


万物简史英文版_比尔·布莱森- 第6部分

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oing to be a long trip。

now the first thing you are likely to realize is that space is extremely well named and ratherdismayingly uneventful。 our solar system may be the liveliest thing for trillions of miles; butall the visible stuff in it鈥攖he sun; the planets and their moons; the billion or so tumblingrocks of the asteroid belt; ets; and other miscellaneous drifting detritus鈥攆ills less than atrillionth of the available space。 you also quickly realize that none of the maps you have everseen of the solar system were remotely drawn to scale。 most schoolroom charts show theplanets ing one after the other at neighborly intervals鈥攖he outer giants actually castshadows over each other in many illustrations鈥攂ut this is a necessary deceit to get them all on the same piece of paper。 neptune in reality isn鈥檛 just a little bit beyond jupiter; it鈥檚 waybeyond jupiter鈥攆ive times farther from jupiter than jupiter is from us; so far out that itreceives only 3 percent as much sunlight as jupiter。

such are the distances; in fact; that it isn鈥檛 possible; in any practical terms; to draw the solarsystem to scale。 even if you added lots of fold…out pages to your textbooks or used a reallylong sheet of poster paper; you wouldn鈥檛 e close。 on a diagram of the solar system toscale; with earth reduced to about the diameter of a pea; jupiter would be over a thousand feetaway and pluto would be a mile and a half distant (and about the size of a bacterium; so youwouldn鈥檛 be able to see it anyway)。 on the same scale; proxima centauri; our nearest star;would be almost ten thousand miles away。 even if you shrank down everything so that jupiterwas as small as the period at the end of this sentence; and pluto was no bigger than amolecule; pluto would still be over thirty…five feet away。

so the solar system is really quite enormous。 by the time we reach pluto; we have e sofar that the sun鈥攐ur dear; warm; skin…tanning; life…giving sun鈥攈as shrunk to the size of apinhead。 it is little more than a bright star。 in such a lonely void you can begin to understandhow even the most significant objects鈥攑luto鈥檚 moon; for example鈥攈ave escaped attention。

in this respect; pluto has hardly been alone。 until the voyager expeditions; neptune wasthought to have two moons; voyager found six more。 when i was a boy; the solar system wasthought to contain thirty moons。 the total now is 鈥渁t least ninety;鈥潯bout a third of which havebeen found in just the last ten years。

the point to remember; of course; is that when considering the universe at large we don鈥檛actually know what is in our own solar system。

now the other thing you will notice as we speed past pluto is that we are speeding pastpluto。 if you check your itinerary; you will see that this is a trip to the edge of our solarsystem; and i鈥檓 afraid we鈥檙e not there yet。 pluto may be the last object marked onschoolroom charts; but the system doesn鈥檛 end there。 in fact; it isn鈥檛 even close to endingthere。 we won鈥檛 get to the solar system鈥檚 edge until we have passed through the oort cloud; avast celestial realm of drifting ets; and we won鈥檛 reach the oort cloud for another鈥攊鈥檓 sosorry about this鈥攖en thousand years。 far from marking the outer edge of the solar system; asthose schoolroom maps so cavalierly imply; pluto is barely one…fifty…thousandth of the way。

of course we have no prospect of such a journey。 a trip of 240;000 miles to the moon stillrepresents a very big undertaking for us。 a manned mission to mars; called for by the firstpresident bush in a moment of passing giddiness; was quietly dropped when someone workedout that it would cost 450 billion and probably result in the deaths of all the crew (their dnatorn to tatters by high…energy solar particles from which they could not be shielded)。

based on what we know now and can reasonably imagine; there is absolutely no prospectthat any human being will ever visit the edge of our own solar system鈥攅ver。 it is just too far。

as it is; even with the hubble telescope; we can鈥檛 see even into the oort cloud; so we don鈥檛actually know that it is there。 its existence is probable but entirely hypothetical。

*about all that can be said with confidence about the oort cloud is that it starts somewherebeyond pluto and stretches some two light…years out into the cosmos。 the basic unit ofmeasure in the solar system is the astronomical unit; or au; representing the distance from*properly called the opik…oort cloud; it is named for the estonian astronomer ernst opik; who hypothesized itsexistence in 1932; and for the dutch astronomer jan oort; who refined the calculations eighteen years later。

the sun to the earth。 pluto is about forty aus from us; the heart of the oort cloud about fiftythousand。 in a word; it is remote。

but let鈥檚 pretend again that we have made it to the oort cloud。 the first thing you mightnotice is how very peaceful it is out here。 we鈥檙e a long way from anywhere now鈥攕o far fromour own sun that it鈥檚 not even the brightest star in the sky。 it is a remarkable thought that thatdistant tiny twinkle has enough gravity to hold all these ets in orbit。 it鈥檚 not a very strongbond; so the ets drift in a stately manner; moving at only about 220 miles an hour。 fromtime to time some of these lonely ets are nudged out of their normal orbit by some slightgravitational perturbation鈥攁 passing star perhaps。 sometimes they are ejected into theemptiness of space; never to be seen again; but sometimes they fall into a long orbit aroundthe sun。 about three or four of these a year; known as long…period ets; pass through theinner solar system。 just occasionally these stray visitors smack into something solid; likeearth。 that鈥檚 why we鈥檝e e out here now鈥攂ecause the et we have e to see hasjust begun a long fall toward the center of the solar system。 it is headed for; of all places;manson; iowa。 it is going to take a long time to get there鈥攖hree or four million years atleast鈥攕o we鈥檒l leave it for now; and return to it much later in the story。

so that鈥檚 your solar system。 and what else is out there; beyond the solar system? well;nothing and a great deal; depending on how you look at it。

in the short term; it鈥檚 nothing。 the most perfect vacuum ever created by humans is not asempty as the emptiness of interstellar space。 and there is a great deal of this nothingness untilyou get to the next bit of something。 our nearest neighbor in the cosmos; proxima centauri;which is part of the three…star cluster known as alpha centauri; is 4。3 light…years away; a sissyskip in galactic terms; but that is still a hundred million times farther than a trip to the moon。

to reach it by spaceship would take at least twenty…five thousand years; and even if you madethe trip you still wouldn鈥檛 be anywhere except at a lonely clutch of stars in the middle of avast nowhere。 to reach the next landmark of consequence; sirius; would involve another 4。6light…years of travel。 and so it would go if you tried to star…hop your way across the cosmos。

just reaching the center of our own galaxy would take far longer than we have existed asbeings。

space; let me repeat; is enormous。 the average distance between stars out there is 20million million miles。 even at speeds approaching those of light; these are fantasticallychallenging distances for any traveling individual。 of course; it is possible that alien beingstravel billions of miles to amuse themselves by planting crop circles in wiltshire orfrightening the daylights out of some poor guy in a pickup truck on a lonely road in arizona(they must have teenagers; after all); but it does seem unlikely。

still; statistically the probability that there are other thinking beings out there is good。

nobody knows how many stars there are in the milky way鈥攅stimates range from 100 billionor so to perhaps 400 billion鈥攁nd the milky way is just one of 140 billion or so othergalaxies; many of them even larger than ours。 in the 1960s; a professor at cornell namedfrank drake; excited by such whopping numbers; worked out a famous equation designed tocalculate the chances of advanced life in the cosmos based on a series of diminishingprobabilities。

under drake鈥檚 equation you divide the number of stars in a selected portion of the universeby the number of stars that are likely to have planetary systems; divide that by the number ofplanetary systems that could theoretically support life; divide that by the number on whichlife; having arisen; advances to a state of intelligence; and so on。 at each such division; thenumber shrinks colossally鈥攜et even with the most conservative inputs the number ofadvanced civilizations just in the milky way always works out to be somewhere in themillions。

what an interesting and exciting thought。 we may be only one of millions of advancedcivilizations。 unfortunately; space being spacious; the average distance between any two ofthese civilizations is reckoned to be at least two hundred light…years; which is a great dealmore than merely saying it makes it sound。 it means for a start that even if these beings knowwe are here and are somehow able to see us in their telescopes; they鈥檙e watching light that leftearth two hundred years ago。 so they鈥檙e not seeing you and me。 they鈥檙e watching the frenchrevolution and thomas jefferson and people in silk stockings and powdered wigs鈥攑eoplewho don鈥檛 know what an atom is; or a gene; and who make their electricity by rubbing a rodof amber with a piece of fur and think that鈥檚 quite a trick。 any message we receive from themis likely to begin 鈥渄ear sire;鈥潯nd congratulate us on the handsomeness of our horses and ourmastery of whale oil。 two hundred light…years is a distance so far beyond us as to be; well;just beyond us。

so even if we are not really alone; in all practical terms we are。 carl sagan calculated thenumber of probable planets in the universe at large at 10 billion trillion鈥攁 number vastlybeyond imagining。 but what is equally beyond imagining is the amount of space throughwhich they are lightly scattered。 鈥渋f we were randomly inserted into the universe;鈥潯aganwrote; 鈥渢he chances that you would be on or near a planet would be less than one in a billiontrillion trillion。鈥潯。
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