《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第25部分

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 meeting all day waiting for his idea to be approved by a mittee。 They are the people who place orders before the open。 Opening prices reflect opinions of less informed market participants。
开盘 开盘价,每天的第1个价格,是竹线图(张轶注:竹线和K线不太一样,本书作者用的都是竹线,请注意)上面指向左边的小横线。开盘价反映了头天晚上订单的汇集情况。谁下的订单?一个牙医在饭后的杂志上读到了一个消息,一个教师的经纪人卖给他一个交易机会,但他需要他妻子的保证金来买,一个金融官员在市场平静的状况下,坐在会议室里等待他的意见被委员会批准。这些人都是在开盘前下单的人。开盘价反映了消息不灵通人士的观点。
When outsiders buy or sell; who takes the opposite side of their trades? Market professionals step in to help; only they do not run a charity。 If floor traders see more buy orders ing in; they open the market higher; forcing outsiders to overpay。 The pros go short; so that the slightest dip makes them money。 If the crowd is fearful before the opening and sell orders predominate; the floor opens the market very low。 They acquire their goods on the cheap; so that the slightest bounce earns them short…term profits。
The opening price establishes the first balance of the day between outsiders and insiders; amateurs and professionals。 If you are a short…term trader; pay attention to the opening range … the high and the low of the first 15 to 30 minutes of trading。 Most opening ranges are followed by breakouts; which are important because they show who is taking control of the market。 Several intraday trading systems are based on following opening range breakouts。
One of the best opportunities to enter a trade occurs when the market gaps at the open in the direction opposite your intended trade。 Suppose you analyze a market at night and your system tells you to buy a stock。 A piece of bad news hits the market overnight; sell orders e in; and that stock opens sharply lower。 Once prices stabilize within the opening range; if you are still bullish and that range is above your planned stop…loss point; place your buy order a few ticks above the high of the opening range; with a stop below。 You may pick up good merchandise on sale!
The High Why do prices go up? The standard answer … more buyers than sellers … makes no sense because for every trade there is a buyer and a seller。 The market goes up when buyers have more money and are more enthusiastic than sellers。
最高价 价格为什么上涨?标准答案——买家比卖家多——这个解释没有意义,因为任何一笔交易都包含了买家和卖家。市场上涨的原因是买家的钱更多,比卖家更有激情。
Buyers make money when prices go up。 Each uptick adds to their profits。 They feel flushed with success; keep buying; call friends and tell them to buy … this thing is going up! Eventually; prices rise to a level where bulls have no more money to spare and some start taking profits。 Bears see the market as overpriced and hit it with sales。 The market stalls; turns; and begins to fall; leaving behind the high point of the day。 That point marks the greatest power of bulls for that day。
The high of every bar reflects the maximum power of bulls during that bar。 It shows how high bulls could lift the market during that time period。 The high of a daily bar reflects the maximum power of bulls during that day; the high of a weekly bar shows the maximum power of bulls during that week; and the high of a five…minute bar shows their maximum power in those five minutes。
The Low Bears make money when prices fall; with each downtick making money for short sellers。 As prices slide; bulls bee more and more skittish。 They cut back their buying and step aside; figuring they’ll be able to pick up what they want cheaper at a later time。 When buyers pull in their horns; it bees easier for bears to push prices lower; and the decline continues。
最低点 当价格下跌时,空头赚钱,做空时,价格每下跌一个基点都会赚钱。当价格下跌时,多头越来越担心。他们止损观望,心里想,等价格便宜再去买。当买家吹响号角时,空头更容易地把价格压低,继续下跌。
It takes money to sell stocks short; and a fall in prices slows down when bears start running low on money。 Bullish bargain hunters appear on the scene。 Experienced traders recognize what’s happening and start covering shorts and going long。 Prices rally from their lows; leaving behind the low mark … the lowest tick of the day。
The low point of each bar reflects the maximum power of bears during that bar。 The lowest point of a daily bar reflects the maximum power of bears during that day; the low point of a weekly bar shows the maximum power of bears during that week; and the low of a five…minute bar shows the maximum power of bears during those five minutes。 Several years ago I designed an indicator; called Elder…ray; for tracking the relative power of bulls and bears by measuring how far the high and the low of each bar get away from the average price。
The Close The closing price is marked on a bar chart by a tick pointing to the right。 It reflects the final consensus of value for the day。 This is the price at which most people look in their daily newspapers。 It is especially important in the futures markets; because the settlement of trading accounts depends on it。
收盘价 收盘价是竹线图上朝右的小短横线。它反映了当天对价值的一致认同。这是大多数看报纸的人认可的当天价格。收盘价在期货中很重要,因为账户的结算是依据收盘价的。
Professional traders monitor markets throughout the day。 Early in the day they take advantage of opening prices; selling high openings and buying low openings; and then unwinding those positions。 Their normal mode of operations is to fade … trade against … market extremes and for the return to normalcy。 When prices reach a new high and stall; professionals sell; nudging the market down。 When prices stabilize after a fall; they buy; helping the market rally。
The waves of buying and selling by amateurs that hit the market at the opening usually subside as the day goes on。 Outsiders have done what they planned to do; and near the closing time the market is dominated by professional traders。
Closing prices reflect the opinions of professionals。 Look at any chart; and you’ll see how often the opening and closing ticks are at the opposite ends of a price bar。 This is because amateurs and professionals tend to be on the opposite sides of trades。
Candlesticks and Point and Figure Bar charts are most widely used for tracking prices; but there are other methods。 Candlestick charts became popular in the West in the 1990s。 Each candle represents a day of trading with a body and two wicks; one above and another below。 The body reflects the spread between the opening and closing prices。 The tip of the upper wick reaches the highest price of the day and the lower wick the lowest price of the day。 Candlestick chartists believe that the relationship between the opening and closing prices is the most important piece of daily data。 If prices close higher than they opened; the body of the candle is white; but if prices close lower; the body is black。
The height of a candle body and the length of its wicks reflect the battles between bulls and bears。 Those patterns; as well as patterns formed by several neighboring candles; provide useful insights into the power struggle in the markets and can help us decide whether to go long or short。
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