《the last of the plainsmen》



the last of the plainsmen- 第39部分

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ry jangle of bells came from the forest; and presently Lawson appeared driving in the horses。 I caught my black and saddled him; then realizing we were soon to part I could not resist giving him a hug。

An hour later we all stood at the head of the trail leading down into the chasm。 The east gleamed rosy red。 Powell's Plateau loomed up in the distance; and under it showed the dark…fringed dip in the rim called the Saddle。 Blue mist floated round the mesas and domes。

Lawson led the way down the trail。 Frank started Old Baldy with the pack。

〃Come;〃 he called; 〃be oozin' along。〃

I spoke the last good…by and turned Satan into the narrow trail。 When I looked back Jones stood on the rim with the fresh glow of dawn shining on his face。 The trail was steep; and claimed my attention and care; but time and time again I gazed back。 Jones waved his hand till a huge jutting cliff walled him from view。 Then I cast my eyes on the rough descent and the wonderful void beneath me。 In my mind lingered a pleasing consciousness of my last sight of the old plainsman。 He fitted the scene; he belonged there among the silent pines and the yellow crags。

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