《criminal psychology》



criminal psychology- 第82部分

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tieth year。 The periods are normally a solar monthfrom twenty…seven to twenty…eight days; and the menstruation lasts from three to five days。 After its conclusion the sexual impulse; even in otherwise frigid women; is in most cases intensified。 It is important; moreover; to note the fact that most women; during their periods; show a not insignificant alteration of their mental lives; often exhibiting states of mind that are otherwise foreign to them。

As in many cases it is impossible without other justification to ask whether menses have begun; it is worth while knowing that most women menstruate; according to some authorities; during the first quarter of the moon; and that only a few menstruate during the new or full moon。 The facts are very questionable; but we have no other cues for determining that menstruation is taking place。 Either the popularly credited signs of it (e。 g。; a particular appearance; a significant shining of the eyes; bad odor from the mouth; or susceptibility to perspiration) are unreliable; or there are such signs as feeling unwell; tension in the back; fatigue in the bones; etc。; which are much more simply and better discovered by direct interrogation; or examination by a physician。

If there is any suspicion that menstruation has influenced testimony or a crime; and if the other; especially the above…mentioned facts; are not against it; we are called upon to decide whether we are considering a mental event; due to the influence of menstruation。 Icard'1' has written the best monograph on this subject。

'1' Icard: La Femme dans la Periode Menstruelle。 Paris 1890。

Considering the matter in detail; our attention is first called to the importance of the beginning of menstruation。 Never is a girl  more tender or quiet; never more spiritual and attractive; nor more inclined to good sense; than in the beginning of puberty; generally a little before the menstrual periods have begun; or have become properly ordered。 At this time; then; the danger that the young girl may commit a crime is very small; perhaps smaller then at any other time。 And hence; it is the more to be feared that such a creature may become the victim of the passions of a rou
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