《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第40部分

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At the right edge of the chart the market is declining; confirmed by the falling EMA。 Force Index is starting to trace a bullish divergence; it is time to tighten stops on short positions。
A divergence between an EMA of Force Index and price shows that the trend is ready to reverse。 Divergences between the patterns of peaks or bottoms of Force Index and prices show that the trend is being weaker。 The power of this message depends on the length of the EMA with which we smooth our Force Index。 If we use a very short EMA of Force Index; such as two days; its divergences help pinpoint the ends of short… term trends lasting a week or so。 If we use a 13…day or longer EMA of Force Index; we can identify the ends of longer…term moves that last months。
If the trend is up and you are long; take profits when the two…day EMA of Force Index traces a bearish divergence … a lower peak in the indicator during a higher price in the market。 If you are short; take profits when the two…day EMA of Force Index traces a bullish divergence … a higher bottom in the indicator during a lower price in the market。 Take your profits and monitor the market from the sidelines。 It is cheaper to exit and reenter than sit through a countertrend move。
It is essential to bine Force Index with trend…following indicators。 If you use this oscillator alone; it will lead to overtrading because it is so sensitive。 In that case; only your broker will make money。 The signals of a short…term oscillator must be filtered using a long…term trend…following indicator。 This is the key principle of the Triple Screen trading system。
The Fifth Bullet
A clip for an old army rifle held only five bullets。 Going into action with such a weapon forced one to take good aim instead of shooting wildly。 This is a good attitude for trading the markets。
By now; we have selected four bullets … exponential moving averages; channels; MACD…Histogram; and Force Index。 A moving average and MACD are trend…following indicators。 Channels; Force Index; and MACD… Histogram are oscillators。 What fifth bullet shall we pick?
To help you choose your fifth bullet; we’ll review several more tools。 Feel free to range beyond this menu; but make sure to understand how each indicator is constructed and what it measures。 Test your indicators to develop confidence in their signals。
In Trading for a Living I described more than a dozen technical indicators。 There are dozens more in other books on technical analysis。 Quality and the depth of understanding are more important than quantity。 A drowning amateur; grasping at straws; keeps adding indicators。 A mature trader selects a few effective tools; learns to use them well; and focuses on system development and money management。
There are no magic bullets in the markets。 There is no perfect or ultimate indicator。 A trader who bees preoccupied with indicators quickly reaches the point of diminishing returns。 Your choice of analytic tools depends on your trading style。 The idea is to select your tools and quickly move on to where the real money is … system development and risk management。
Elder…ray Elder…ray is an indicator developed by this author and named for its similarity to x…rays。 It shows the structure of bullish and bearish power below the surface of the markets。 Elder…ray bines a trend…following moving average with two oscillators to show when to enter and exit long or short positions。 Most software developers fail to include Elder…ray in their packages; but you can do it yourself with minimal programming。
艾尔德射线 艾尔德射线是我发明的,根据X光的相似性命名的。它表明了市场下面多头和空头的结构。艾尔德射线结合了趋势跟踪均线和2个振荡指标,以显示何时进场,出场,做多或做空。大部分软件没有艾尔德射线,但是你可以利用比较少的编程来实现。
To plot Elder…ray; divide your puter screen into three horizontal panels。 Plot a chart of the stock you plan to analyze in the top panel and add an exponential moving average。 The second and third panels will contain Bull Power and Bear Power; plotted as histograms。 Here are the Elder…ray formulae:
Bull Power = High … EMA
Bear Power = Low – EMA
A moving average reflects the average consensus of value。 The high of each bar reflects the maximum power of bulls during that bar。 The low of each bar marks the maximum power of bears during that bar。
Elder…ray works by paring the power of bulls and bears during each bar with the average consensus of value。 Bull Power reflects the maximum power of bulls relative to the average consensus; and Bear Power the maximum power of bears relative to that consensus。
We plot Bull Power in the second windowpane as a histogram。 Its height reflects the distance between the top of the price bar and the EMA … the maximum power of bulls。 We plot Bear Power in the third windowpane。 Its depth reflects the distance between the low of the price bar and the EMA—the maximum power of bears。
When the high of a bar is above the EMA; Bull Power is positive。 When the entire bar sinks below the EMA; which happens during severe declines; Bull Power bees negative。 When the low of a bar is below the EMA; Bear Power is negative。 When the entire bar rises above the EMA; which happens during wild rallies; Bear Power bees positive。
The slope of a moving average identifies the current trend of the market。 When it rises; it shows that the crowd is being more bullish; it is a good time to be long。 When it falls; it shows that the crowd is being more bearish; it is a good time to be short。 Prices keep getting away from a moving average but snap back to it; as if pulled by a rubber band。 Bull Power and Bear Power show the length of that rubber band。 Knowing the normal height of Bull or Bear Power reveals how far prices are likely to get away from their moving average before returning。 Elder…ray offers one of the best insights into where to take profits … at a distance away from the moving average that equals the average Bull Power or Bear Power。

Figure 5。13 Elder…ray
图5。13 艾尔德射线
“Buy low; sell high” sounds good; but traders and investors seem to have been more fortable buying Lucent above 70 than below 7。 Perhaps they are not as rational as the efficient market theorists would like us to believe? Elder…ray gives rational traders a glimpse into what is going on below the surface of the market。
When the trend; identified by the 22…day EMA; is down and bulls are under water; the rallies back to the surface mark shorting opportunities (arrows A and B)。 Prices draw a kangaroo tail in area C; and a sharp rally follows。 A rise from 5。50 to 11。50 is nothing to sneeze at; cheaper stocks tend to have bigger percentage gains。 In area D; Lucent slides to a new low; but Bear Power traces a more shallow bottom; pleting a bullish divergence。 That false downside breakout traps bears。 As the rally accelerates; Bear power bees positive and each dip of Bear power back to its zero line marks a buying opportunity (area E)。
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