


英语听力突破掌上宝reading- 第8部分

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face while she sucked him off。 I couldn't believe this; all I wanted was to see the chick naked; and here I get to see them 69。 They did this for about 5 or 10 minutes。 I think he got her off again。 Then she laid on her back and he mounted her。 She moaned really loud; and wrapped her legs around his waist as he fucked her。 The poor guy must have been more worked up by then; because he only lasted about 2 minutes at most。 When they were done; they just laid there in the same position; and she tried about 5 minutes later to get him to do it again; but he wasn't man enough I guess。 I went back a few times after this hoping for some more; but all I ever saw again was her reading a book or watching television。
Author: Anonymous
Margo swung her racquet at the ball; driving it sharply to the front wall 
just above ankle height。 The ball hit with a sharp splat and caromed off 
at an angle toward the left side wall。 Larry raced forward and just 
managed to get his racquet on the ball and return it。 Margo waited for 
the high shot to come down and smashed another wicked shot; this time 
driving it toward the back right corner。 Larry tried desperately to reach 
the ball before it bounced a second time; but his dive was just short and 
the ball dribbled onto the floor。 
〃Game!〃 called Margo。 〃I win fifteen to four。〃 She walked over and 
helped Larry to his feet。 〃Good game。〃 
〃Thanks;〃 gasped Larry; looking up at her。 〃Got time for another?〃 
〃Nope; time for me to get to work;〃 Margo answered。 
〃Come on Margo; let me try to win one。〃 
〃Sorry; guy; you're just going to have to wait a while;〃 said Margo。 
〃Besides; I've beaten you every time we've played。 Aren't you getting 
tired of losing?〃 
〃Well; now that you mention it; yeah;〃 answered Larry。 〃Let's see; so 
far you've beaten me in the only marathon we ran together; killed me at 
tennis; squash; handball; golf; and racquetball; and even mated me the 
only time we played chess。〃 He shook his head slowly。 〃I'm running 
out of things to try。〃 
〃Face it babe; you're just not in my league。 I'm quicker; smarter; faster; 
and stronger than you are。〃 Margo smirked and added; 〃Maybe you 
should hit the weight room a little more and the dining room a little 
〃Hey; now; let's not get nasty;〃 snapped Larry。 〃I'm in pretty good shape 
for a guy who works at a desk forty hours a week。 Besides; who says 
you're stronger than I am? I'm willing to concede that you're faster; 
maybe even smarter; but there's no way you're stronger than me。〃 
Margo's face froze。 〃Watch it buddy。 You're mouth's writing checks 
your body can't cash;〃 she growled。 
〃What the hell does that mean?〃 Larry demanded。 
〃It means; how do you know I'm not stronger than you are?〃 
〃Because men are stronger than women;〃 replied Larry。 
Margo threw her head back and roared with laughter。 〃Why; you 
chauvinistic; conceited; stupid idiot;〃 Margo said; wiping sweat off her 
face。 〃I'll admit that some men are stronger than some women。 That 
doesn't mean you are stronger than me! It just doesn't work that way。 
Have you ever seen any evidence that I'm not stronger than you are?〃 
〃Well; no。 I've never seen your arms or legs; you always wear long 
sleeves and pants; and you always work out in an oversized sweatsuit。〃 
〃And you've never seen me lift weights; either。 On the other hand; I've 
seen your arms and legs; Skinny。 I've got a pretty good idea of your 
strength。〃 A smile touched Margo's lips briefly。 〃So let's go on the 
evidence you've got。〃 
〃Well; you're a couple of inches taller than I am;〃 Larry mused。 〃You've 
got a pretty athletic build; from what I can see。 But I still can't believe 
you're stronger than me。〃 
〃What would it take to convince you? Do you want to see who can lift 
more weight?〃 
〃Weightlifting's no good; technique means as much as strength。〃 Larry 
thought a second。 〃I used to be a pretty good wrestler in college。 Why 
don't we wrestle to see who's stronger?〃 
Margo laughed again。 〃You think the stronger wrestler always wins? 
You've admitted you know something about the sport; what if I don't? 
I'd say that would give you something of an advantage; wouldn't you?〃 
She shook her head; sending drops of perspiration to the floor。 〃Boy; 
talk about trying to stack the deck in your favor。〃 Margo stepped closer 
to Larry; forcing him back a step。 〃However; it does give me an idea。 A 
contest with five parts。〃 Margo poked a finger into Larry's chest as she 
ticked off the different tests。 〃Arm wrestling; leg wrestling; a tug of 
war; simultaneous bear hugs; and simultaneous head scissors。 The 
winner of three of the 'tests of strength' is declared the stronger; and the 
loser has to be the winner's servant for a month。〃 
〃Well; I'm not sure。。。〃 
〃What's the matter; big talker; losing your nerve?〃 
〃You're on; Margo;〃 said Larry angrily。 〃Where are we going to do this; 
and who can we get to referee?〃 
〃I know a private gym; and the owner will be glad to act as referee。 
〃How about tomorrow night?〃 
〃Eight o'clock?〃 
〃You're on! See you then。〃 Larry headed off to the showers。 
Margo smiled。 〃Yeah; Larry; see you then;〃 she said softly。 She bent 
down and picked up the racquetball in her left hand。 With a slow; steady 
increase in pressure she squeezed the ball until it split。 Margo laughed; 
then dropped the mutilated ball to the floor and headed to the locker 
Larry's telephone rang the next morning。 〃Hello;〃 he said。 
〃Hi; Sweetie; guess who?〃 Margo's voice purred。 
〃Yeah; Margo; what's up?〃 
〃Here's the address of the gym for tonight's little contest。 Ready?〃 
〃Margo; are you sure you want to do this?〃 
〃What's the matter; getting cold feet?〃 the voice taunted。 〃Chicken。。。〃 
〃Just give me the damn address;〃 he snarled。 Larry grabbed a pen and 
paper and wrote the address down。 〃Eight o'clock; right?〃 he said。 
〃Right you are; Babe。 Don't be late;〃 Margo warned。 〃By the way; I've 
invited some friends along to watch。 Is that okay with you; or will you 
be too embarrassed to get beat in front of a crowd?〃 
〃Bring along whoever you want; big talker。 I just hope they won't be too 
disappointed when you lose;〃 Larry retorted。 
〃My; aren't we confident!〃 teased Margo。 〃See you later。〃 Larry slammed 
the phone down。 〃Bitch!〃 he muttered。 
Larry arrived at the designated address at a quarter to eight that 
evening。 He parked his car in front of a square; run down two story building。 
A sign above the door read 〃Dominique's Amazon Gym … Members Only〃。 
A tall young black woman dressed in a sweat suit and smoking a cigar 
leaned against the wall next to the door with her arms crossed。 〃You 
Larry?〃 she asked。 
〃Come on in。 Everyone's here。〃 She tossed away the cigar; then opened 
the door and motioned Larry through into a hallway that smelled of 
leather; liniment; and sweat。 〃Sorry there's no men's locker room; never 
needed one;〃 the woman continued。 〃We cleaned out a utility closet for 
you。〃 She indicated a door on the right。 〃Hope it's big enough。〃 
〃It'll do。 Thanks; uh。。。〃 
〃Name's Dominique。〃 As the woman stuck out a large paw and shook 
Larry's hand; he noticed that her shoulders were exceptionally wide and 
she towered above him by a good seven inches。 〃When you're dressed; 
just walk up those stairs at the end of the hall。 Good luck; Larry。〃 
Dominique turned on her heel; and he thought he heard her mutter; 
〃You'll need it。〃 She walked off with long; confident strides。 
Larry changed to shorts and a tee shirt。 He tied his sneakers tightly and 
did a couple of knee bends in the cramped space of the small closet。 He 
was beginning to regret that he had ever gotten into this; but was too 
stubborn to back down now。 
Larry walked down the hall and climbed the stairs。 He didn't know 
exactly what he had expected; but it was nothing like what met his eyes 
as he reached the upper floor。 There was a large room; probably the 
entire upper floor of the building。 Inside Larry could make out several 
punching bags; both speed bags and heavy body bags。 Along one wall 
was a large collection of barbells and weights。 Across the room from the 
stairs was what looked like a regulation boxing ring; complete with 
ropes and bell。 Bleachers were pulled out from the wall to provide 
seating for about fifty people。 
As he crossed the floor; he noticed that all the other people in the room 
were women。 He saw Margo; dressed in her usual floppy sweats; her 
pale hair tied into a pony tail; standing next to the ring talking to 
Dominique。 Slowly he realized that the buzz of conversations had died 
down and all the women were staring at him。 Margo glanced over at 
him and smiled grimly。 
〃Well; nice to see you're punctual;〃 she called。 〃Come on over and let's 
get started。〃 
Larry crossed the floor to where Dominique and Margo waited。 
Dominique looked down at him and snickered slightly。 Larry reddened。 
〃OK; there'll be five tests of strength;〃 said Dominique; 〃starting with 
arm wrestling。 That'll be followed by leg wrestling; tug of war; bear 
hugs and head scissors。 It takes three wins to be declared the champion。 
All five tests will be completed; even if one person loses the first three。〃 
She looked at Larry and snickered again。 
〃First thing I'm going to do is weigh you both in;〃 Dominique continued。 
〃I'll get your heights; too。〃 She led the way to the scale。 〃Margo 
Margo stepped on the scale。 〃Weight; two fourteen;〃 called Dominique。 
She adjusted the ruler to the top of Margo's head。 〃Height; six feet three 
inches。〃 Larry was stunned by Margo's size。 He hadn't realized that 
Margo was that tall; and he thought their weights were nearly the same; 
but she weighed at least forty pounds more than he did。 Dominique 
turned to Larry。 〃Your turn。〃 Margo stepped down right into Larry's 
path。 For a second his brown eyes stared into her Arctic gray ones; then 
Margo stepped aside with a mocking smile。 〃Weight; one seventy…one;〃 
Dominique said。 〃Height; five feet eleven。〃 
Dominique led the way to the ring。 Larry saw that it contained an 
unusual table; about three feet square。 The table had a peg on two sides 
and what looked 
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