based on size or recognition。 There is no legal difference between munity colleges; English language schools and four…year institutions。 Applicants should be adjudicated on their bona fides as students regardless of institution of program of study。 If you have reason to question the authenticity of the school contact either DHS or CA/VO/F/P。 
  学生签证提示:a) 教育资格:学生收到的I…20表格,就是足以证明申请人已经作为一个学生,被发放表格的这所学校接受了。不论学生所选的学习专业是什么方向,都不能用以证明此申请人的学术能力。签证官不可以超越I…20上面的表述,自行判定此外国学生在美大学的入学资格。如果签证官有理由相信此学生签证申请人,在其当时申请大学时,通过任何隐瞒或欺骗行为,从而获得了入学通知书,那么签证官凭借此信息,可以有充分理由怀疑这个申请人赴美的目的是否真的是去学习。如果签证官认为此申请的情形适用于INA 212 (a) (6) (c); 那么通常要求对此申请人的录取结果进行核实。 
  b) 关于社区学院或者那些不够知名的学府:所有合法的美国院校,依照法律,都必须一视同仁。INA对那些有资格发放I…20表格的学校不会基于学校的大小或知名度而区别对待。从法律的角度来讲,社区大学、英文培训学校、和四年制教育机构之间是没有区别的。学生签证的申请,应该从她或他赴美的真正目的是否为学习的角度来评判,而不应与其所学专业或学校知名与否挂钩。如果签证官对于此学校的真实性有任何怀疑,可以联系DHS或CA/VO/F/P来核实。 
  8.Test of FAM Notes:9 FAM 41。61 N5。1 Residence Abroad Required(ct: visa…706; 02…17…2005)The INA requires that the applicant possess a residence in a foreign country he or she has no intention of abandoning。 The regulations require that the consular officer be satisfied that the alien intends to depart upon termination of student status。 Consequently; the consular officer must be satisfied that the applicant; at the time of visa application:(1)Has a residence abroad;(2)Has no immediate intention of abandoning that residence; and(3)Intends to depart from the Unites States upon pletion of the course of study。   
  9 FAM 41。61 N5。2 Context of Residence Abroad for Student Visas(ct:visa…706; 02…17…2005)The context of the residence abroad requirement for student visas inherently differs from the context for b visitor visas or other short…term visas。 The statute clearly pre…supposes that the natural circumstances and conditions of being a student do not disqualify that applicant from obtaining a student visa。 It is natural that the student does not possess ties of property; employment; family obligation; and continuity of life typical of b visa applicants。 These ties are typically weakly held by student applicants; as the student is often single; unemployed; without property; and is at the stage in life of deciding and developing his or her future plans。 This general condition is further accentuated in light of the student's proposed extended absence from his or her homeland。 (see 9 FAM 41。11 n2)Nonetheless; the consular officer must be satisfied at the time of application for a visa that an alien possesses the present intent to depart the U。S。 at the conclusion of his or her studies。 That this intention is subject to change or even likely to change is not a sufficient reason to deny a visa。 
  9 FAM 41。61 N5。3 Relationship of Education or training would not appear to be useful in the homeland is not; in itself; a basis for refusing an f…1 or m…1 visa。 This remains true if the applicant's proposed course of study seems to be impractical。 For example; if a person from a developing country may wish to study nuclear engineering simply because he enjoys it; he may no more be denied a visa because there is no market for a nuclear engineer's skills in his homeland than he may be denied a visa for the study of philosophy or greek simply because they do not lead to a specific vocation。 
  9 FAM 41。61 N5。4 Availability of Collateral Academic Education in the Applicant's Homeland(ct:visa…706; 02…17…2005)The fact that education or training similar to that which the applicant plans to undertake is apparently available in the home country is not in itself a basis for refusing a student visa。 An applicant may legitimately seek to study in the United States for various reasons; including a higher standard of education or training。 Furthermore; the desired education or training in the applicant's homeland may be only theoretically available; openings in local schools and institutions may be already filled or reserved for others。 
  STATE 00180015 003。2 OF 003对于FAM照会的解读与评判依据:9FAM 41。61 N5。1 要求申请人在外国(母国)有固定居所( ct: visa…706; 02…17…2005 )INA要求申请者在外国有一个其不想放弃的固定居所。此规定要求必须让签证官认定,此外国申请者在其完成学业后,一定会离开美国。因此,必须让签证官明确地认定:1)在国外有固定居所;2)目前没有想放弃此居所的打算;3)打算在完成学业后,立即离开美国。 
  9FAM 41。61 N5。2 对于为学生签证的申请所提供之外国住所的解释   
  ( ct: visa…706; 02…17…2005 )对于此条款中,为学生签证申请,所提供外国居所的解释,事实上与其他短期签证如观光、访问签证等等所要求的外国居所是有本质不同的。此条例清楚地预先规定了,申请人作为一个学生,本身所拥有的自然条件和所处环境(即指学生没有房产、社会、家庭等各种在本国的牢固约束关系),不能作为使学生失去获得签证资格的理由。典型的学生签证申请人并不明显拥有以上各种牢固约束关系,很显然一般学生是不会拥有类似典型B签证申请人所有的那些如财产、工作、家庭责任、保持原有生活连贯性等等的束缚。鉴于学生申请人往往是单身、非在职、无资产,并且往往正处于决定其未来计划和自身发展的人生关键时期。考虑到学生将要离开自己的祖国很长时间,这种(缺乏约束关系)状况更为明显。(请参阅 9 FAM 41。11 n2)尽管如此,在签证申请时,申请人必须能够说服签证官,其当前的意图是在完成美国的学业后回国。即使此意图在签证官目前看来可能甚至是非常有可能在将来会改变,这也不足以构成对此申请人拒签。 
  9 FAM 41。61 N5。3 申请人前往美国所学之专业,即使表面看来似乎在其母国无用,这也不能足以构成对其F…1或M…1签证的拒绝。同样,当申请人所学专业从实际工作就业的角度看来不够现实的情形,也不应该拒签。比如,某申请人来自一发展中国家,想要前往美国学习核工程学,仅仅是出于其个人的喜好,那么他不应该因为在其母国内此专业毕业生没有就业市场为理由,而被拒签;就像假如某申请人想前往美国学的专业是哲学或是希腊语,此人也不能由于所学专业在其母国没有明确的职业方向而被拒绝签证一样。 
  9 FAM 41。61 N5。4 关于在申请人母国有类似学习机会的情形(ct:visa…706; 02…17…2005)假如申请人前往美国所学专业,在其母国明显也有类似课程可供学习,这也不能构成拒绝签证的依据。 
  (美国国务院) 00180015 003。2 OF 003一个申请人可以以各种合理的理由,前往美国学习,比如说为了寻求一个更高水准的教育、培训或深造。此外,申请人想学习的课程或接受的培训,即使理论上看似在其母国的教育机构可以学到,但事实上很可能这个学习的机会已经被其他人占去或保留给别人。 
  9.Conclusion: Student visa applications must be adjudicated in the proper context; a long view。 You; as Consular officers; must assess the residence abroad requirement focusing on whether the applicant intends at the time of applying for the visa to abandon his or her residence abroad。 In evaluating this intent; relatively little weight can be given to the traditional 〃ties〃 that are more useful in adjudicating applications for B visas。 Please seek advisory assistance with the advisory opinions division if any questions arise。 
  9)。 综上所述:学生签证的申请,必须在一个合理的框架下、以长远的眼光给予公平的判定。各位作为签证官,在评估申请人在母国之居所要求时,务必认真考虑是否申请人在当前申请此签证时,有意放弃此母国居所。在具体评估此意图时,可以适当地将经常用于B签证申请评估中的那些传统意义上的“母国约束关系”标准,在学生签证申请人身上有所放松。如有任何疑问,请向咨询部门寻求帮助。 
  10.Minimize considered。 
  第四章 Offer是怎样炼成的(1)   
  Offer这个英文单词的意思表达的是向某人提供某物或者给与的意思,因此当某个学校录取一个学生的时候,不管是否提供奖学金或者提供多少奖学金,学校给该学生的“给与”都是一种Offer。举例来说,每年4月15日之前,美国的研究生院会要求被录取的学生答复是否接受该学校的Offer,比如某学校录取了一位学生但没有提供任何奖学金,学校会问Please inform us whether you accept our offer of admission before the deadline April 15th;这里的“offer of admission”明确地表明仅有录取也是一种offer。麻省理工学院在给一位获得2006年全额奖学金攻读本科学位的学生的信中写到Hopefully; you will accept our offer to enroll at MIT,这表明录取加奖学金也是一种Offer。除此之外,当一个用人单位向某个人提供某个特定薪水福利的工作机会时,也是一种Offer。举例来说,每年海外的中国留学生毕业前大家都会关心对方是否找到工作,常问的一个问题就是“有没有Offer来了”,而被问方常见的回答是“已经有两个Offer了”或者“唉!一个offer还没有呢”。我的一个应届大四学生曾在全球闻名的KPMG(毕马威)实习并且被KPMG录用,她毕业后即可到KPMG上班。但她同时获得了美国南加州大学的一年制会计硕士的录取(该校会计专业全美排名第六!),她的KPMG上级领导给她写信告诉她一年以后她的工作Offer仍然有效:Congratulations! We will keep your offer open till the time you plete your Macc Program in US and return to China。 因此,把Offer当作奖学金来理解是不准确的,本书中提到的Offer指的是你心仪的学校给予你的录取或者奖学金。 
  而如何获得这样的Offer呢?很多家长和学生认为获得高分TOEFL和SAT成绩就能成功;还有一些家长和学生认为必须有高中期间拔尖的学习成绩;也有人认为要有丰富多彩的课外活动。这些看法虽准确但却不全面,作者在长期作为留学顾问和升学顾问的从业经历中总结出一个Flash动画来诠释Offer是怎样获得的(该Flash动画可以从作者的博客下载,链接是blog。sina/chenqiyong )。 
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