《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第57部分

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At the right edge of the chart; prices have just shot up to their declining EMA。 They deserved a rally after sliding from 100 to below 70; but a very high reading of the Thermometer; three times above average; indicates that the excitement is overdone; a pause is ing; and the downtrend is about to resume。
Get ready for an explosive move if the Thermometer stays below its moving average for five to seven trading days。 Quiet markets put amateurs to sleep。 They bee careless and stop watching prices。 Volatility and volume fall; and professionals get a chance to run away with the market。 Explosive moves often erupt from periods of inactivity。
Market Thermometer can help you set a profit target for the next trading day。 If you are a short…term trader and are long; add the value of today’s Thermometer EMA to yesterday’s high and place a sell order there。 If you are short; subtract the value of the Thermometer’s EMA from yesterday’s low and place an order to cover at that level。
I had two purposes in presenting the Market Thermometer。 I wanted to give you a new indicator; but even more I wanted to show you how to use your understanding of the markets to design your own analytic tools。 Once you understand the principles of market analysis; you can create your own indicators。 Use your knowledge; understanding; and discipline to get on the right side of the markets。
Whenever you enter a trade; three factors must be crystal clear in your mind … where to get in; where to take profits; and where to bail out in case of an emergency。 Daydreaming about profits will not make you rich。 You must decide in advance where you’ll take your winnings off the table or cut and run if the market turns against you。
Beginners keep looking for promising trades and assume that finding them will make them money。 They search for entries; while professionals spend a lot of time and energy planning their exits。 They always ask themselves where to take profits or cut losses。 Survivors know the essential truth … you don’t get paid for entering trades; you get paid for exiting them。
Why think about an exit before you enter a trade? Isn’t it better to get in; monitor the trade; and exit in response to price action? There are two main arguments for deciding on an exit before you enter a trade。
First; knowing your targets and stops allows you to weigh rewards and risks。 If you have a clear signal to buy; with a price target of 2 above and a stop 4 below; is that trade worth taking? Do you want to risk 4 to gain 2? Price targets and stops prompt you to focus only on trades whose potential rewards far outweigh the risks。 The ability to walk away from a potential trade is as important as the ability to decline a drink when you want。
Second; setting profit targets and stops before entering trades helps sidestep the pernicious “ownership effect。” We get attached to things we own and lose objectivity。 That old ratty jacket hanging in your closet should have been given to the Salvation Army years ago。 That trade you entered last week is starting to e apart at the seams。 Why don’t you chuck it? You own both the jacket and the trade; they feel fortable; familiar。 That’s why you need to decide on exits before you enter; before a trade bees yours。
A friend who is a top…notch technical analyst temporarily took a job as a broker after falling on hard times when his hedge fund closed。 Naturally; I moved one of my accounts to him。 Whenever I called to place an order; he would not let me hang up unless I gave him a stop。 Sometimes I’d plead for a little more time and he’d take my order; on the condition that I call back within five minutes to give him a stop; or else he would call me。 Six months later he found work as a technical analyst; and I have never seen another broker like him since。 He really stressed the need to know your safety parameters before you took on market risk。
Before entering a trade; you should set two specific price levels; a target and a stop; one above and the other below current prices。 This is all you need for a short…term trade; where you shoot at a clearly visible target。 You may find a broker who accepts OCO (one cancels other) orders。 Then; if your profit target is hit; the stop is automatically cancelled; and vice versa。 If your broker does not accept OCO orders; give him your stop and keep an eye on your profit target。
What if you’re planning a fairly long…term trade that may last for several days or even weeks? Profit targets shift with the passage of time; and protective stops need to be tightened as the trade moves in your favor。 You must write down your rules for exiting trades and follow them from that piece of paper without arguing; haggling; or hoping for a better price。 For example; you may decide to exit if the upper channel line gets hit or if the market makes lower lows for two days in a row。 Whatever rules you use; write them down and execute immediately once the market hits a profit target or a stop…loss level in accordance with your rules。
Very experienced traders know how to recognize unusually forceful trends; during which they shift exit strategies; take partial profits; and carry the balance of their positions with a modified exit strategy for runaway trends。 As you bee more experienced; you can bee a little more relaxed with your plans; but a beginning or an intermediate trader must be very strict。 Entries are easy because any clown can buy a lottery ticket; but exits separate winners from losers。
Channel Targets
Traders all over the world squint at their charts; trying to recognize patterns; and let their imaginations run wild。 Statistical studies; however; consistently confirm only one pattern … the tendency of prices to fluctuate above and below value。 Markets may be chaotic most of the time; but their overbought and oversold conditions create islands of order that provide some of the best trading opportunities。 Markets swing between elation and despair; and we can make money from those moods。 
Channels are technical tools that help us take advantage of market swings。 We draw them parallel to the moving average in the intermediate timeframe; usually daily。 A well…drawn channel contains approximately 95% of recent prices。 Its upper line represents the manic and the lower line the depressive moods of the market。
If we buy value near a rising moving average; we can sell mania in the vicinity of the upper channel line。 If we go short near a falling moving average; we can cover at the depressed level near the lower channel line。 Channels provide attractive targets for profit taking。
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