《criminal psychology》



criminal psychology- 第24部分

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most threadbare; out…worn sheep…skin; but a dress…coat he certainly would not buy; even if he could get it cheap; nor would he take it as a gift。 He leaves such clothes to others whose shabby elegance shows at a glance what they are。 Consider how characteristic are the clothes of discharged soldiers; of hunters; of officials; etc。 Who fails to recognize the dress of a real clerical; of democrats; of conservative…aristocrats? Their dress is everywhere as well defined as the clothing of Englishmen; Frenchmen; Germans; and Americans; formed not by climatic conditions but by national character in a specific and quite unalterable way。 Conceit; carelessness; cleanliness; greasiness; anxiety; indifference; respectability; the desire to attract attention and to be original; all these and innumerable similar and related qualities express themselves nowhere so powerfully and indubitably as in the way people wear their clothes。 And not all the clothes together; many a time a single item of dress betrays a character。

Section 20。 (7) _Physiognomy and Related Subjects_。

The science of physiognomy belongs to those disciplines which show a decided variability in their value。 In classical times it was set much store by; and Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; and Pythagoras were keenly interested in its doctrines。 Later on it was forgotten; was studied in passing when Baptista Porta wrote a book about human physiognomy; and finally; when the works of Lavater  and the closely related ones of Gall appeared; the science came for a short time into the foreground。 Lavater's well known monograph'1' excited great attention in his day and brought its author enthusiastic admiration。 How much Goethe was interested in it is indicated in the popular book by Von der Hellen and the exchange of letters between Goethe and Lavater。 If Lavater had not brought the matter into relation with his mystical and apodictic manner; if he had made more observations and fewer assertions; his fame would have endured longer and he would have been of some use to the science; as it was it soon slipped from people's minds and they turned to the notorious phrenology of Gall。 Gall; who to some degree had worked with his friend Spurzheim; committed the same error in his works'2' as Lavater; inasmuch as he lost himself in theories without scientific basis; so that much that was indubitably correct and indicative in his teaching was simply overlooked。 His meaning was twice validated; once when B。 v。 Cotta'3' and R。 R。 Noel'4' studied it intensively and justly assigned him a considerable worth; the second time when Lombroso and his school invented the doctrine of criminal stigmata; the best of which rests on the postulates of the much…scorned and only now studied Dr。 Gall。 The great physiologist J。 Mller declared: ‘‘Concerning the general possibility of the principles of Gall's system no a priori objections can be made。'' Only recently were the important problems of physiognomy; if we except the remarkable work by Schack;'5' scientifically dealt with。 The most important and significant book is Darwin's;'6' then the system of Piderit'7' and Carus's ‘‘Symbolik;'''8' all of them being based upon the earlier fundamental work of the excellent English anatomist and surgeon; Bell。'9' Other works of importance are those of LeBrun; Reich; Mantegazza; Dr。 Duchenne; Skraup; Magnus; Gessmann; Schebest; Engel; Schneider; K。 Michel; Wundt; C。 Lange; Giraudet; A。 Mosso; A。 Baer; Wiener; Lotze; Waitz; Lelut; Monro; Heusinger; Herbart; Comte; Meynert; Goltz; Hughes;

'1' J。 K。 Lavater: Physiognomische Fragmente zur Befrderung des Menschenkentniss und Mensehenliebe。 Leipzig 1775。

'2' F。 J。 Gall: Introduction au Cours du Physiologie du Cerveau。 Paris 1808。 Recherehes sur la systme nerveux。 Paris 1809。

'3' B。 v。 Cotta: Geschichte u。 Wesen der Phrenologie。 Dresden 1838。

'4' R。 R。 Noel: Die materielle Grundlage des Seelenbens。 Leipzig 1874。

'5' S。 Sehack: Physiognomisehe Studien。 Jena 1890。

'6' Darwin: Expression of the Emotions in Men and Animals。

'7' Th。 Piderit: Wissensehaftliches System der Mimik und Physiognomik。 Detmold 1867。

'8' Carus: Symbolik der Menschlichen Gestalt。 Leipzig 1858。

'9' C。 Bell: Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression。 London 1847。

 Bore。  Monro: Remarks on Sanity。  C。 F。 Heusinger: Grundriss der physiologischen u。 psychologisehen Anthropologie。 Eisenach 1829。  Herbart: Psychologische Untersuchung。 Gttingen 1839。  Comte: Systeme de Philosophie Positive。 Paris 1824。  T。 Meynert: Mechanik der Physiognomik。 1888。  F。 Goltz: ber Moderne Phrenologie。 Deutsehe Rundschau Nov。 … Dec。 1885。  H。 Hughes: Die Mimik des Menschen auf Grund voluntariseher Psychologie Frankfurt a。 M。 1900。  A。 Bor
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