《the cenci》



the cenci- 第8部分

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The same evening Signora Lucrezia was interred; as she had desired to

be; in the church of San Giorgio di Velobre。

All Rome may be said to have been present at this tragedy; carriages;

horses; foot people; and cars crowding as it were upon one another。

The day was unfortunately so hot; and the sun so scorching; that many

persons fainted; others returned home stricken with fever; and some

even died during the night; owing to sunstroke from exposure during

the three hours occupied by the execution。

The Tuesday following; the 14th of September; being the Feast of the

Holy Cross; the brotherhood of San Marcello; by special licence of

the pope; set at liberty the unhappy Bernardo Cenci; with the

condition of paying within the year two thousand five hundred Roman

crowns to the brotherhood of the most Holy Trinity of Pope Sixtus; as

may be found to…day recorded in their archives。

Having now seen the tomb; if you desire to form a more vivid

impression of the principal actors in this tragedy than can be

derived from a narrative; pay a visit to the Barberini Gallery; where

you will see; with five other masterpieces by Guido; the portrait of

Beatrice; taken; some say the night before her execution; others

during her progress to the scaffold; it is the head of a lovely girl;

wearing a headdress composed of a turban with a lappet。  The hair is

of a rich fair chestnut hue; the dark eyes are moistened with recent

tears; a perfectly farmed nose surmounts an infantile mouth;

unfortunately; the loss of tone in the picture since it was painted

has destroyed the original fair complexion。  The age of the subject

may be twenty; or perhaps twenty…two years。

Near this portrait is that of Lucrezia Petrani the small head

indicates a person below the middle height; the attributes are those

of a Roman matron in her pride; her high complexion; graceful

contour; straight nose; black eyebrows; and expression at the same

time imperious and voluptuous indicate this character to the life; a

smile still seems to linger an the charming dimpled cheeks and

perfect mouth mentioned by the chronicler; and her face is

exquisitely framed by luxuriant curls falling from her forehead in

graceful profusion。

As for Giacomo and Bernardo; as no portraits of them are in

existence; we are obliged to gather an idea of their appearance from

the manuscript which has enabled us to compile this sanguinary

history; they are thus described by the eye…witness of the closing


Giacomo was short; well…made and strong; with black hair and beard;

he appeared to be about twenty…six years of age。

Poor Bernardo was the image of his sister; so nearly resembling her;

that when he mounted the scaffold his long hair and girlish face led

people to suppose him to be Beatrice herself: he might be fourteen or

fifteen years of age。

The peace of God be with them!

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