《criminal psychology》



criminal psychology- 第90部分

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d piety;in short; whatever may be useful。 This subjects the examining justice to the dangers and difficulties of being either too harsh; or being fooled。 He can save himself much trouble by remembering that in this simulation there is much dishonesty and few lies。 The simulation is rarely thorough…going; it is an intensification of something actually there。

And now think of the tears which are wept before every man; and not least; before the criminal judge。 Popular proverbs tend to undervalue; often to distrust tearful women。 Mantegazza'1' points out that every man over thirty can recall scenes in which it was difficult to determine how much of a woman's tears meant real  pain; and how much was voluntarily shed。 In the notion that tears represent a mixture of poetry and truth; we shall find the correct solution。 It would be interesting to question female virtuosos in tears (when women see that they can really teach they are quite often honest) about the matter。 The questioner would inevitably learn that it is impossible to weep at will and without reason。 Only a child can do that。 Tears require a definite reason and a certain amount of time which may be reduced by great practice to a minimum; but even that minimum requires some duration。 Stories in novels and comic papers in which women weep bitterly about a denied new coat; are fairy tales; in point of fact the lady begins by feeling hurt because her husband refused to buy her the thing; then she thinks that he has recently refused to buy her a dress; and to take her to the theatre; that at the same time he looks unfriendly and walks away to the window; that indeed; she is really a pitiful; misunderstood; immeasurably unhappy woman; and after this crescendo; which often occurs presto prestissimo; the stream of tears breaks through。 Some tiny reason; a little time; a little auto… suggestion; and a little imagination;these can keep every woman weeping eternally; and these tears can always leave us cold。 Beware; however; of the silent tears of real pain; especially of hurt innocence。 These must not be mistaken for the first。 If they are; much harm may be done; for these tears; if they do not represent penitence for guilt; are real evidences of innocence。 I once believed that the surest mark of such tears was the deceiving attempt to beat down and suppress them; an attempt which is made with elementary vigor。 But even this attempt to fight them off is frequently not quite real。

'1' Fisiologia del dolore。 Firenze 1880。

As with tears; so with fainting。 The greater number of fainting fits are either altogether false; or something between fainting and wakefulness。 Women certainly; whether as prisoners or witnesses; are often very uncomfortable in court; and if the discomfort is followed immediately by illness; dizziness; and great fear; fainting is natural。 If only a little exaggeration; auto…suggestion; relaxation; and the attempt to dodge the unpleasant circumstance are added; then the fainting fit is ready to order; and the effect is generally in favor of the fainter。 Although it is wrong to assume beforehand that fainting is a comedy; it is necessary to beware of deception。

An interesting question; which; thank heaven; does not concern the criminal justice; is whether women can keep their word。 When a criminalist permits a woman to promise not to tell anybody else  of her testimony; or some similar navet
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