《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第24部分

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No one can learn all the analytic methods; just as no one can master every field of medicine。 A physician cannot bee a specialist in heart surgery; obstetrics; and psychiatry。 No trader can know everything about the markets。 You have to find a niche that attracts you and specialize in it。
Markets emit huge volumes of information。 Our tools help organize these flows into a manageable form。 It is important to select analytic tools and techniques that make sense to you; put them together into a coherent system; and focus on money management。 When we make our trading decisions at the right edge of the chart; we deal with probabilities; not certainties。 If you want certainty; go to the middle of the chart and try to find a broker who will accept your orders。
This chapter on technical analysis shows how one trader goes about analyzing markets。 Use it as a model for choosing your favorite tools; rather than following it slavishly。 Test any method you like on your own data because only personal testing will convert information into knowledge and make these methods your own。
Many concepts in this book are illustrated with charts。 I selected them from a broad range of markets … stocks as well as futures。 Technical analysis is a universal language; even though the accents differ。 You can apply what you’ve learned from the chart of IBM to silver or Japanese yen。 I trade mostly in the United States; but have used the same methods in Germany; Russia; Singapore; and Australia。 Knowing the language of technical analysis enables you to read any market in the world。
Analysis is hard; but trading is much harder。 Charts reflect what has happened。 Indicators reveal the balance of power between bulls and bears。 Analysis is not an end in itself; unless you get a job as an analyst for a pany。 Our job as traders is to make decisions to buy; sell; or stand aside on the basis of our analysis。
After reviewing each chart; you need to go to its hard right edge and decide whether to bet on bulls; bet on bears; or stand aside。 You must follow up chart analysis by establishing profit targets; setting stops; and applying money management rules。
A trade is a bet on a price change。 You can make money buying low and selling high or shorting high and covering low。 Prices are central to our enterprise; yet few traders stop to think what prices are。 What exactly are we trying to analyze?
Financial markets consist of huge crowds of people who meet on the floor of an exchange; on the phone; or via the Internet。 We can divide them into three groups: buyers; sellers; and undecided traders。 Buyers want to buy as cheaply as possible。 Sellers want to sell as expensively as possible。 They could take forever to negotiate; but feel pressure from undecided traders。 They have to act quickly; before some undecided trader makes up his mind; jumps into the game; and takes away their bargain。 Undecided traders are the force that speeds up trading。 They are true market participants; as long as they watch the market and have the money to trade it。 Each deal is struck in the midst of the market crowd; putting pressure on both buyers and sellers。 This is why each trade represents the current emotional state of the entire market crowd。
Price is a consensus of value of all market participants expressed in action at the moment of the trade。
Many traders have no clear idea what they are trying to analyze。 Balance sheets of panies? Pronouncements of the Federal Reserve? Weather reports from soybean…growing states? The cosmic vibrations of Gann theory? Every chart serves as an ongoing poll of the market。 Each tick represents a momentary consensus of value of all market participants。 High and low prices; the height of every bar; the angle of every trendline; the duration of every pattern reflect aspects of crowd behavior。 Recognizing these patterns can help us decide when to bet on bulls or bears。
During an election campaign pollsters call thousands of people asking how they’ll vote。 Well…designed polls have predictive value; which is why politicians pay for them。 Financial markets run on a two…party system … bulls and bears; with a huge silent majority of undecided traders who may throw their weight to either party。 Technical analysis is a poll of market participants。 If bulls are on top; we should cover shorts and go long。 If bears are stronger; we should go short。 If an election is too close to call; a wise trader stands aside。 Standing aside is a legitimate market position and the only one in which you can’t lose money。
Individual behavior is difficult to predict。 Crowds are much more primitive and their behavior more repetitive and predictable。 Our job is not to argue with the crowd; telling it what’s rational or irrational。 We need to identify crowd behavior and decide how likely it is to continue。 If the trend is up and we find that the crowd is growing more optimistic; we should trade that market from the long side。 When we find that the crowd is being less optimistic; it is time to sell。 If the crowd seems confused; we should stand aside and wait for the market to make up its mind。
The Meaning of Prices
Highs and lows; opening and closing prices; intraday swings and weekly ranges reflect crowd behavior。 Our charts; indicators; and technical tools are windows into the mass psychology of the markets。 You have to be clear about what you are studying if you want to get closer to the truth。
Many market participants have backgrounds in science and engineering and are often tempted to apply the principles of physics。 For example; they may try to filter out the noise of a trading range to obtain a clear signal of a trend。 Those methods can help; but they cannot be converted into automatic trading systems because the markets are not physical processes。 They are reflections of crowd psychology; which follows different; less precise laws。 In physics; if you calculate everything; you’ll predict where a process will take you。 Not so in the markets; where a crowd can always throw you a curve。 Here you have to act within this atmosphere of uncertainty; which is why you must protect yourself with good money management。
The Open The opening price; the first price of the day; is marked on a bar chart by a tick pointing to the left。 An opening price reflects the influx of overnight orders。 Who placed those orders? A dentist who read a tip in a magazine after dinner; a teacher whose broker touted a trade but who needed his wife’s permission to buy; a financial officer of a slow…moving institution who sat in a meeting all day waiting for his idea to be approved by a mittee。 They are the people who place orde
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