


英语听力突破掌上宝reading- 第4部分

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You will work closely with the Cisco Account Managers; providing pre…sales technical and network design support to Cisco partners and customers alike。 You will be called on to make technical presentations; answer technical questions regarding specific applications; as well as to support customer installations and configurations。 As with all positions at Cisco; you will be a part of the company recently ranked (Fortune…Jan '97) as the 25th best company to work for in the U。S。
Contact: Sylvia P。S。 Chong: 
Posted to CCO: Dec 17 
Title: North China Regional 2…tier Channel Manager 
Location: Beijing 
Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales…Asia 
Requisition: 800131 
To develop and sell through the 2nd…tier resellers in the North China area … 3 Provinces in Northeast China; Shangdong and Henan。 Work with Territory AM in Enterprise to cover the above geographical area through 2…tier sales model。 
2+ years sales experience in networking company; preferable in the 2…tier channel management; 2+ years experience in China IT distribution business; Sound sales record。 
Contact: Sylvia P。S。 Chong: schong@cisco 
Posted to CCO: Dec 17 
Assortment cool dishes
Part I
For sale or rental only by authorized sublicnsees of Warner Home Video in Hong Kong。 The Philippines。 Taiwan and Thailand。 For private home use only。 Any unauthorized reproduction。 Distribution or exhibition of this VCD。 Or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such actionestablishes liability for civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution。 Manufactursd in USA。 “Dolby” is trademark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation。
@Stay Connected! Overview 
Unlimited Internet Access? Not!
Many netizens'fish2' ; including myself; subscribed to a so…called unlimited Internet Access?modem dial…up plan provided by many local or national Internet Service Providers (ISP)。 However; such advertisement is often misleading。 Every time I left my modem connection unattended for a certain period of time (roughly 15 minutes) and walked away from my computer; the moment when I was back to my desk to get ready to surf the net; I found that the modem connection is dropped'fish3' 。 Bad phone…line? Maybe; but how it occurred so frequently with such a consistent timing?
I decided to find out what has actually gone wrong with my phone line by experimenting with extended period of non…stop net surfing。 To my amazement; never once I had a bad phone…line connection。
Another problem is even more irritating to me: trying to dial…up my ISP just to get a repeated busy modem signal。 Once I got a connection; I don want to be disconnected。 Ok I selfish; but I抳e already paid my subscription fee!
The truth Is ?Ok; it is time to check the Internet newsgroup for such weird behavior。 After posting a mail to the newsgroup; I got a few responses。 Many told me this was not the fault of my phone line though sometimes it might happen。 The problem is mainly due to my Internet Service Provider (ISP)。 They have limited modem port; ranging from a ratio of 1:20 to 1:40; i。e。 1 modem serves 20 to 40 subscribers。 During the peak hours; many subscribers have extreme difficulties trying to get connected: either the line is busy; or the TCP/IP protocol is not being established even after being connected。
Now I got the whole picture。 Immediately I thought about remedies。 A sudden inspiration came to me one night: why not write a 〃hassle…free〃 program; place it in the startup folder every time the computer starts; and have it automatically placed in the taskbar (or tray notification area)? Spice it up with some animation to tell me the status of the connection; I l never have to see a dropped modem connection anymore! I can now surf with impunity with the utility working in the background to ensure I never lose a connection。
I have tested the program countless times running continuously for more than 24 hours without a dropped connection。 A user even reported more than 300 hours continuous online without a dropped connection! Of course this program will not help if a bad phone line occurs or if you lose power; but this is rare; according to my experience'fish4' 。
I hope that you find this utility as useful as I do。 Just a friendly reminder; please register this program if you do。 Thank you for your registration support!
@Confession of Cover girl
Choy Ying from Quinhai
〃Where I live in Quinhai province; there are not many people。 In particular there are not many girls。 Everyone here wants boys to run the farms。 Sometimes they leave girl babies in orphanages; or worse。 Luckily; my parents wanted me; and now I'm one of the few girls in town。〃 
〃I'm not really a prostitute。 I call myself a playgirl; because I like to have a good time with men。 If they choose to give me gifts of jewelry or clothes or money; that's fine with me。 I'm happy here in my sung little bedroom; with my nice comfortable bed; with plenty of men to kiss my lips; stroke my breasts; and fuck my pussy; with its peach fuzz hairs。〃
〃Lots of men have wanted to marry me; but I don't want to get married。 All marriage means around here is hard work。 Women must fetch and carry and cook and clean and wait on me。 No thanks! I like the easy life…and the way for me to have it is to have many boyfriends。〃 
〃The men here all love me…but the other women hate me。 That's because I have a good time。 I didn't fall into the trap they did。 I love being a playmate。 I love sex; and I'm good at it。 I can bend my body into all kinds of wild positions for fucking。 I love to spread my legs wide open and kind of sit up。 This makes a cock go really deep into my almost hairless cunt and I cum like crazy。〃
Copyright ?1996; Babenet; LTD。 All rights reserved。
Shelly Zhu from Jiangsu
〃The province I was born in is famous for its pretty girls。 Ever since I can remember people have been raving about by 'fish5' beauty。 My parents saved up to buy me the right kind of clothes; and they entered me in every type of beauty contest they could find。 I won lots of prizes and wore the crown many times。〃 
〃At first being recognized for my beauty made me happy and excited。 I loved hearing compliments and getting applause。 But in time the thrill wore off and I began to get tired of people always talking about my looks。 They would treat me like an inanimate'fish6'  object; a thing。 Even one of the titles I won; 〃The Jewel of Jiangsu〃 describes me as something hard and cold…a shiny precious stone。〃 
〃I was always supposed to look and act perfect。 My parents were so strict about who I dated that men didn't dare try and seduce me。 They treated me like a doodad or statuette which they liked to be seen with in public。 〃I am a flesh and blood woman。;〃 I wanted to cry out; 〃strip my clothes off and make love to me!〃 
〃Finally I know I had to get away。 In spite of'fish7'  my parents' protests I took my prize money and moved to a place of my own。 I enrolled in art school; and now like every other young girl I have a boyfriend and a sex life。 I even shaved all the hair off my pussy as an act of independence。 I posed for these photos to prove once and for all that I am a flesh and blood woman; not an object; and I hope you experience me as such。〃 
Copyright ?1996; Babenet; LTD。 All rights reserved。
Kate Sing from Hong Kong
〃I work very hard as an investment banker in Hong Kong。 Not too many women are in this field。 I was able to get into it because of my father’s and grandfather's influence。 My work is very exciting; but it's nerve…wracking too。 As a woman I have to constantly fight prejudices and stereotypes; and I have to constantly prove myself on the job front。〃 
〃By the time the weekend comes; I'm ready to jump out of my skin; my nerves are shot。 I'm exhausted; but I'm too keyed up to sleep。 The best way I've found to relax is to do sports。 The second best way is to have sex。 Since I don't have a boyfriend now; I have to do both all by myself。〃 
〃I go to my special weekend retreat in the country。'fish8'  My grandmother left me a small cottage out in the middle of nowhere。 It's perfect; because there's no one to see me or bother me。 I go skateboarding for hours; and on hot days I skateboard in the nude! It's a fun way to get exercise and work up a good sweat。 I love it!〃 
〃Exercising in the nude gets me sexually aroused。 At times I lie back on the grass and masturbate myself to a deep; satisfying cum。 Other times I lay my wet; naturally hairless cunt down on the skateboard and literally skate my way to a wild; slippery climax! It's a good thing it's deserted here; or I'd probably get arrested!〃
Copyright ?1996; Babenet; LTD。 All rights reserved。
Some Amativeness stories
Peeping Guide
Reproduced from V…Man's homepage for your enjoyment
All material within this webpage is copywritten 1996 by V…MAN !!
OK; here's the UK Peeping Guide in full … and there's a lot of it! If you want to use extracts for your web page feel free。。。。 If anyone wishes to *contribute* to the Guide they can e。mail me via the anon server at an284654。
The following are extracts from A PEEPERS GUIDE … The Why; How; Where and When of Voyeurism。 UK EDITION。 1。4 … SEPTEMBER '95
… What is voyeurism?
… 〃Accidental〃 peeping。 Places Props Techniques
… 〃Planned Peeping〃 Equipment Places Techniques
… The Legal Position
1。 The attraction of voyeurism。
What is the appeal of voyeurism? Why is it an undeniable fact that a woman taking her clothes off at a strip…show is entertaining but unlikely to inspire many erections? Strange but true。 Yet if the same woman crossed her legs on the way home and inadvertently gave a brief view of her panties most men catching that fleeting glimpse would feel a distinct stirring of the loins?
The answer is; of course; that the glimpse of panty as a woman crosses her legs; the fleeting; unintended exposure of a nipple; is 〃forbidden fruit〃; a prize to be treasured all the more for the fact that it was given without consent。 The stripper and the female nudist give consent for men to look at their bodies the woman who displays her panties by accident does not。
So a simple definition of voyeurism is 〃looking without consent〃。 The following is an attempt to make those 〃looks〃 more frequent and better quality。
It may b
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