《the portygee》



the portygee- 第10部分

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you see you don't understand Issy'll tell you about it。〃

He went into the office。  Albert sauntered listlessly to the window
and looked out。  So far as not understanding anything in the shop
was concerned he was quite willing to remain in ignorance。  It did
not interest him in the least。  A moment later he felt a touch on
his elbow。  He turned; to find Mr。 Price standing beside him。

〃I'm all ready to tell you about it now;〃 volunteered the unsmiling
Issy。  〃Sweepin's all finished up。〃

Albert was amused。  〃I guess I can get along;〃 he said。

〃Don't worry。〃

〃_I_ ain't worried none。  I don't believe in worryin'; worryin'
don't do folks no good; the way I look at it。  But long's Cap'n
Lote wants me to tell you about the hardware I'd ruther do it now;
than any time。  Henry Cahoon's team'll be here for a load of lath
in about ten minutes or so; and then I'll have to leave you。  This
here's the shelf where we keep the buttshinges; you understand。
Brass along here; and iron here。  Got quite a stock; ain't we。〃

He took the visitor's arm in his mighty paw and led him from
shelves to drawers and from drawers to boxes; talking all the time;
so the boy thought; 〃like a catalogue。〃  Albert tried gently to
break away several times and yawned often; but yawns and hints were
quite lost on his guide; who was intent only upon the businessand
victimin hand。  At the window looking across toward the main road
Albert paused longest。  There was a girl in sightshe looked; at
that distance; as if she might be a rather pretty girland the
young man was languidly interested。  He had recently made the
discovery that pretty girls may be quite interesting; and; moreover;
one or two of them whom he had met at the school danceswhen the
young ladies from the Misses Bradshaws' seminary had come over; duly
guarded and chaperoned; to one…step and fox…trot with the young
gentlemen of the schoolone or two of these young ladies had
intimated a certain interest in him。  So the feminine possibility
across the road attracted his noticeonly slightly; of course; the
sophisticated metropolitan notice is not easily arousedbut still;

〃Come on; come on;〃 urged Issachar Price。  〃I ain't begun to show
ye the whole of it yet 。 。 。  Eh?  Oh; Lord; there comes Cahoon's
team now!  Well; I got to go。  Show you the rest some other time。
So long 。 。 。  Eh?  Cap'n Lote's callin' you; ain't he?〃

Albert went into the office in response to his grandfather's call
to find the latter seated at an old…fashioned roll…top desk; piled
with papers。

〃I've got to go down to the bank; Al;〃 he said。  〃Some business
about a note that Laban ought to be here to see to; but ain't。
I'll be back pretty soon。  You just stay here and wait for me。  You
might be lookin' over the books; if you want to。  I took 'em out of
the safe and they're on Labe's desk there;〃 pointing to the high
standing desk by the window。  〃They're worth lookin' at; if only to
see how neat they're kept。  A set of books like that is an example
to any young man。  You might be lookin' 'em over。〃

He hurried out。  Albert smiled condescendingly and; instead of
looking over Mr。 Keeler's books; walked over to the window and
looked out of that。  The girl was not in sight now; but she might
be soon。  At any rate watching for her was as exciting as any
amusement he could think of about that dull hole。  Ah hum! he
wondered how the fellows were at school。

The girl did not reappear。  Signs of animation along the main road
were limited。  One or two men went by; then a group of children
obviously on their way to school。  Albert yawned again; took the
silver cigarette case from his pocket and looked longingly at its
contents。  He wondered what his grandfather's ideas might be on the
tobacco question。  But his grandfather was not there then 。 。 。
and he might not return for some time 。 。 。 and 。 。 。  He took a
cigarette from the case; tapped; with careful carelessness; its end
upon the casehe would not have dreamed of smoking without first
going through the tapping processlighted the cigarette and blew a
large and satisfying cloud。  Between puffs he sang:

      〃To you; beautiful lady;
       I raise my eyes。
     My heart; beautiful lady;
       To your heart cries:
     Come; come; beautiful lady;
       To Par…a…dise;
     As the sweet; sweet'〃

Some one behind him said:  〃Excuse me。〃  The appeal to the
beautiful lady broke off in the middle; and he whirled about to
find the girl whom he had seen across the road and for whose
reappearance he had been watching at the window; standing in the
office doorway。  He looked at her and she looked at him。  He was
embarrassed。  She did not seem to be。

〃Excuse me;〃 she said:  〃Is Mr。 Keeler here?〃

She was a pretty girl; so his hasty estimate made when he had first
sighted her was correct。  Her hair was dark; so were her eyes; and
her cheeks were becomingly colored by the chill of the winter air。
She was a country girl; her hat and coat proved that; not that they
were in bad taste or unbecoming; but they were simple and their
style perhaps nearer to that which the young ladies of the Misses
Bradshaws' seminary had worn the previous winter。  All this Albert
noticed in detail later on。  Just then the particular point which
attracted his embarrassed attention was the look in the dark eyes。
They seemed to have almost the same disturbing quality which he had
noticed in his grandfather's gray ones。  Her mouth was very proper
and grave; but her eyes looked as if she were laughing at him。

Now to be laughed at by an attractive young lady is disturbing and
unpleasant。  It is particularly so when the laughter is from the
provinces and the laugheeso to speaka dignified and sophisticated
city man。  Albert summoned the said dignity and sophistication to
his rescue; knocked the ashes from his cigarette and said; haughtily:

〃I beg your pardon?〃

〃Is Mr。 Keeler here?〃 repeated the girl。

〃No; he is out。〃

〃Will he be back soon; do you think?〃

Recollections of Mr。 Price's recent remark concerning the missing
bookkeeper's 〃good start〃 came to Albert's mind and he smiled;
slightly。  〃I should say not;〃 he observed; with delicate irony。

〃Is IssyI mean Mr。 Price; busy?〃

〃He's out in the yard there somewhere; I believe。  Would you like
to have me call him?〃

〃Why; yesif you pleasesir。〃

The 〃sir〃 was flattering; if it was sincere。  He glanced at her。
The expression of the mouth was as grave as ever; but he was still
uncertain about those eyes。  However; he was disposed to give her
the benefit of the doubt; so; stepping to the side door of the
officethat leading to the yardshe opened it and shouted:
〃Price! 。 。 。  Hey; Price!〃

There was no answer; although he could hear Issachar's voice and
another above the rattle of lath bundles。

〃Price!〃 he shouted; again。  〃Pri…i…ce!〃

The rattling ceased。  Then; in the middle distance; above a pile of
〃two by fours;〃 appeared Issachar's head; the features agitated and
the forehead bedewed with the moisture of honest toil。

〃Huh?〃 yelled Issy。  〃What's the matter?  Be you hollerin' to me?〃

〃Yes。  There's some one here wants to see you。〃


〃I say there's some one here who wants to see you。〃

〃What for?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃Well; find out; can't ye?  I'm busy。〃

Was that a laugh which Albert heard behind him?  He turned around;
but the young lady's face wore the same grave; even demure;

〃What do you want to see him for?〃 he asked。

〃I wanted to buy something。〃

〃She wants to buy something;〃 repeated Albert; shouting。


〃She wants toBUYsomething。〃  It was humiliating to have to
scream in this way。

〃Buy?  Buy what?〃

〃What do you want to buy?〃

〃A hook; that's all。  A hook for our kitchen door。  Would you mind
asking him to hurry?  I haven't much time。〃

〃She wants a hook。〃

〃Eh?  We don't keep books。  What kind of a book?〃

〃Not bookHOOK。  H…O…O…K!  Oh; great Scott!  Hook!  HOOK!  Hook for
a door!  And she wants you to hurry。〃

〃Eh?  Well; I can't hurry now for nobody。  I got to load these
laths and that's all there is to it。  Can't you wait on him?〃
Evidently the customer's sex had not yet been made clear to the
Price understanding。  〃You can get a hook for him; can't ye?  You
know where they be; I showed ye。  Ain't forgot so soon; 'tain't

The head disappeared behind the 〃two by fours。〃  Its face was red;
but no redder than Mr。 Speranza's at that moment。

〃Fool rube!〃 he snorted; disgustedly。

〃Excuse me; but you've dropped your cigarette;〃 observed the young

Albert savagely slammed down the window and turned away。  The
dropped cigarette stump lay where it had fallen; smudging and

His caller looked at it and then at him。

〃I'd pick it up; if I were you;〃 she said。  〃Cap'n Snow HATES

Albert; his dignity and indignation forgotten; returned her look
with one of anxiety。

〃Does he; honest?〃 he asked。

〃Yes。  He hates them worse than anything。〃

The cigarette stump was hastily picked up by its owner。

〃Where'll I put it?〃 he asked; hurriedly。

〃Why don't you  Oh; don't put it in your pocket!  It will set you
on fire。  Put it in the stove; quick。〃

Into the stove it went; all but its fragrance; which lingered。

〃Do you think you COULD find me that hook?〃 asked the girl。

〃I'll try。  _I_ don't know anything about the confounded things。〃

〃Oh!〃 innocently。  〃Don't you?〃

〃No; of course I don't。  Why should I?〃

〃Aren't you working here?〃

〃Here?  Work HERE?  ME?  Well; IshouldsayNOT!〃

〃Oh; excuse me。  I thought you must be a new bookkeeper; oror a
new partner; or something。〃

Albert regarded her intently and suspiciously for some seconds
before making another remark。  She was as demurely grave as ever;
but his suspicions were again aroused。  However; she WAS pretty;
there could be no doubt about that。

〃Maybe I can find the hook for you;〃 he said。  〃I can try; anyway。〃

〃Oh; thank you ever so much;〃 gratefully。  〃It's VERY kind of you
to take so much trouble。〃

〃Oh;〃 airily; 〃that's all right。  Come on; perhaps we can find it

They were still looking when 
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