《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第3部分

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n record numbers。 Someone had to mind the babies of all those two…ine families; and the stock of KinderCare soared on the crest of a new social trend。
AT&T used to have a monopoly on long…distance phone calls。 Then in the late 1970s a tiny brash upstart called MCI won a legal dogfight; allowing it to pete with AT&T。 The age of deregulation was upon us; and the stock of MCI … the first pany into the breach … sold for 3 presenting another great opportunity to hop aboard a new trend。
A few years ago I flew into New York from the Caribbean with my friend George。 He became a millionaire by buying 30;000 worth of Dell stock before most people had heard of the pany … and unloading it at the top three years later with the help of technical analysis。 Sprawled in his first…class seat; George was perusing several investment advisories; trying to lock in on the next trend in Internet technology。 How right he was! Within a year Internet stocks were flying; defying gravity。
That’s the lure of investing。 If you can buy a chunk of Dell at 4 a share and cash out at 80 a few years later; it is easy to fly down to a resort for a week rather than sit in front of a monitor watching every tick。 What are the disadvantages? Investing requires a great deal of patience and an immense supply of self…confidence。 To buy Chrysler after it was rescued from the brink of bankruptcy or Internet search engines before anyone knew what those words meant; you had to have a huge level of confidence in your ability to read the trends in society and the economy。 All of us are smart after the fact; very few are smart early in the game; and only the tiniest percentage has the emotional strength to make a large bet on their vision and hold on to it。 Those who can do this consistently; like Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch; are hailed as superstars。
Traders make money by betting on short…term price swings。 The idea is to buy when our reading of the market tells us prices are rising and sell when the uptrend runs out of steam。 Alternatively; we can bet on a decline and sell short when our analysis points to a downtrend; covering when the downtrend starts bottoming out。 The concept is simple; but implementing it is difficult。
It is hard to bee a good analyst; but harder to bee a good trader。 Beginners often assume they can make money because they’re smart; puter…literate and have a record of success in business。 You can get a fast puter and even buy backtested system from a vendor; but putting money on it is like trying to sit on a three…legged stool with two legs missing。 The two other factors are psychology and money management。 
Balancing your mind is just as important as analyzing markets。 Your personality influences your perceptions; making it a key aspect of your success or failure。 Managing money in your trading account is essential for surviving the inevitable drawdowns and prospering in the long run。 Psychology; market analysis; and money management … you have to master all three to bee a success。
There are two main approaches to profiting from crowd behavior。 The first is momentum trading … buy when a ripple starts running through the crowd; sending the market higher; and sell when that ripple starts losing speed。 It is a challenge to identify a new trend while it’s still young。 As the trend speeds up and the crowd bees exuberant; amateurs fall in love with their positions。 Professionals remain calm and monitor the trend’s speed。 As soon as they find that the crowd is returning to its normal sleepiness; they take profits without waiting for a reversal。
The other method is the countertrend strategy。 It involves betting against the deviations and for a return to normalcy。 Countertrend traders sell short when an upside breakout starts running out of speed and cover when a downtrend starts petering out。 Beginners love to trade against trends (“let’s buy; this market can’t go any lower!”); but most get impaled on a price spike that fails to reverse。 A man who likes peeing against the wind has no right to plain about his cleaning bills。 Professionals can trade against trends only because they are ready to run at the first sign of trouble。 Before you bet on a reversal; be sure your exit strategy and money management are fine…tuned。
Momentum traders and countertrend traders capitalize on two opposite aspects of crowd behavior。 Before you put on a trade; be sure to know whether you’re investing; momentum trading; or countertrend trading。 Once you’ve entered a trade; manage it as planned! Don’t change your tactics in the midst of a trade because then you’ll contribute to the winners’ welfare fund。
Amateurs keep thinking what trades to get into; while professionals spend just as much time figuring out their exits。 They also focus on money management; calculating what size positions they can afford under current market conditions; whether to pyramid; when to take partial profits; and so on。 They also spend a great deal of time keeping good records of their trades。
The Efficient Market Theory
A trader strains his mind; his soul; his entire being trying to take profits out of the market when an unsettling piece of news es down the pike … the efficient market theory。 Its main adherents are academics; who are fond of pointing out that prices reflect all available market information。 People buy and sell on the basis of their knowledge; and the latest price represents everything known about that market。 This is a valid observation; from which the efficient market gang draws the curious conclusion that no one can beat the market。 Markets know everything; they say; and trading is like playing chess against someone who knows more than you。 Don’t waste your time and money … simply index your portfolio and select stocks based on volatility。
What about traders who make money? The efficient market theorists say that winners are plain lucky。 Most people make money at some point; before bleeding it back into the markets。 What about those who keep outperforming markets year after year? Warren Buffett; one of the twentieth century’s great investors; says that investing in a market in which people believe in efficiency is like playing poker against those who believe it does not pay to look at cards。
I think that the efficient market theory offers one of the truest views of the markets。 I also believe it is one of the largest pieces of theoretical garbage。 The theory correctly observes that markets reflect the intelligence of all crowd members; it is fatally flawed in assuming that investors and traders are rational human beings w
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