


vendetta- 第13部分

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A sense of accomplished happiness now made the step of the young pair

lighter; they saw neither heaven; nor earth; nor houses; they flew; as

it were; on wings to the church。 When they reached a dark little

chapel in one corner of the building; and stood before a plain

undecorated altar; an old priest married them。 There; as in the

mayor's office; two other marriages were taking place; still pursuing

them with pomp。 The church; filled with friends and relations; echoed

with the roll of carriages; and the hum of beadles; sextons; and

priests。 Altars were resplendent with sacramental luxury; the wreaths

of orange…flowers that crowned the figures of the Virgin were fresh。

Flowers; incense; gleaming tapers; velvet cushions embroidered with

gold; were everywhere。 When the time came to hold above the heads of

Luigi and Ginevra the symbol of eternal union;that yoke of satin;

white; soft; brilliant; light for some; lead for most;the priest

looked about him in vain for the acolytes whose place it was to

perform that joyous function。 Two of the witnesses fulfilled it for

them。 The priest addressed a hasty homily to the pair on the perils of

life; on the duties they must; some day; inculcate upon their

children;throwing in; at this point; an indirect reproach to Ginevra

on the absence of her parents; then; after uniting them before God; as

the mayor had united them before the law; he left the now married


〃God bless them!〃 said Vergniaud; the sergeant; to the mason; when

they reached the church porch。 〃No two creatures were ever more fitted

for one another。 The parents of the girl are foolish。 I don't know a

braver soldier than Colonel Luigi。 If the whole army had behaved like

him; 'l'autre' would be here still。〃

This blessing of the old soldier; the only one bestowed upon their

marriage…day; shed a balm on Ginevra's heart。

They parted with hearty shakings of hand; Luigi thanked his landlord。

〃Adieu; 'mon brave;'〃 he said to the sergeant。 〃I thank you。〃

〃I am now and ever at your service; colonel;soul; body; horses; and

carriages; all that is mine is yours。〃

〃How he loves you!〃 said Ginevra。

Luigi now hurried his bride to the house they were to occupy。 Their

modest apartment was soon reached; and there; when the door closed

upon them; Luigi took his wife in his arms; exclaiming;

〃Oh; my Ginevra! for now you are mine; here is our true wedding。

Here;〃 he added; 〃all things will smile upon us。〃

Together they went through the three rooms contained in their lodging。

The room first entered served as salon and dining…room in one; on the

right was a bedchamber; on the left a large study which Luigi had

arranged for his wife; in it she found easels; color…boxes; lay…

figures; casts; pictures; portfolios;in short; the paraphernalia of

an artist。

〃So here I am to work!〃 she said; with an expression of childlike


She looked long at the hangings and the furniture; turning again and

again to thank Luigi; for there was something that approached

magnificence in the little retreat。 A bookcase contained her favorite

books; a piano filled an angle of the room。 She sat down upon a divan;

drew Luigi to her side; and said; in a caressing voice; her hand in


〃You have good taste。〃

〃Those words make me happy;〃 he replied。

〃But let me see all;〃 said Ginevra; to whom Luigi had made a mystery

of the adornment of the rooms。

They entered the nuptial chamber; fresh and white as a virgin。

〃Oh! come away;〃 said Luigi; smiling。

〃But I wish to see all。〃

And the imperious Ginevra looked at each piece of furniture with the

minute care of an antiquary examining a coin; she touched the silken

hangings; and went over every article with the artless satisfaction of

a bride in the treasures of her wedding outfit。

〃We begin by ruining ourselves;〃 she said; in a half…joyous; half…

anxious tone。

〃True! for all my back pay is there;〃 replied Luigi。 〃I have mortgaged

it to a worthy fellow named Gigonnet。〃

〃Why did you do so?〃 she said; in a tone of reproach; through which

could be heard her inward satisfaction。 〃Do you believe I should be

less happy in a garret? But;〃 she added; 〃it is all charming; andit

is ours!〃

Luigi looked at her with such enthusiasm that she lowered her eyes。

〃Now let us see the rest;〃 she cried。

Above these three rooms; under the roof; was a study for Luigi; a

kitchen; and a servant's…room。 Ginevra was much pleased with her

little domain; although the view from the windows was limited by the

high wall of a neighboring house; and the court…yard; from which their

light was derived; was gloomy。 But the two lovers were so happy in

heart; hope so adorned their future; that they chose to see nothing

but what was charming in their hidden nest。 They were there in that

vast house; lost in the immensity of Paris; like two pearls in their

shell in the depths of ocean; to all others it might have seemed a

prison; to them it was paradise。

The first few days of their union were given to love。 The effort to

turn at once to work was too difficult; they could not resist the

charm of their own passion。 Luigi lay for hours at the feet of his

wife; admiring the color of her hair; the moulding of her forehead;

the enchanting socket of her eyes; the purity and whiteness of the two

arches beneath which the eyes themselves turned slowly; expressing the

happiness of a satisfied love。 Ginevra caressed the hair of her Luigi;

never weary of gazing at what she called his 〃belta folgorante;〃 and

the delicacy of his features。 She was constantly charmed by the

nobility of his manners; as she herself attracted him by the grace of


They played together; like children; with nothings;nothings that

brought them ever back to their love;ceasing their play only to fall

into a revery of the 〃far niente。〃 An air sung by Ginevra reproduced

to their souls the enchanting lights and shadows of their passion。

Together; uniting their steps as they did their souls; they roamed

about the country; finding everywhere their love;in the flowers; in

the sky; in the glowing tints of the setting sun; they read it in even

the capricious vapors which met and struggled in the ether。 Each day

resembled in nothing its predecessors; their love increased; and still

increased; because it was a true love。 They had tested each other in

what seemed only a short time; and; instinctively; they recognized

that their souls were of a kind whose inexhaustible riches promised

for the future unceasing joys。

Theirs was love in all its artlessness; with its interminable

conversations; unfinished speeches; long silences; oriental reposes;

and oriental ardor。 Luigi and Ginevra comprehended love。 Love is like

the ocean: seen superficially; or in haste; it is called monotonous by

common souls; whereas some privileged beings can pass their lives in

admiring it; and in finding; ceaselessly; the varying phenomena that

enchant them。

Soon; however; prudence and foresight drew the young couple from their

Eden; it was necessary to work to live。 Ginevra; who possessed a

special talent for imitating old paintings; took up the business of

copying; and soon found many customers among the picture…dealers。

Luigi; on his side; sought long and actively for occupation; but it

was hard for a young officer whose talents had been restricted to the

study of strategy to find anything to do in Paris。

At last; weary of vain efforts; his soul filled with despair at seeing

the whole burden of their subsistence falling on Ginevra; it occurred

to him to make use of his handwriting; which was excellent。 With a

persistency of which he saw an example in his wife; he went round

among the layers and notaries of Paris; asking for papers to copy。 The

frankness of his manners and his situation interested many in his

favor; he soon obtained enough work to be obliged to find young men to

assist him; and this employment became; little by little; a regular

business。 The profits of his office and the sale of Ginevra's pictures

gave the young couple a competence of which they were justly proud;

for it was the fruit of their industry。

This; to the busy pair; was the happiest period of their lives。 The

days flowed rapidly by; filled with occupation and the joys of their

love。 At night; after working all day; they met with delight in

Ginevra's studio。 Music refreshed their weariness。 No expression of

regret or melancholy obscured the happy features of the young wife;

and never did she utter a complaint。 She appeared to her Luigi with a

smile upon her lips and her eyes beaming。 Each cherished a ruling

thought which would have made them take pleasure in a labor still more

severe; Ginevra said in her heart that she worked for Luigi; and Luigi

the same for Ginevra。

Sometimes; in the absence of her husband; the thought of the perfect

happiness she might have had if this life of love could have been

lived in the presence of her father and mother overcame the young

wife; and then; as she felt the full power of remorse; she dropped

into melancholy; mournful pictures passed like shadows across her

imagination; she saw her old father alone; or her mother weeping in

secret lest the inexorable Piombo should perceive her tears。 The two

white; solemn heads rose suddenly before her; and the thought came

that never again should she see them except in memory。 This thought

pursued her like a presentiment。

She celebrated the anniversary of her marriage by giving her husband a

portrait he had long desired;that of his Ginevra; painted by

herself。 Never had the young artist done so remarkable a work。 Aside

from the resemblance; the glow of her beauty; the purity of her

feelings; the happiness of love were there depicted by a sort of

magic。 This masterpiece of her art and her joy was a votive offering
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