《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第56部分

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e signal in the evening; or should you try to anticipate those signals? What if you do your homework 15 minutes before the close and buy or sell without waiting for tomorrow? Experiment with several different parameters of the EMA and MACD…Histogram。
You must be very disciplined to trade this system because it is hard to place an order when the market is already flying; but even harder to quit while you’re ahead without waiting for a reversal。 You are not allowed to kick yourself if the trend continues after you get out。 Do not touch this system if you have the slightest problem with discipline。
The Impulse System can help you trade other systems。 Check its message when Triple Screen gives you a signal to buy。 If the Impulse System flashes a sell signal; hold off buying; do not trade against it。 You want to buy a dip; not a waterfall decline。 Reverse the procedure in downtrends。 Hold off shorting if the Impulse System flashes a buy signal。 Such “negative rules;” designed to keep you out of trouble; are among the most useful for serious traders。
A beginner needs to learn a battery of standard technical indicators and start tweaking their parameters。 Some traders create their own indicators to gauge different aspects of crowd behavior and identify market moves。 Let us walk through the process of creating a new technical indicator and see how to go about building your own private indicators。
All good indicators reflect some aspect of market reality。 Market Thermometer helps differentiate between sleepy; quiet periods and hot episodes when market crowds bee excited。 It can help you adapt your trading to the current environment。
Quiet markets typically have narrow bars that tend to overlap one another。 Hot; boiling markets tend to have wide bars whose highs and lows extend far outside the previous day’s range。 Beginners jump into trades during those wide bars; afraid to miss a runaway move。 If you enter when the markets are quiet; your slippage is likely to be lower。 Hot markets are good for taking profits because then slippage may work in your favor。
When gold recently ran up 40 in one week; a journalist asked a famous investor whether it was a good buy。 Gold was good; he said; but the time to get on this bus was when it stood in front of the station; and not rolling down the highway at 40 miles an hour。 Market Thermometer helps you recognize when the bus slows down in front of the station; picks up speed; or roars down the highway。
Market Thermometer measures how far the most extreme point of today; either high or low; protrudes outside of yesterday’s range。 The greater the extension of today’s bar outside of yesterday’s; the higher the market temperature。 Here’s the formula of Market Thermometer:
Temperature = the greater of either (Hightoday … Highyesterday) or (Lowyesterday … Lowtoday)
To program Market Thermometer into Windows on WallStreet software; use the following formula:
if (hiref(lo;…1); 0; if ((hi … ref(hi;…1)) 》 (ref(lo;…1) … lo); hi … ref(hi;…1); ref(lo;…1) … lo))。
It is easy to adapt this formula to other software packages。
Market temperature is always a positive number; reflecting the absolute value of either the upward or the downward extension of yesterday’s range; whichever is greater。 Plot temperature as a histogram above zero。 Calculate a moving average of market temperature; and plot it as a line on the same chart。 I use a 22…day EMA because there are 22 trading days in a month; but feel free to experiment with shorter EMA values if you want to make this indicator more sensitive to short…term swings。
When markets are quiet; the adjacent bars tend to overlap。 The consensus of value is well established; and the crowd does little buying or selling outside of yesterday’s range。 When highs and lows exceed their previous day’s values; they do so only by small margins。 Market Thermometer falls and its EMA slants down; indicating a sleepy market。
When a market begins to run; either up or down; its daily bars start pushing outside of the previous ranges。 The histogram of Market Thermometer grows taller and crosses above its EMA; which soon turns up; confirming the new trend。
Market Thermometer gives four trading signals; based on the relationship between its histogram and its moving average:
The best time to enter new positions is when Market Thermometer falls below its moving average。 When Market Thermometer falls below its EMA; it indicates that the market is quiet。 If your system flashes an entry signal; try to enter when the market is cooler than usual。 When Market Thermometer rises above its moving average; it warns that the market is hot and slippage more likely。
Exit positions when Market Thermometer rises to triple the height of its moving average。 A spike of Market Thermometer indicates a runaway move。 When the crowd feels jarred by a sudden piece of news and surges; it is a good time to take profits。 Panics tend to be short…lived; offering a brief opportunity to cash in。 If the EMA of Market Thermometer stands at 5 cents; but the Thermometer itself shoots up to 15 cents; take profits。 Test these values for the market you are trading。

Figure 6。7 Market Thermometer
图6。7 市场温度
Nvidia Corp (NVDA) is one of the current favorites among active traders。 Just look at its many tradable features … a powerful rally to 100; its triple top; a MACD bearish divergence; and a subsequent downtrend。 Markets oscillate between quiet and active periods; and the Thermometer helps you identify them。
At point A; the stock is in an uptrend; while the Thermometer has been below its 22…day EMA for five days。 This is a quiet before the storm。 An explosive move in the direction of the trend (point B) rewards buyers。 At the same time a very high Thermometer reading; three times above the average; warns that the fun and games are over; the move is exhausted; and it is time to take profits。 At point C the Thermometer shrinks again; spending five days below its EMA and warning that a sharp move is ing。 Since prices are above their EMA; expect a decline。 A similar message emerges at point D。 After the next rally (point E); an extremely high reading of the Thermometer; more than four times the average; warns that it is a good time to take short…term profits。 Prices make a triple top near 100; MACD…Histogram traces a severe bearish divergence; and at points F and G prices hang flat。 This is another quiet before the storm as bears swing the stock down。
The EMA of the Thermometer tells you how far today’s high or low is likely to be above or below yesterday’s extreme。 This is a useful piece of intelligence for those who like to buy low or sell high; you can place your order for the day near the projected extreme。
At the right edge of the chart; prices have just shot up to their d
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