《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第5部分

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Some famous investors like betting on horses。 They include Peter Lynch; of Magellan Fund fame; and Warren Buffett; who used to publish a newsletter on handicapping。 My friend Lou; to whom my first book was dedicated; spent several years on the handicapping circuit and bet on horses for a living before buying an exchange seat and approaching financial markets like a cool handicapper。 Some card games; such as baccarat; are based on chance alone; whereas others; such as blackjack; involve a degree of skill that attracts intelligent people。
Professionals treat gambling as a job。 They keep calculating odds and act only when mathematics point in their favor。 Losers; on the other hand; itch for the action and enter one game after another; switching between half…baked systems。
When you gamble for entertainment; follow a set of money management rules。 The first rule is to limit how much you’ll risk in any given session。 On a rare occasion when a friend pulls me into a casino; I put what I am willing to lose that night into my right pocket; and stuff my winnings; if any; into the left one。 I stop playing as soon as my right pocket is empty; without ever reaching into the left。 Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right; but I certainly do not count on it。
A friend who is a successful businessman enjoys the glitter of Las Vegas。 Several times a year he takes 5;000 in cash and flies there for a weekend。 When his bankroll runs out; he goes for a swim in the pool; enjoys a good dinner; and flies back home。 He can afford to spend 5;000 on entertainment and never blows more than his initial stake。 Lounging at a pool after his cash is gone; he differs from legions of pulsive gamblers who keep charging more chips on their credit cards; waiting for their “luck” to turn。 A gambler with no money management is guaranteed to bust out。
第02章 交易什么市场?
Many people give little thought to life’s important decisions。 They stumble into them by accidents of geography; time; or chance。 Where to live; where to work; what markets to trade … many of us decide on a whim; without much serious thought。 No wonder so many are dissatisfied with their lives。 You can choose your markets on a whim or pause to think whether to trade stocks; futures; or options。 Each of those has pluses as well as minuses。
Successful traders are rational people。 Winners trade solely for the money; while losers get their kicks out of the excitement of the game。 Where those kicks land is another question。
In choosing a market to trade; keep in mind that every trading vehicle; be it a stock; a future; or an option; has to meet two criteria: liquidity and volatility。 Liquidity refers to the average daily volume; pared with that of other vehicles in its group。 The higher the volume; the easier it is to get in and out。 You can build a profitable position in a thin stock; only to get caught in the door at the exit and suffer slippage trying to take profits。 Volatility is the extent of movement in your vehicle。 The more it moves; the greater the trading opportunities。 For example; stocks of many utility panies are very liquid but hard to trade because of low volatility … they tend to stay in narrow price ranges。 Some low…volume; low…volatility stocks may be good investments for your long…term portfolio; but not for trading。 Remember that not all markets are good for trading simply because you have a strong opinion on their future direction。 They also must have good volume and move well。
A stock is a certificate of pany ownership。 If you buy 100 shares of a pany that issued 100 million shares; you own one…millionth of that firm。 You bee a part owner of that business; and if other people want to own it; they will have to bid for your shares; lifting their value。
When people like the prospects of a business; they bid for its shares; pushing up prices。 If they don’t like the outlook; they sell their stock; depressing prices。 Public panies try to push up share prices because it makes it easier for them to float more equity or sell debt。 The bonuses of top executives are often tied to stock prices。
Fundamental values; especially earnings; drive prices in the long run; but John Maynard Keynes; the famous economist and a canny stock picker; retorted “In the long run we’re all dead。” Markets are full of cats and dogs; stocks of unprofitable panies that at some point fly through the roof; defying gravity。 Stocks of sexy new industries; such as biotechnology or the Internet; can fly on the expectations of future earnings rather than on any real operating records。 Each dog has its day in the sun before reality sets in。 Stocks of profitable; well…run panies may drift sideways to down。 The market reflects the sum total of what every participant knows; thinks; or feels about a stock; and a declining price means large holders are selling。 The essential rule in any market is “It’s OK to buy cheap; but not OK to buy down。” Don’t buy a stock that’s trending lower; even if it looks like a bargain。 If you like its fundamentals; use technical analysis to confirm that the trend is up。
内在价值,尤其是赢利能力,长期会推动股价上涨,但是著名的经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯,也是精明的炒股人士,他说:“长期而言,我们都是死的。”市场到处都是低价股票,不赚钱公司的股票有时会飞破屋顶。新兴行业的股票,比如生化或互联网的股票,是预期未来有巨大的收益而飞涨的,不是根据生产纪录涨的。在现实发生之前,任何股票都有表现的时候。赚钱的公司,运转良好的公司,他们的股票可能会横盘下跌。市场反映了每个参与者的知识、思想或者感觉,下跌的价格意味着大户在卖。任何市场的关键原则是:“买便宜的没问题,但不要买下跌的。” 即使看起来很便宜,也不要买下跌趋势的股票。如果你喜欢它的基本面,要利用技术分析来确认是否趋势向上。
Warren Buffett; one of the most successful investors in America; is fond of saying that when you buy a stock; you bee a partner of a manic…depressive fellow he calls Mr。 Market。 Each day Mr。 Market runs up and offers either to buy you out of business or to sell you his share。 Most of the time you should ignore him because the man is psychotic; but occasionally Mr。 Market bees so terribly depressed that he offers you his share for a song … and that’s when you should buy。 At other times he bees so manic that he offers an insane price for your share … and that’s when you should sell。
This idea is brilliant in its simplicity; but hard to implement。 Mr。 Market sweeps most of us off our feet because his mood is so contagious。 Most people want to sell when Mr。 Market is depressed and buy when he is manic。 We need to keep our sanity。 We need objective criteria to decide how high is too high and how low is too low。 Buffett makes his decisions on the basis of fundamental analysis and a fantastic gut feel。 Traders can use technical analysis。
Speaking of gut feel; this is something that an investor or a trader may develop after years of successful experience。 What beginners call gut feel is usually an urge to gamble; and I tell them they have no right to a gut feel。
What stocks should we trade? There are more than 10;000 of them in the United States; with even more abroad。 Peter Lynch; a highly successful money manager; writes that
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