


英语听力突破掌上宝reading- 第38部分

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 Lady their latest project。 
The First Lady has also worked tirelessly to reform our nation's foster care system and promote adoption。 Through meetings with adoptive families and children in foster care; writings and speeches; the First Lady has focused on making it easier for children to move from foster care to permanent homes; and on increasing the number of adoptions。 The First Lady played an important role in legislative reform; and was central to the passage of the Adoption and Safe Family Act of 1997。 
In addition to her work at home; the First Lady serves as a goodwill ambassador for the United States during her visits abroad。 From Europe to Asia; Africa to Latin America; the First Lady takes her message of human rights; health care; and economic empowerment for women across the globe。 During her trips; the First Lady has advocated for human rights; promoted microcredit as a means to economic self…sufficiency; pushed for equality in education for girls and boys; and spoken of the importance of health care with an emphasis on meeting the critical needs of women and children; including family planning and safe motherhood。 She has also been a leading voice for democracy building; for women's rights; and for the developing of a voluntary sector in emerging democracies。 Here; the First Lady visits a synagogue in Bukhara; Uzbekistan during her November 1997 trip。  
One of Mrs。 Clinton's responsibilities as First Lady is to oversee the White House special events。 Here; a child at the 1998 Easter Egg Roll pushes his egg along the South Lawn。  
The holiday season is another popular time at the White House。 Every year; the Christmas tree in the Blue Room is a favorite attraction for the tour goers。 For Christmas 1997; the President and First Lady chose Santa's Workshop as the holiday theme; and invited artists from around the country to design ornaments for the tree; including creative versions of 〃Santa's suit〃; designed by fashion designers; along with glass and needlepoint ornaments depicting characters; scenes; and imagery from Santa's Workshop。 Here; the First Lady shows visitors a few of her favorite ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree。 
The First Lady loves art; and she has said that sculpture is one of her favorite art forms。 In fact; her first date with President Clinton was in the sculpture garden at Yale University。 As First Lady; Mrs。 Clinton worked with the Committee for the Preservation of the White House; and the White House Historical Society to bring an exhibit of contemporary American sculpture to the White House。 
The current installation in the series; 〃Twentieth Century American Sculpture at the White House;〃 is subtitled 〃Honoring Native America〃。 This is the first showing ever in the nation's capitol of a large and representative collection of contemporary Native American sculpture。 Previous installations have focused on the different geographical regions of the country。 In establishing this exhibit; the First Lady wanted to showcase the best of American sculpture; in America's home; making it accessible to the thousands of people who visit the White House everyday。 
Like her predecessors; First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton brings to the role of First Lady of the United States her own special talents; experience; and interests。 
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Joke Of The Day
Section two
Humor! Humor! Humor!
A little boy came home from school one day and told his mother 〃Mom; today I heard some older kids using some words I dont know the meaning of。 Can you tell me what they mean?〃 〃Sure〃 his mother said 〃Just tell me what they are。〃 The little boy replied 〃Pussy and bitch。〃His mother said 〃No problem。 A pussy is a cat; like the neighbor's Tabby; and a bitch is afemale dog; like our Sandy。〃 The boy thanked his mother; and then went out to the garage; where his father was working。 〃Dad〃 he began 〃Today I heard some kids using some wordsthat I dont know the meaning of。 I asked Mom; but I dont think that she gave me the right answer。 Can you help me?〃 〃Sure〃 his father replied 〃What are the words?〃 〃Pussy and bitch〃 the boy replied。 His father said 〃I thought I told you any time you have a question like that; you were supposed to ask me; and not your mother; because she cant handle it。〃 With that;he reached up on a shelf and pulled down an edition of Playboy magazine; and a Magic Marker。 He then took the marker; and drew a circle around the woman's genital area。 〃Son〃 he began 〃everything inside this circle is a pussy。〃 〃Okay; his son said; 〃but what is a bitch。〃 His father said 〃Everything outside this circle〃。
Section three
The ambassador of a small African nation chanced to visit Russia; and was entertained by his opposite number;the Russian ambassador。 For three days; the
African ambassador was wined; dined; and generally treated to the best hospitality that Russia had to offer。On the final day of his visit; the Russian ambassador said 〃As your stay is coming to an end; it is time for you to play our traditional game; Russian Roulette。 One of the six chambers of this gun is loaded … you spin the cylinder; point the gun at your head and pull the trigger。〃 This phased the African slightly; but he was a proud man of a warrior people; and to show fear would be unthinkable。 Both men took their guns; spun; and pulled the triggers。 Both chambers were empty; and both ambassadors breathed a sigh of relief。The African ambassador was much impressed with the courageous game; and thought hard about the subject before the Russian ambassador was due to visit his  country next year。 When the visit came; the African ambassador treated the Russian with all hospitality; and he had been treated; until the final day of his stay。
Leading him to a private room in the palace; the African said 〃Now it is time for you to sample our game; African roulette。〃 So saying; he led the Russian into the room; the only occupants of which were six beautiful naked women。The African ambassador said 〃 These women are the most beautiful members of one of our tribes。 Any one of them will give you a blow job。。。 You make the choice。〃 The Russian was not entirely adverse to this idea; but he couldn't see the connection with Russian roulette。 He said 〃Well; that is fine; but where's the roulette part?〃 With a big grin on his face; the African ambassador answered; 〃One of them is a cannibal。〃 
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