


托福写作1000词- 第41部分

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persistence[p?r'sist?ns]n。 持续;坚持
例句 1。 Even though you lost the game; you also learned that persistence is necessary for victory and is good for your future career。 尽管你输掉了比赛,你也学习到了坚持对于赢得胜利是必须的,而且对你未来的职业生涯也有好处。
2。 The difficulties that we go through now will help develop our good personalities; such as persistence; independence and confidence which are valuable in our life。 我们现在所经历的困难都会有助于我们塑造好的性格,比如坚持、独立和自信,这些都是人生中十分宝贵的。
3。 Persistence is the first lesson that troubles teach us。 坚持是那些麻烦给我们上的第一堂课。
picky['piki]a。 挑剔的;难以取悦的
例句 1。 Parents should not spoil their children in case they become picky on food; for it is bad for their health and growth。 父母不应该溺爱孩子,以防他们对食物变得挑剔,这对他们的健康及生长发育都是不利的。
2。 I'm picky about the decoration of my own bedroom。 我对自己卧室的装潢十分挑剔。
同义 fussy(a。 爱挑剔的)
要点 fussy和picky都可以形容一个人“爱挑剔,难取悦”,可以替换使用。
pleasing['pli:zi?]a。 令人高兴的,愉快的;讨人喜欢的
搭配 pleasing performance 令人愉快的表演;pleasing experience 愉悦的经历;pleasing to the eye 赏心悦目的
例句 The arrangement of the furniture and facilities in my house created a pleasing atmosphere。 我房子里家具和设施的摆设营造出了一种愉快的氛围。
同义 comfortable(a。 舒服的)
precious['pre??s]a。 珍爱的;贵重的
例句 1。 People may argue that with the help of precooked and preprocessed food; they can save their precious time to do other things。 人们或许要争辩,由于预加工和预处理食物带来的方便,他们可以把宝贵的时间节省下来去做其他事情。
2。 However; because they did not take protective measures in the construction; many archaeologically precious artifacts were destroyed。 然而,由于他们在建设中没有采取保护措施,许多具有珍贵考古价值的文物因此遭到了破坏。
同义 cherished(a。 珍爱的);valuable(a。 有价值的)
要点 cherished也有“珍爱的”意思,但是并不强调被爱惜的对象是否贵重;valuable虽然也表示“有价值的”,但不像precious那样蕴含对事物的“喜爱”之情。
preference['prefr?ns]n。 偏爱;优先(权)
搭配 preference for/to 偏爱
例句 1。 People can feel free to express their preference to indoor activities or outdoor activities。 人们可以随意地表达自己偏爱室内活动还是室外活动。
2。 I have no reading preferences and I read books on different subjects。 我在读书方面没有特别的喜好,会阅读不同方面的书籍。
同义 favoritism(n。 偏袒)
要点 favoritism和preference的含义相近,但favoritism更多指“偏袒,偏爱”的含义,比如:I have no favoritism on him。
propensity[pr?'pens?ti]n。 倾向;癖好;习性
搭配 have a propensity for sth。 有…的倾向;a propensity to do sth。 喜欢做…,有做…的倾向
例句 My propensity for the choice is that the factory will offer lots of work opportunities; especially for people who live nearby。 我倾向于这个选择是因为工厂可以提供许多就业机会,尤其是提供给居住在附近的人们。
同义 inclination(n。 倾向)
reckless['rekl?s]a。 轻率的;鲁莽的
例句 In general; this kind of incidents involves reckless driving。 一般而言,这类事故涉及鲁莽的驾驶行为。
同义 irresponsible(a。 不负责任的)
refund['ri:f?nd]n。 偿还额;退款
例句 1。 Yelling at the sales person is not fair; and it does nothing helpful for you to get the refund。 冲销售人员大喊大叫并不公平,而且对你拿回退款毫无帮助。
2。 It's too late for you to get a refund according to the rules。 根据规定,你现在要回退款为时已晚。
respect[ri'spekt]v。 尊重;重视 n。 尊敬;方面
搭配 with respect to 关于,就…而言
例句 1。 You should respect your roommates' privacy since everyone has the right to have secrets。 你应该尊重你室友的隐私,因为每个人都有保留秘密的权利。
2。 From this case; we have learned how to get along with others and how to achieve self…respect。 从这个情况中,我们学到了如何与他人相处,以及如何实现自我尊重。
3。 In this respect; these two things have their common ground。 从这个方面来说,这两件事之间有共同点。
同义 aspect(n。 方面)
派生 respectable(a。 值得尊敬的)
ridiculous[ri'dikj?l?s]a。 荒唐的,可笑的
例句 1。 This saying is not only unreasonable; but also ridiculous。 这个说法不但毫无道理,而且十分荒唐可笑。
2。 Never have I heard such a ridiculous excuse。 我从来没有听过这么荒唐的借口。
同义 absurd(a。 可笑的)
sagacious[s?'gei??s]a。 聪明的,睿智的
例句 It is sagacious to spend more time on preparing and learning more details instead of making a wrong decision in a hurry。 花更多的时间来准备并了解更多细节,而不是匆忙中作出错误决定,这样才是明智的。
satisfaction[?s?tis'f?k?n]n。 满意;赔偿;乐事
例句 They also do their jobs for they enjoy working; and they get not only satisfaction; but also a sense of accomplishment。 他们也会因为享受工作过程而去做他们的工作,不但能因此获得满足感,还会有一种成就感。
反义 dissatisfaction(n。 不满)
satisfied['s?tisfaid]a。 感到满意的
例句 I think this saying is true that people will never be satisfied with what they have。 我认为这个说法是正确的,人们永远都不会满足于他们已经拥有的东西。
sensitive['sens?tiv]a。 敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤害的
搭配 be extremely sensitive to 对…尤其敏感
例句 1。 You must be sensitive and know when it is necessary to tell the truth。 你一定要敏感地知道什么时候有必要说出真相。
2。 A sensitive person will know that people have different characteristics such as honesty; intelligence and humor。 一个敏感的人能够明白人们有着不同的性格特点,比如诚实、机智和幽默。
同义 delicate(a。 精细的;敏锐的)
skeptical['skeptikl]a。 怀疑的
例句 Critics are skeptical about the accuracy of the narration of the artist。 评论家质疑这位艺术家的叙述的准确性。
同义 suspicious(a。 怀疑的)
要点 suspicious和skeptical相比更强调“多疑”。
suspense[s?'spens]n。 挂念;焦虑;不确定
搭配 keep。。。in suspense 保持悬念
例句 1。 The obligations of my family force me to live a stable life; but since I am young; I enjoy the suspense and adventure in my life。 来自家庭的义务迫使我过一种稳定的生活,但由于我还年轻,我享受生活的不确定性和冒险性。
2。 I asked him not to keep us in suspense any longer and tell the truth at once。 我要求他不要再瞒着我们,立刻告诉我们实情。
suspicious[s?'spi??s]n。 可疑的,令人怀疑的;多疑的
搭配 be suspicious of 对…起疑
例句 1。 The woman was suspicious and I couldn't understand her reaction for it was very strange。 这个女人很可疑,而且我不理解她那些十分奇怪的反应。
2。 It's suspicious that he didn't come home last night。 他昨天晚上没有回家,这很可疑。
swear[swer]v。 诅咒;宣誓
例句 I swear that you will take out the albums and play them with happy tears for you have found how you love your life and the world。 我发誓你会拿出这张专辑,流着幸福的泪花开始播放,因为你已经发现你热爱自己的生活以及这个世界。
要点 I swear that。。。这个句型可以用来表示某种承诺及保证,但这个句子比较口语化,也可以用I promise that。。。来替代。
sympathetic[?simp?'θetik]a。 感应的;有同情心的;体谅的;【物】共振的
搭配 sympathetic vibration 共振
例句 1。 A good co…worker is a sympathetic listener who never shows off his own knowledge and ability。 一位优秀的合作者应该是能够体谅他人的倾听者,永远不会炫耀自己的知识和能力。
2。 He is both sympathetic and considerate。 他既富有同情心,又善解人意。
tolerant['tɑ:l?r?nt]a。 宽容的;容忍的
例句 1。 Even though a group member should analyze things independently; he or she should be tolerant to different people's working habits。 尽管一名小组成员应该独立分析事情,但他们也应该能够宽容地对待不同人的工作习惯。
2。 In order to get a comprehensive understanding to this world; we need to be tolerant of another's background; opinions; and lifestyle。 为了全面地了解这个世界,我们要容忍他人的背景、观点,以及生活方式。
3。 The man who is prejudiced is not tolerant at all。 这个怀有偏见的男子毫不宽容。
tolerate['tɑ:l?reit]v。 忍受;容许;承认
例句 1。 I appreciate the subjectivity of art and literature and I think that we are free to tolerate; to criticize; and to accept various forms of art。 我欣赏艺术和文学的主观性,而且我认为我们可以自由地容忍、批评并接受各种形式的艺术。
2。 We should be aware of the fact that no one could tolerate our foolish behavior in society。 我们应该意识到这个事实:在这个社会中没有人能容忍我们的愚蠢行为。
同义 endure(v。 忍耐)
要点 tolerate和endure都有“忍耐”的意思:前者多强调“容忍,宽恕某件难以忍受的事情”,后者则更强调“持续”的含义,比如:This species endured the environmental changes。
trustworthy['tr?stw?:rei]a。 值得信赖的,可靠的
例句 We'd like to make friends with a humorous and easy…going person; but we should make sure if he or she is trustworthy。 我们喜欢和幽默且随和的人做朋友,但我们应该弄清楚这个人是否值得信赖。
unwilling[?n'wili?]a。 不情愿的
例句 Good managers know how to make full use of the employees' skills while poor ones stick on doing everything themselves and they are often unwilling to give any authority to others。 优秀的管理者了解应该如何充分利用员工的技能,而一个糟糕的管理者坚持事必躬亲,不愿意将权力赋予其他人。

abreast[?'brest]ad。 并列地,并排地
例句 1。 At that time; the pace of life was slower than it is now; hence people did not think that they had the need to keep themselves abreast of time or to know the affairs happening around them。 那时候,由于生活的节奏比现在要慢,因此人们并不认为他们需要赶上时代的步伐,或者是知道他们周遭发生的事情。
2。 Every child should know that it is dangerous to walk abreast on the street。 每个孩子都应该知道在街上并排走是十分危险的。
要点 abreast表示“并排”时,可以用短语side by side来替换。但这个单词也暗含“赶上…的节奏”的意味,这一点可以在短语keep abreast of中得到体现,也可以用catch up with来表达相同的含义。
absolute['?bs?lu:t]a。 完全的;绝对的;地道的
搭配 absolute zero 绝对零度;with absolute certainty 绝对肯定地
例句 For most of us; an environment of absolute quiet is suitable for study because the noise may distract us。 对于我们大多数人来说,完全安静的环境适合学习,因为噪音会让我们分心。
派生 absolutely(ad。 完全地;绝对地)
要点 absolute的副词形式absolutely在写作中十分常用,表示“绝对”的情况,比如:Although we can see the beautiful sceneries on TV; visiting these places in person is absolutely a good idea。
accordingly[?'k?:rdi?li]ad。 因此,所以,于是
例句 1。 Accordingly; it was our responsibility to take care of our parents since they had brougnt us up。 父母把我们抚养成人,因此我们有义务照顾他们。
2。 With the increasing number of 
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