《majorie daw(马祖绿·多)》



majorie daw(马祖绿·多)- 第6部分

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correspondence I had no other purpose than to relieve the tedium of your 

sick…chamber。 Dillon told me to cheer you up。 I tried to。 I thought that you 

entered into the spirit of the thing。 I had no idea; until within a few days; 

that you were taking matters au grand serieux。 

    What can I say? I am in sackcloth and ashes。 I am a pariah; a dog of an 

outcast。 I tried to make a little romance to interest you; something soothing 

and idyllic; and; by Jove! I have done it only too well! My father doesn't 

know a word of this; so don't jar the old gentleman any more than you can 

help。 I fly from the wrath to comewhen you arrive! For oh; dear Jack; 

there   isn't   any  piazza;   there   isn't   any  hammockthere   isn't   any  Marjorie 



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