《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第48部分

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w what little is left of their accounts。 Day…trading offers advantages and disadvantages; while placing extreme demands on its practitioners。
Day…trading offers one of the markets’ greatest challenges; but it is amazing how little literature on it exists。 There are several “day…trading for dummies” types of books; a few get…rich…quick jobs; but not a single definitive volume on day…trading。 Bad day…traders write bad books and good day…traders are too action…oriented to sit down to write。
A good day…trader is a street…smart person with fast reflexes。 He is quick; confident; and flexible。 Successful day…traders are so focused on the immediate results that they do not make good writers。 I hope one of them will rise to the challenge of writing a book; but in the mean…time; here are a few notes; even though each of them deserves its own chapter in a thick book on day…trading。
The late 1990s saw an explosion of interest in day…trading。 Even housewives and students were pulled in by the bull market and the easy reach of the Internet。 Brokers advertise for more people to e in to day…trade; knowing full well most will bust out。
The advantages of day…trading include:
Trading opportunities are more frequent。 If you can trade with daily charts; you’ll see similar trades more often on intraday charts。
You can cut losses very quickly。
There is no overnight risk if a major piece of news hits your market after the close。
The disadvantages of day…trading include:
You miss longer…term swings and trends。
Profits are smaller because intraday swings are shorter。
Expenses are higher because of more frequent missions and slippage。 Day…trading is a very expensive game; which is why vendors love it。
Day…trading makes several hard demands on its practitioners:
You must act instantly … if you stop to think; you’re dead。 With daily charts you have the luxury of time; but intraday charts demand immediate action。
Day…trading chews up a great deal of time。 You have to ask yourself whether the hourly pay is better in longer…term trading。
Day…trading plays into people’s gambling tendencies。 If there are any gaps in your discipline; day…trading will find them fast。
There are three main groups of day…traders: floor traders; institutional traders; and private traders。 They have different agendas and use different tools。 Imagine three persons ing to the beach … one goes for a swim; another stretches in the sun; and the third goes jogging and runs head on into a tree。 Floor traders and institutional traders tend to do better than private traders。 Let us see what we can learn from them。
Lessons from Floor Traders
Floor traders stand in the pit; trading with each other; but more often against the public。 They scalp; spread; and take directional trades。
Scalping is based on the fact that there are two prices for any stock or future。 One is a bid … what the pros are offering to pay。 The other is an ask … what the pros are willing to sell for。 You may bid below the market; but as a friend said; “You can’t excite the market with a flaccid bid。” When in a hurry; you buy at the ask and pay what sellers demand。 If you want to sell; you may place a limit order above the market or “hit the bid” and accept what buyers are willing to pay。
For example; the last trade in gold was at 308。30; but now it is quoted as 308。20 bid; 308。40 ask。 This means there are willing buyers at 308。20; while sellers are asking for 308。40。 When a market order to buy es into the pit; a floor trader goes short by selling at 308。40。 The outsider has paid the ask price; and the floor trader is now short and needs to buy。 When a market order to sell es to the floor; he buys at 308。20; and pockets 20 cents profit。 Floor traders pay no missions; only clearing costs; and can afford to trade even for single ticks。 They stand on their feet all day; yelling to all passersby that they want to buy a tick below the market and sell a tick above。 It is the highest paid form of manual labor。
This is a simplified example。 The reality is less orderly; as floor traders try to widen the spread and make more than one or two ticks。 They pete with one another; shouting; jumping; and getting into each other’s faces。 It helps to be tall and muscular and have a big voice。 You get stabbed with pencils and splattered with saliva。 There is a story about a floor trader who died of a heart attack on the floor but remained upright; squeezed in by the crowd。
A floor trader can get stuck if he buys a tick below the market but the market falls by two ticks; and puts him underwater。 Half of all floor traders disappear in their first year。 One of the Chicago exchanges puts red circular badges on the chest of new traders; making them look like shooting targets。 Lest you start feeling sorry for floor traders; keep in mind that many of them make a very good living and some make a great deal of money from hitting you for a tick or more on every trade。 Before electronic trading became a serious threat; seats on some exchanges sold for a million dollars。
Floor traders also get involved in spreading … buying and selling related markets when their relationships get out of line。 Spread traders tend to be more cautious and better capitalized than scalpers。 Finally; some of the wealthiest floor traders get involved in directional trading。 They put on trades that last days or weeks; closer to the timeframe of public traders。
What lessons can we learn from the floor? If you are a position trader; you should use limit orders whenever possible。 Buy and sell at specified prices; and don’t let the floor scalp you。 Put those fellows on a diet。 Another lesson is to stay away from scalping。 When a crowd of athletic young men starts fighting for ticks; jumping; salivating; and screaming; you have no business reaching into that crowd to grab a few ticks for yourself because they’ll take off your fingers。 If you day…trade away from the floor; forget about scalping。 Look for the longer…term day…trades; where the petition tapers off a bit。 Go to the middle ground between scalpers who chase ticks and position traders with their end…of…the…day charts。 Try to find one or two trades a day; longer than scalping but shorter than position trades。
Lessons from Institutional Day…Traders
Institutional traders work for banks; brokerage houses; and similar firms。 A pany may have more than a hundred traders sitting behind rows of expensive equipment。 Maintaining each seat costs several thousand dollars a month; not counting salaries and bonu
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