《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第46部分

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Choose your favorite timeframe and call it intermediate。 Multiply it by five to find the long…term timeframe。 Let’s say you prefer to work with daily charts。 In that case; move immediately one level higher; to the weekly chart。 Do not permit yourself to peek at the dailies because this may color your analysis of weekly charts。 If you are a day…trader; you might choose a 10…minute chart as your favorite; call it intermediate; and then immediately move up to the hourly chart; approximately five times longer。 Rounding off is not a problem; technical analysis is a craft; not an exact science。 If you are a long…term investor; you might choose a weekly chart as your favorite and then go up to the monthly。
Apply trend…following indicators to the long…term chart and make a strategic decision to trade long; short; or stand aside。 The original version of Triple Screen used the slope of weekly MACD…Histogram as its weekly trend…following indicator。 It was very sensitive and gave many buy and sell signals。 I now prefer to use the slope of a weekly exponential moving average as my main trend…following indicator on long…term charts。 When the weekly EMA rises; it confirms a bull move and tells us to go long or stand aside。 When it falls; it identifies a bear move and tells us to go short or stand aside。 I use a 26…week EMA; which represents half a year of trading。 You can test several different lengths to see which tracks your market best; as you would with any indicator。
I continue to plot weekly MACD…Histogram。 When both EMA and MACD…Histogram are in gear; they confirm a dynamic trend and encourage you to trade larger positions。 Divergences between weekly MACD…Histogram and prices are the strongest signals in technical analysis; which override the message of the EMA。

Figure 6。1 Triple Screen … Weekly Chart
图6。1 三重滤网——周线图
Gaming stocks tend to do well in a weak economy … gambling appeals to people down on their luck。 In 2000 and 2001; as the broad stock market was declining; gaming stocks put in a stellar performance。 Alliance Gaming; for instance; rallied from below 2 to over 40; with very few pullbacks。 How could Triple Screen help us benefit from this performance?
The pattern between points A and B is called a saucer bottom; a slow drawn…out minimal decline and just as minimal a rise on hardly any volume。 Still; during that time ALLY had managed to put in a bullish divergence of MACD…Histogram; a hugely powerful signal that is rarely seen on weekly charts。 It traced a low in area A; but could not even push below zero at the bottom of the saucer。 The first vertical arrow marks the point where MACD…Histogram starts trending higher。 A few weeks later the weekly EMA also turns up; and at that point; with both weekly indicators trending up; ALLY bees a screaming buy。 It is time to switch to the daily charts and look for buying opportunities。 The second vertical arrow marks another period when both the EMA and MACD…Histogram are in gear to the upside; and then the stock doubles in a few weeks。 The clean; steady uptrend of the weekly EMA keeps telling us to trade ALLY only from the long side。
At the right edge of the chart; the weekly EMA keeps trending higher; but wildly volatile price action shows that the easy portion of the uptrend is over。 MACD…Histogram is moving opposite the EMA; warning of high volatility ahead。 The relatively easy money is off the table。
Return to the intermediate chart and use oscillators to look for trading opportunities in the direction of the long…term trend。 When the weekly trend is up; wait for daily oscillators to fall; giving buy signals。 Buying dips is safer than buying the crests of waves。 If an oscillator gives a sell signal while the weekly trend is up; you may use it to take profits on long positions but not to sell short。

Figure 6。2 Triple Screen … Daily Chart
图6。2 三重滤网——日线图
The uptrend on the weekly chart keeps telling us to trade ALLY from the long side or stand aside。 With the daily EMA also rising; we have several options。 We may buy when prices pull back to their rising daily EMA; or when short…term Force Index dips below zero。 The upper channel line provides a logical profit…taking target。 An experienced trader can pyramid his position; adding to it whenever a new buy signal appears and only tightening stops instead of exiting at the upper channel。 That channel keeps getting wider as prices rise … from 10 points wide in April to 16 in July。
At the right edge of the chart; the alternating spikes of Force Index warn traders that the days of relatively easy money are over。 The market has bee hysterical; and the likelihood of trend continuation is low。 Better bank your winnings and go look for another stock in another group that is rising or falling quietly; not yet discovered by the market crowd。
When the weekly trend is down; look for daily oscillators to rise; giving sell signals。 Shorting during upwaves is safer than selling new lows。 When daily oscillators give buy signals; you may use them to take profits on shorts but not to buy。 The choice of oscillators depends on your trading style。
For conservative traders; choose a relatively slow oscillator; such as daily MACD…Histogram or Stochastic; for the second screen。 When the weekly trend is up; look for daily MACD…Histogram to fall below zero and tick up; or for Stochastic to fall to its lower reference line; giving a buy signal。
Reverse these rules for shorting in bear markets。 When trend…following indicators point down on the weekly charts; but daily MACD…Histogram ticks down from above its zero line; or Stochastic rallies to its upper reference line; they give sell signals。
A conservative approach works best during early stages of major moves; when markets gather speed slowly。 As the trend accelerates; pullbacks bee more shallow。 To hop aboard a fast…running trend; you need faster oscillators。
For active traders; use the two…day EMA of Force Index (or longer; if that’s what your research suggests for your market)。 When the weekly trend is up and daily Force Index falls below zero; it flags a buying opportunity。
Reverse these rules for shorting in bear markets。 When the weekly trend is down and the two…day EMA of Force Index rallies above zero; it points to shorting opportunities。
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