《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第26部分

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The trouble with candles is they are too fat。 I can glance at a puter screen with a bar chart and see five to six months of daily data; without squeezing the scale。 Put a candlestick chart in the same space; and you’ll be lucky to get two months of data on the screen。 Ultimately; a candlestick chart doesn’t reveal anything more than a bar chart。 If you draw a normal bar chart and pay attention to the relationships of opening and closing prices; augmenting that with several technical indicators; you’ll be able to read the markets just as well and perhaps better。 Candlestick charts are useful for some but not all traders。 If you like them; use them。 If not; focus on your bar charts and don’t worry about missing something essential。
Point and figure (P&F) charts are based solely on prices; ignoring volume。 They differ from bar and candlestick charts by having no horizontal time scale。 When markets bee inactive; P&F charts stop drawing because they add a new column of X’s and O’s only when prices change beyond a certain trigger point。 P&F charts make congestion areas stand out; helping traders find support and resistance and providing targets for reversals and profit taking。 P&F charts are much older than bar charts。 Professionals in the pits sometimes scribble them on the backs of their trading decks。
Choosing a chart is a matter of personal choice。 Pick the one that feels most fortable。 I prefer bar charts but know many serious traders who like P&F charts or candlestick charts。
The Reality of the Chart
Price ticks coalesce into bars; and bars into patterns; as the crowd writes its emotional diary on the screen。 Successful traders learn to recognize a few patterns and trade them。 They wait for a familiar pattern to emerge like fishermen wait for a nibble at a riverbank where they fished many times in the past。
Many amateurs jump from one stock to another; but professionals tend to trade the same markets for years。 They learn their intended catch’s personality; its habits and quirks。 When professionals see a short…term bottom in a familiar stock; they recognize a bargain and buy。 Their buying checks the decline and pushes the stock up。 When prices rise; the pros reduce their buying; but amateurs rush in; sucked in by the good news。 When markets bee overvalued; professionals start unloading their inventory。 Their selling checks the rise and pushes the market down。 Amateurs bee spooked and start dumping their holdings; accelerating the decline。 Once weak holders have been shaken out; prices slide to the level where professionals see a bottom; and the cycle repeats。
That cycle is not mathematically perfect; which is why mechanical systems tend not to work。 Using technical indicators requires judgment。 Before we review specific chart patterns; let us agree on the basic definitions:
An uptrend is a pattern in which most rallies reach a higher point than the preceding rally; most declines stop at a higher level than the preceding decline。
A downtrend is a pattern in which most declines fall to a lower point than the preceding decline; most rallies rise to a lower level than the preceding rally。
An uptrendline is a line connecting two or more adjacent bottoms; slanting upwards; if we draw a line parallel to it across the tops; we’ll have a trading channel。
A downtrendline is a line connecting two or more adjacent tops; slanting down; one can draw a parallel line across the bottoms; marking a trading channel。
Support is marked by a horizontal line connecting two or more adjacent bottoms。 One can often draw a parallel line across the tops; marking a trading range。
Resistance is marked by a horizontal line connecting two or more adjacent tops。 One can often draw a parallel line below; across the bottoms; to mark a trading range。
Tops and Bottoms The tops of rallies mark the areas of the maximum power of bulls。 They would love to lift prices even higher and make more money; but that’s where they get overpowered by bears。 The bottoms of declines; on the other hand; are the areas of maximum power of bears。 They would love to push prices even lower and profit from short positions; but they get overpowered by bulls。
顶部和底部 顶部显示了多头的最大力量。他们也想把价格抬的更高,赚更多钱,但是空头的力量会超过他们。相反,下跌的底部,是空头的最大力量。他们也想把价格压得更低,赚更多钱,但是多头的力量会超过他们。
Use a puter or a ruler to draw a line; connecting nearby tops。 If it slants up; it shows that bulls are being stronger; which is a good thing to know if you plan to trade from the long side。 If that line slants down; it shows that bulls are being weaker; and buying is not such a good idea。
Trendlines applied to market bottoms help visualize changes in the power of bears。 When a line connecting two nearby bottoms slants down; it shows that bears are growing stronger; and short selling is a good option。 If that line slants up; however; it shows that bears are being weaker。
When the lines connecting the tops and the lines connecting the bottoms are close to horizontal; the market is locked in a trading range。 We can either wait for a breakout or trade short…term swings within that range。
Uptrendlines and Downtrendlines Prices often appear to travel along invisible roads。 When peaks rise higher at each successive rally; prices are in an uptrend。 When bottoms keep falling lower and lower; prices are in a downtrend。
上涨趋势线和下跌趋势线 价格经常沿着看不见的路线运行。当高点越来越高,价格就在上涨趋势。如果底部越来越低,价格就在下跌趋势。
We can identify uptrends by drawing trendlines connecting the bottoms of declines。 We use bottoms to identify an uptrend because the peaks of rallies tend to be expansive; uneven affairs during uptrends。 The declines tend to be more orderly; and when you connect them with a trendline; you get a truer picture of that uptrend。
We identify downtrends by drawing trendlines across the peaks of rallies。 Each new low in a downtrend tends to be lower than the preceding low; but the panic among weak holders can make bottoms irregularly sharp。 Drawing a downtrendline across the tops of rallies paints a more correct picture of that downtrend。
The most important feature of a trendline is the direction of its slope。 When it rises; the bulls are in control; and when it declines; the bears are in charge。 The longer the trendline and the more points of contact it has with prices; the more valid it is。 The angle of a trendline reflects the emotional temperature of the crowd。 Quiet; shallow trends can last a long time。 As trends accelerate; trendlines have to be redrawn; making them steeper。 When they rise or fall at 60° or more; their breaks tend to lead to major reversals。 This sometimes happens near the tail ends of runaway moves。

Figure 5。1 Trendlines; Kangaroo Tails
图5。1 趋势线;袋鼠尾巴
Draw uptrendlines across the bottoms to mark uptrends。 Draw downtrendlines across
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