《the mirror of kong ho》



the mirror of kong ho- 第29部分

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an animated mandarin; I know that you are keeping something back。 Be a

man and a brother; and out with it;〃 and he struck me heavily upon the

left shoulder; which among the barbarians is a proof of cordiality to

be esteemed much above the mere wagging of each other's hands。

〃In the matter of guidance;〃 I replied; 〃this person is ready to sit

unreservedly on your well…polished feet。 But touching the borrowing of

money; obligations to restore with an added sum after a certain

period; initial…bearing papers of doubtful import; and the like; I

have read too deeply the pointed records of your own printed sheets

not to prefer an existence devoted to the scraping together of dust at

the street corners; rather than a momentary affluence which in the end

would betray me into the tiger…like voracity of a native


〃Well; you do me proud; Kong;〃 said William Beveledge; after regarding

me fixedly for a moment。 〃If I didn't remember that you are a

flat…faced; slant…eyed; top…side…under; pig…tailed old heathen; I

should be really annoyed at your unwarrantable personalities。 Do you

take ME for what you call a 'native money…lender'?〃

The pronouncements of destiny are written in iron;〃 I replied

inoffensively; 〃and it is as truly said that one fated to end his life

in a cave cannot live for ever on the top of a pagoda。 Undoubtedly as

one born and residing here you are native; and as inexorably it

succeeds that if you lend me pieces of gold you become a money…lender。

Therefore; though honourably inspired at the first; you would equally

be drawn into the entanglement of circumstance; and the unevadible end

must inevitably be that against which your printed papers consistently

warn one。〃

〃And what is that?〃 asked Beveledge Greyson; still regarding me

closely; as though I were a creature of another part。

〃At first;〃 I replied; 〃there would be an alluring snare of graceful

words; tea; and the consuming of paper…rolled herbs; and the matter

would be lightly spoken of as capable of an easy adjustment; which;

indeed; it cannot be denied; is how the detail stands at present。 The

next position would be that this person; finding himself unable to

gather together the equivalent of return within the stated time; would

greet you with a very supple neck and pray for a further extension;

which would be permitted on the understanding that in the event of

failure his garments and personal charms should be held in bondage。 To

escape so humiliating a necessity; as the time drew near I would

address myself to another; one calling himself William; perchance; and

dwelling in a northern province; to whom I would be compelled to

assign my peach…orchard at Yuen…ping。 Then by varying degrees of

infamy I would in turn be driven to visit a certain Bevel of the

Middle Lands; a person Edge carrying on his insatiable traffic on the

southern coast; one Grey elsewhere; and a Mr。 Son; of the west; who

might make an honourable profession of lending money without any

security whatever; but who in the end would possess himself of my

ancestral tablets; wives; and inlaid coffin; and probably also obtain

a lien upon my services and prosperity in the Upper Air。 Then; when I

had parted from all comfort in this life; and every hope of affluence

in the Beyond; it would presently be disclosed that all these were in

reality as one person who had unceasingly plotted to my destruction;

and William Beveledge Greyson would stand revealed in the guise of a

malevolent vampire。 Truly that development has at this moment an

appearance of unreality; and worthy even of pooh…pooh; but thus is the

warning spread by your own printed papers and the records of your

Halls of Justice; and it would be an unseemly presumption for one of

my immature experience to ignore the outstretched and warning finger

of authority。〃

〃Well; Kong;〃 he said at length; after considering my words

attentively; 〃I always thought that your mental outlook was a hash of

Black Art; paper lanterns; blank verse; twilight; and delirium

tremens; but hang me if you aren't sound on finance; and I only wish

that you'd get some of my friends to look at the matter of borrowing

in your own reasonable; broad…minded light。 The question is; what


I replied that I leaned heavily against his sagacious insight; adding;

however; that even among a nation of barbarians one who could repeat

the three hundred and eleven poems comprising the Book of Odes from

beginning to end; and claim the degree 〃Assured Genius〃 would ever be

certain of a place。

〃Yes;〃 replied William Greyson;〃in the workhouse。 Put your degree in

your inside pocket; Kong; and don't mention it。 You'll have far more

chance as a distressed mariner。 The casual wards are full of B。A。's;

but the navy can't get enough A。B。's at any price。 What do you say to

an organ; by the way? Mysterious musicians generally go down well; and

I dare say there's room for a change from veiled ladies; persecuted

captains and indigent earls。 You ought to make a sensation。〃

〃Is it in the nature of melodious sounds upon winding a handle?〃 I

asked; not at the moment grasping with certainty to what organ he


〃Well; some call them that;〃 he admitted; 〃others don't。 I suppose;

now; you wouldn't care to walk to Brighton with your feet tied

together; or your hair in curl papers; and then get on at a music

hall? Or would there be any chance of your Legation kidnapping you if

it was properly worked? 'Kong Ho; the great Chinese Reformer; tells

the Story of his Life;'there ought to be money in it。 Are you a

reformer or the leader of a secret society; Kong?〃

〃On the contrary;〃 I replied; 〃we of our Line have ever been

unflinching in our loyalty to the dynasty of Tsing。〃

〃You ought to have known better; then。 It's a poor business being that

in your country nowadays。 Pity there are no bye…elections on the

African Labour Question; or you'd be snapped up for a procession。〃

To this I replied that although the idea of moving in a processional

triumph would readily ensnare the minds of the light and fantastic; I

should prefer some more literary occupation; submissively adding that

in such a case I would not stiffen my joints against the most menial

lot; even that of blending my voice in a laudatory chorus; or of

carrying official pronouncements about the walls of the city; for it

is said with justice; 〃The starving man does not peel his melon; nor

do the parched first wipe round the edges of the proffered cup。〃

〃If you've set your mind on something literary;〃 said Beveledge

confidently; 〃you have every chance of finishing up in a chorus or

carrying printed placards about the streets; certainly。 When it comes

to that; look me up in Eastcheap。〃 With this encouraging assurance of

my ultimate success he left me; and rejoicing that I had not fallen

into the snare of opposing a written destiny; I sought the literary

quarters of the city。


When this person has been able to write of any custom or facet of

existence here in a strain of conscientious esteem; he has not

hesitated to dip his brush deeply into the inkpot。 Reverting

backwards; this barbarian enactment of not permitting those who from

any cause have decided upon spending the night in a philosophical

abstraction to repose upon the public seats about the swards and open

spaces is not conceived in a mood of affable toleration。 Nevertheless

there are deserted places beyond the furthest limits of the city where

a more amiable full…face is shown。 On the eleventh day of this one's

determination to sustain himself by the exercise of his literary

style; he was journeying about sunset towards one of these spots;

subduing the grosser instincts of mankind by reviewing the wisdom of

the sublime Lao Ch'un; who decided that heat and cold; pain and

fatigue; and mental distress; have no real existence; and are

therefore amenable to logical disproof; while the cravings of hunger

and thirst are merely the superfluous attributes of a former and lower

state of existence; when a passer…by; who for some distance had been

alternately advancing before and remaining behind; matched his

footsteps into mine。

〃Whichee way walk…go; John; eh?〃 said this unfortunate being; who

appeared to be suffering from a laborious deformity of speech。 〃Allee

samee load me。 Chin…chin。〃

Filled with compassion for one who evidently found himself alone in a

strange land; in the absence of his more highly…accomplished

companion; unable to indicate his wants and requirements to those

about him; I regretfully admitted that I had not chanced to encounter

that John whose wandering footsteps he sought; and to indicate; by not

leaving him abruptly; that I maintained a sympathetic concern over his

welfare; I pointed out to him the exceptional brilliance of the

approaching night; adding that I myself was then directing a course

towards a certain spacious Heath; a few li distant in the north。

〃Sing…dance tomollow; then?〃 he said; with a condensed air of general

disappointment。 〃Chop…chop in a pay look…see show on HamHamstloh

damme! on 'Ampstead 'Eath? Booked up; eh; John?〃

Gradually convinced that it was becoming necessary to readjust the

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