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ond what we normally do; but we thought this was an incredible opportunity for the kids;〃 says Frezzo。 
According to Jai Gosine; another Academy teacher at TMAHS; 〃Certification is the biggest benefit〃 for the school's nearly 70 Cisco Networking Academy students; who are spread among three classes。 〃Potential employers of students who earn their Cisco Certified Networking Associate status will feel comfortable hiring them;〃 he says; 〃because they'll know these students have acquired a set of practical; valuable skills。〃
The Academy is also project…based; with students addressing challenges drawn from the real world of networking … and finding solutions that work; not only in theory but in the model networks built and tested in the lab。
〃A lot of people use these clichés; but they're really true;〃 says Frezzo; 〃The old style of teaching was 'the sage on the stage。' Now we're trying to be the 'guide on the side;' helping in counseling and problem solving。 
Senior Ricky Jackson notes; 〃The lessons aren't based on homework or tests so much。 We do more hands…on work。〃 
The project…based learning format helps truly instill skills that otherwise might be forgotten soon after the final exam; Jai Gosine explains。 〃A student's level of learning is determined by the form of assessment。 In our case; it's not how much they can regurgitate; but how much they can do。〃 Adds Frezzo: 〃Projects provide the ultimate in performance assessments。 Was the job complete? Did the network work; with no excuses?〃
For Jenica Lee; a TMAHS senior with tentative plans to pursue computer science in college; the interactive; project…based format of the Academy helps students develop into problem solvers。 〃I think you learn more; because you encounter problems and have to work through them to figure out the solution;〃 Lee observes。 〃It's also more fun。〃
The pride is evident in Ricky Jackson's voice as he describes how during their first full semester in the Academy he and 23 fellow team members 〃wired the San Jose Convention Center for the California Community Colleges in Education Foundation Technology Conference。 Die…hard students on the project began early on a Sunday; working eight hours with teachers and Cisco mentors to provide state…of…the…art high…speed Internet access to vendor booths and seminar rooms。 
〃Vendors; presenters; and the Foundation found it to be an invaluable service;〃 remarked David Springett; the foundation's president。 〃Cisco's partnership with the high school students demonstrated how private industry's active involvement in education can advance students' skills and future prospects。〃
〃In the advanced courses; the spirit of the curriculum is to make the network self sustaining and apprentice students to the school district;〃 Gosine says。 〃There's no way school districts have enough money to hire the expertise they're going to need to maintain stable networks。 This is a way to accomplish that goal。 It's a win for everyone involved。〃
Academy students also will be applying their skills in local middle and elementary schools; which 〃makes the vision of 'Internet everywhere' more attainable;〃 Frezzo says。
Cisco Academy Recent News 
Cisco Kids: High School Networking Classes Pay off
Shanley Rhodes; InfoWorld Electric
Like many high school graduates about to embark on a four…year college education; 18…year…old Tameca Smith spent last summer earning money for the coming year's expenses。 But unlike other recent graduates; Smith was not flipping burgers or watching over the pool。 Instead; she was helping train high…school teachers from across southeastern North Carolina about the basic principles of networking。 (1998)
Time Warner Announces First Corporate Sponsorship of Cisco Systems' Networking Academy Program
Company Press Release; Business Wire
Time Warner Inc。 and Cisco Systems Inc。 have signed a groundbreaking agreement to establish programs at 10 New York City public high schools that will teach students to design; build and maintain computer networks; leading to high…paying jobs in the private sector。 (9/28/98)
More Computer Experts Needed
Jason Blevins; Denver Post
As hundreds of rural and urban schools across the state merge onto the information superhighway; school administrators and principals are scrambling to find skilled personnel who can manage the often daunting networking systems。 (6/17/98)
Cisco Plans Networking Academies In Philippines
Erwin Lemuel G。 Oliva and Henry L。 Pagauitan; Metropolitan Computer Times
Cisco has been working closely with the Philippine government; particularly with education agencies; as the company introduces the Cisco Networking Academy program to high schools in the Philippines。 (5/19/98)
Garner High Trains Young Networkers
Chris O'Brien; The News & Observer
While most high school students are satisfied with surfing the Internet; students at Garner High School in North Carolina are learning how to build it through the guidance of the Cisco Networking Academy program。 (5/7/98)
Vocational Education Goes High Tech
Yvonne Simons; WRAL Online
In addition to traditional vocational education courses in automotive mechanics; cosmetology; and carpentry; high schools are now giving students hands…on training in the computer networking industry。 (5/6/98)
Everybody Learn Cisco
Randolph Court; Wired News
〃What began as one man's effort to train staff for school networks has blossomed into an ambitious international program to provide professional training for an entire generation of students。〃 (5/1/98)
New Computer Networking Youth Apprenticeship to Start in Fall
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development; News Release
Gov。 Tommy Thompson today announced an agreement by the State with Cisco to bring high…tech education and training across the state。 The youth apprenticeship program is one part of that effort。 (4/30/98)
Still in School? Check Out the New Shop Class。
Washington Post
The Post highlights the Cisco Networking Academy program in their 〃Guide to Going High…tech Guide。〃 (4/22/98)
Marshall University and Cisco Systems Launch Regional Networking Academy
Cisco Systems; Inc。
The 〃Schools to Work〃 movement in West Virginia received a major boost with the announcement that Marshall University has been selected as the state's first Cisco Regional Networking Academy。 (4/17/98) 
Computer Giants Look to Students
Mary Ann Zehr; EdWeek
Student and teacher excitement surrounds information…technology training programs such as the Cisco Networking Academy program; which teaches students how to design and build computer networks。 (4/15/98)
Internet High School
Jennifer Jones; Civic
San Francisco's Thurgood Marshall Academic High School is one of Cisco's first Networking Academies; a program that aims to equip inner…city and rural high school students with employable skills while stocking the information technology work force。 (4/1/98)
Cisco Establishes Networking Academies in Inner City Schools
Robert Bellinger; Electronic Engineering Times
Cisco Systems establishes Cisco Networking Academies in inner…city high schools to train and certify students to design; build; and maintain computer networks。 (3/16/98)
Vice President Gore Praises Networking Academies
Cisco Systems; Inc。
Vice President Gore praises Cisco Systems' commitment to place Networking Academies in all Empowerment Zones by end of 1998。 (2/26/98)
Virginia Community College System Announces Partnership with Cisco Systems to Provide High…Tech Training
Cisco Systems; Inc。
Lieutenant Governor John Hager officially signs a Letter of Commitment to establish Cisco Networking Academies at community colleges and high schools throughout Virginia。 (2/25/98)
The Skills Gap
Kelly Barron; Forbes Magazine
Companies in manufacturing; financial services; and high…tech industries are experiencing shortages of skilled…labor。 To address the challenge; Cisco Systems has developed an educational program that teaches students information…technology skills。 (2/23/98)
Action On IT Skills Gap
Karen M。 Carrillo; Information Week Online
In an effort to increase the supply of IT workers; Cisco Systems and Oracle both launch initiatives to improve high school… and college…level training。 (11/24/97)
Video News Release
Cisco Systems; Inc。
This two…minute video describes the Cisco Networking Academy program as the 〃Shop of the 21st Century。〃 (11/4/97)
Cisco's Kids Dive into Labor Pool 
Andrew Zajac; San Francisco Examiner 
Cisco is training students to become Internet technicians which not only provides convenient; on…site skilled labor for maintenance of Cisco…installed school computer networks but also increases the nation's supply of network technicians。 (10/19/97)
Tech Labor Pool Shallow  Cisco Systems tries to reverse the trend by training future candidates
Casey Wian; CNNfn
Students at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles are learning theory; hardware; and applications of computer networking。 Cisco now has 57 academies in high schools and junior colleges in seven states; and expects to have more than 400 nationwide by next year。 (10/9/97)
Job…Training Initiative Aims to Fill High…Tech Slots
Joetta L。 Sack; Education Week
Cisco Systems launches an education initiative which prepares students for the increasing number of available information…technology jobs。 (10/8/97)
S。F。 Students Network on Capitol Hill … Senator Boxer Leads High…Tech Forum with San Jose Firm 
Carolyn Lochhead; San Francisco Chronicle 
Students from Thurgood Marshall High School in San Francisco joined with San Jose's Cisco Systems in Washington yesterday to push technology in public schools。 (10/2/97)
Press Release
Cisco Systems; Inc。
Cisco Systems Chairman of the Board; John Morgridge; announces the nationwide launch of the Cisco Networking Academy program at a press conference in Washington; DC。 (10/1/97)
Title: System Engineer  
Location: Beijing
Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales…Asia
Familiar with cable TV related technology such as HFC/SDH preferred TCP/IP or WAN or Access Server technology; with minimum 3 years engineering/installation/pre…sale experience。
You will work closely with the Cisco Account Managers; providing pre…sales technical and network design support to Cisco partners and customers alike。 You will be 
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