《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第14部分

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Analysts are paid to be right; traders are paid to be profitable。 Those are two different goals; calling for different temperaments。 Institutions tend to separate traders and analysts into different departments。 Private traders have no such luxury。
Analysis quickly reaches the point of diminishing returns。 The goal is not to be plete but to develop a decision…making process and back it up with money management。 You need to develop several analytic screens to reduce a huge volume of market information to a manageable size。
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysts predict price movements on the basis of supply and demand。 In stocks; they study supply and demand for pany products。 In futures they research supply and demand for modities。
Has a pany announced a new technological breakthrough? An expansion abroad? A new strategic partnership? A new chief executive? Anything that happens to the business can influence the supply of its products and their costs。 Almost everything that happens in society can influence the demand。
Fundamental analysis is hard because the importance of different factors changes with the passage of time。 For example; during an economic expansion; fundamental analysts are likely to focus on growth rates; but during a recession; on the safety of dividends。 A dividend may seem like a quaint relic in a go…go bull market; but when the chips are down the ultimate test of a stock is how much ine it generates。 A fundamental analyst must keep an eye on the crowd; as it shifts its attention from market share to technological innovation to whatever else preoccupies it at the moment。 Fundamental analysts study values; but the relationship between values and prices is not direct。 It’s that mile…long rubber band all over again。
The job of a fundamental analyst in the futures markets isn’t much easier。 How do you read the actions of the Federal Reserve; with its great power over interest rates and the economy? How do you analyze weather reports during the critical growing seasons in the grain markets? How do you estimate carryover stocks and weather prospects in the Southern versus the Northern Hemispheres which are six months apart in their weather cycles? You can spend a lifetime learning the fundamentals; or you can look for capable people who sell their research。
Fundamental analysis is much more narrow than technical。 A moving average works similarly in soybeans and IBM; on weekly; daily; and intraday charts。 MACD…Histogram flashes similar messages in Treasury bonds and Intel。 Should we forget about the fundamentals and concentrate on technicals? Many traders take the path of least resistance; but I think this is a mistake。
Fundamental factors are very important to a long…term trader who wants to ride major trends for several months or years。 If the fundamentals are bullish; we should favor the long side of the market; and if bearish; the short side。 Fundamental analysis is less relevant to a short…term trader or a day…trader。
You do not have to bee an expert in the fundamental analysis of every stock and modity。 There are very intelligent people who specialize in that; and they publish their research。 Many of them also bang their heads against the walls; unable to understand why; if they know so much about their markets; they cannot make money trading。
If we can take our ideas from fundamental analysts but filter them through technical screens; we’ll be miles of head of those who analyze only fundamentals or technicals。 Bullish fundamentals must be confirmed by rising technical indicators; otherwise they are suspect。 Bearish fundamentals must be confirmed by falling technical indicators。 When fundamentals and technicals are in gear; a savvy trader can have a field day。
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? The main book on the fundamental analysis of stocks is Security Analysis by Graham and Dodd。 Both authors are long dead; but the book is being kept up…to…date by their disciples。 If you decide to study it; make sure to get the latest edition。 Warren Buffett; a student of Graham; became one of the richest men in the world。 There is an easy…to…read book that explains his approach to fundamental analysis … The Buffett Way by Robert G。 Hagstrom。
能告诉我如何开始吗?基本面分析方面主要的书是格雷厄姆和多德写的《证券分析》。2 个作者早就去世了,但是他们的追随者在更新书的内容。如果你决定研究它,要买最新的版本。沃伦·巴菲特是格雷厄姆的学生,成为了这个世界上最富有的人。有本很简单的书解释了他的基本面分析——罗伯特·G·汉格斯特龙写的《巴菲特之路》。
The best review of futures fundamentals is in The Futures Game by Teweles and Jones。 This classic volume is being revised and updated every 10 years or so (be sure to get the latest edition)。 It has a section on the fundamentals of every futures market。 Whether you trade soy…beans or Swiss francs; you can quickly read up on the key factors driving that market。
Technical Analysis
Financial markets run on a two…party system … bulls and bears。 Bulls push prices up; bears push them down; while charts show us their footprints。 Technical analysts study charts to find where one group overpowers the other。 They look for repetitive price patterns; trying to recognize uptrends or downtrends in their early stages and generate buy or sell signals。
The role of technical analysis on Wall Street has changed over the years。 It was very popular in the early part of the twentieth century; ushered in by Charles Dow; the founder of The Wall Street Journal and the originator of the Dow averages。 Several prominent analysts; such as Roger Babson; predicted and identified the 1929 top。 Then came a quarter century of exile; when institutional analysts had to hide their charts if they wanted to keep their jobs。 Technical analysis has bee hugely popular since the 1980s。 Easy access to personal puters has put technical software within easy reach of traders。
The stock market has bee increasingly short…term oriented in recent years。 Gone are the days of “buy…and…hold” when people bought “good stocks” for the long run; put them away; and collected dividends。 The pace of economic change is increasing; and stocks are moving faster and faster。 New industries emerge; old ones sink; and many stocks have bee more volatile than modities。 Technical analysis is well suited for those fast…paced changes。
There are two main types of technical analysis: classical and puterized。 Classical analysis is based solely on the study of charts; without using anything more plex than a pencil and ruler。 Classical technicians look for uptrends and downtrends; support and resistance zones; as well as repetitive patterns; such as triangles and rectangles。 It is an easy field to enter; but its main drawback is subjectivity。 When a classical technician feels bullish; his ruler tends to inch up; and when he feels bearish; that ruler tends to slide down。
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