《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第37部分

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When you look at MACD lines; their spread may appear tiny; but MACD… Histogram rescales it to fit the screen。 The slope of MACD…Histogram shows whether bulls or bears are growing stronger。 That slope is defined by the relationship between the two latest bars。 When the bars of MACD…Histogram rise (like the pattern of letters g…G); they show that the crowd is being bullish … it is a good time to be long。 When the slope of MACD…Histogram declines (like in letters Q…q); it shows that the crowd is being bearish … it is a good time to be short。

Figure 5。9 MACD…Histogram
图5。9 MACD柱
A very powerful signal of MACD…Histogram; which occurs only once or twice per year on a daily chart; is a divergence between the indicator peaks or bottoms and price extremes。 In area A the Euro grinds down to a low of 84 cents and MACD…Histogram confirms that low by tracing its own bottom; A。 Prices rally into area B; and a strong rally of MACD…Histogram confirms its strength。 It rises to a new multi…month high; showing that bulls are being stronger below the surface of the bear market。 Prices trace a double top in area B。 The second top of MACD…Histogram in that area is a little lower than the first; warning of the imminent resumption of the downtrend。 So far; the indicator and prices are in gear; but from this point they diverge。
In area C prices crash to a new bear market low; while MACD…Histogram stops just below its centerline; creating a more shallow bottom than during its previous decline。 When it ticks up from that low; it pletes the bullish divergence and shows that bears have run out of steam and bulls are taking over。
When two or three diverse technical tools flash the same message; they confirm one another。 Notice that prices have traced a false downside breakout in area C。 That breakout has cleaned out stops placed by bulls and sucked in the most rabid bears who shorted。 Premature bulls have been shaken out; late bears have been trapped; and the upside reversal is plete。 Those trapped bears will have to cover shorts when they can no longer stand the pain; adding fuel to the rally。
At the right edge of the chart prices are shooting higher from a bullish divergence。 This powerful pattern usually propels prices for weeks if not months。
Markets run on a two…party system … the bulls and the bears。 When MACD…Histogram rises; it shows that bulls are being stronger; and when it declines; it shows that bears are being stronger。 MACD…Histogram helps you bet on the winning party and sell short the opposition。
The Strongest Signal MACD…Histogram gives two types of signals。 One is ordinary; and we see it at every bar … it is the slope of MACD…Histogram。 An uptick of MACD…Histogram shows that bulls are stronger than they were at the previous bar; and a downtick shows that bears are gaining。 Those upticks and downticks provide minor buy and sell signals; but we shouldn’t read too much into them。 Markets do not move in straight lines; and it’s normal for MACD…Histogram to keep ticking up and down。
最强的信号 MACD柱给你2种信号。一种是普通的,每个竹线就是——MACD柱的坡度。MACD柱的上涨表明多头比前一个竹线强,下跌则表明空头强。这些上涨和下跌提供了小的买卖信号,但我们不能太认真。市场不是走直线,MACD柱上上下下是正常的。
The other signal occurs rarely; only a couple of times per year on the daily charts of most markets; but it’s worth waiting for because it is the strongest signal in technical analysis。 That signal is a divergence between the peaks and bottoms of price and MACD…Histogram。 A divergence occurs when the trend of price highs and lows goes one way and the trend of tops and bottoms in MACD…Histogram goes the opposite way。 Those patterns take several weeks or even more than a month to develop on the daily charts。
A bullish divergence occurs when prices trace a bottom; rally; and then sink to a new low。 At the same time MACD…Histogram traces a different pattern。 When it rallies from its first bottom; that rally lifts it above the zero line; “breaking the back of the bear。” When prices sink to a new low; MACD…Histogram declines to a more shallow bottom。 At that point; prices are lower; but the bottom of MACD…Histogram is higher; showing that bears are weaker and the downtrend is ready for a reversal。 MACD…Histogram gives a buy signal when it ticks up from its second bottom。
Occasionally; the second bottom is followed by a third。 This is why traders must use stops and proper money management。 There are no certainties in the markets; only probabilities。 Even a reliable pattern such as a divergence of MACD…Histogram fails occasionally; which is why we must exit if prices fall below their second bottom。 We must preserve our trading capital and reenter when MACD…Histogram ticks up from its third bottom; as long as it is higher than the first。
A bearish divergence occurs when prices rise to a new high; decline; and then rise to a higher peak。 MACD…Histogram gives the first sign of trouble when it breaks below its zero line during the decline from its first peak。 When prices reach a higher high; MACD…Histogram rises to a much lower high。 It shows that bulls are weaker; and prices are rising simply out of inertia and are ready to reverse。
The Hound of the Baskervilles MACD…Histogram offers traders what x…rays offer doctors; showing the strength or weakness of the bone below the surface of the skin。 Bulls or bears may appear powerful when prices reach a new extreme; but a divergence of MACD…Histogram shows that the dominant party is being weak and prices are ready to reverse。
巴斯克维尔猎犬 MACD柱提供的交易者的就像是X光提供给医生的,表明了皮肤下骨头的硬或软。当价格达到极端时,多头或空头也许会显得有力量,但是MACD柱的背离表明强势的一方开始变弱,价格要反转。
Go long when MACD…Histogram traces a bullish divergence; that is; when prices fall to a new low while the indicator ticks up from a more shallow low。 Get long after MACD…Histogram ticks up from its second bottom。 A bottom that is more shallow than the preceding one shows that bears have grown weaker; and the uptick tells us that bulls are taking over。 Place a protective stop below the latest bottom。 Rallies from bullish divergences tend to be very powerful; but you must always use protection in case a signal does not work out。
An aggressive trader can make that stop “stop…and reverse;” meaning that if stopped out of a long position; he will reverse and go short。 When a super…strong signal doesn’t pan out; it shows that something is fundamentally changing below the surface of the market。 If you buy on the strongest signal in technical analysis and then your stop gets hit; it means that bears are especially strong; making it worthwhile to sell short。 Reversing positions from long to short is usually not the best idea; but the failure of a divergence of MACD…Histogram is an exception。
I call this a Hound of the Baskervilles signal; after a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle。 Sherlock Holmes was called to investigate a murder on a country estate。 His clue came from the fact that the family dog did not bark while the crime was being mitted。 That indicated the dog knew the criminal; and the murder was an inside job。 Sherlock Holmes received his signal not from the action but from the lack of expected action。 When a divergence of MACD…Histogram fails to produce a revers
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