《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第59部分

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: in soybeans; Swiss francs; pork bellies; and three other markets。 He had entered trades in all six。 “How much did you allocate to each?” He had divided his account into six parts; one for each market。 No reserves。 Fully margined。 “Where did you put your stops?” He told me in so many words that real men didn’t use stops。
He had mathematical proof that stops lowered profitability。 Safety lay in trading unrelated markets。 If one or two went against him; others would move in his favor。 “What about a catastrophic event; with all markets moving against you?” He assured me that was impossible because he traded unrelated markets; and there was no correlation between Swiss francs and pork bellies。 Furthermore; his system had not a single wipeout in 20 years of backtesting。
I suggested we forget about camping and stay closer to the screen; since his entire capital was at risk。 My friend insisted he had total confidence in his system; and so we drove to the Sierra Nevada; some of the most breathtaking scenery in America。 We had a grand time; and on the last day my son; who was about 8 at the time; hauled in a plastic pail full of gold nuggets。 It was fool’s gold; of course; but to this day I keep one of them on my desk as a paperweight; engraved “All that glitters is gold。”
By the time we returned to civilization the impossible had happened。 All six markets went against my friend; nearly wiping out his equity。 The next morning we watched in horror as the markets opened one after another; continuing to go against him in huge gobs。 I talked him into closing two out of six positions; but then it was time to drive to the airport。
A few days later I called to thank my friend for the trip。 His account was wiped out; and he bitterly plained that his money men weren’t gentlemen; they weren’t returning his phone calls。 I resisted the temptation to say that if he lost 100;000 for me; I would not return his phone calls either。
A trader who doesn’t use stops will eventually take the mother of all losses。 Spectacular disasters hit brilliant individuals who believe that their general sharpness and great systems override the need for stops。 A careless trader can get away with no stops for a while; but if he trades long enough the market will kill him。
No amount of brains will save a trader who doesn’t use stops。 A Nobel Prize for research in the financial markets will not help him。 Look at Long…Term Capital Management; a hedge fund owned and operated by a clutch of certified geniuses; including a former Salomon director; a former Fed governor; and two Nobel Prize winners。 Those people were too bright to use stops。 They came to the brink of failure in 1998 and didn’t bust out only because the US Federal Reserve stepped in to arrange a bailout to avoid disrupting world markets。
No amount of intelligence; knowledge; or puter power will save you from a disaster if you trade without stops。 Stops are essential for your survival and success。
What about mental stops … deciding on your exit point and then watching the market? If it violates that level; you exit your position; trying to get the best price。 This is a mon strategy among pros who have a lot of experience and iron discipline。 A beginner; on the other hand; watches the market the way a rabbit watches a snake … frozen in fear; unable to move。 He must place actual stops。
Stops do not provide total protection because prices are not continuous and can gap across the stop level。 You can buy a stock at 40 and place a protective stop at 37; but a bad earnings report or an announcement can force that stock to open at 34 tomorrow; filling your order at a much worse level than expected。 This is not an argument against stops。 An umbrella with holes is better than no umbrella at all。 Also; money management rules provide an extra level of protection。
Stops in Two Dimensions Placing stops is one of the hardest challenges in trading; more so than finding good trades。 You want to place them close enough to protect your capital but far enough to avoid being stopped out by meaningless noise。 It is a delicate balancing act。
2维的止损 在交易中,下止损单是很艰难的事,比找到好的交易机会难多了。一方面你要下止损单保护你的资金,另一方面,你要防止它被没有意义噪音扫掉。这是细致的平衡表演。
Most trading books repeat the same advice: place a stop below the latest low when long or above the latest high when short。 This method is so simple and mon that tons of stops bee bunched up at the same obvious levels。 Professionals are not blind; they look at charts and know where those stops are。 They gun for them; trying to trigger stops with false breakouts。
When a stock hangs just above support; the inflow of fresh buy orders dries up; and those with stops below support just suck air and wait。 The pros sell short; giving that stock a bit of a push。 It stumbles below support; setting off a flurry of sell stop orders。 The pros who shorted at a higher level begin to cover; buying on the cheap from amateurs whose stops they hit。 As soon as the decline slows down they redouble their buying; and go long。 The market rallies; and the pros who bought below support now sell into the rally。 Most breakouts from trading ranges are false breakouts … fishing expeditions by the pros gunning for stops at mon levels。 Once those stops are cleaned out; the market is ready to reverse。 Most traders bee so disgusted after getting hit by several false breakouts that they give up using stops。 That’s when a real reversal catches them。 They end up losing money; with and without stops; and wash out of the markets。
Placing stops at obvious levels is not a good idea。 You are better off placing them a bit closer to protect capital or a bit farther to reduce the risk of getting hit。 Try not to do what everybody else does。 Be sure to place your stop where you do not expect the market to go。 If you expect prices to fall to a certain level; why place a stop there? You’re better off closing your trade without waiting。
There are two inputs into placing stops: technical analysis and money management。 You can bine them to find the right size for your trade as well as the right place for your stop。 The first step is to decide how many dollars you should risk on the trade you’re about to take。 Later; in the section on money management; you’ll learn to limit your risk on any trade to a tiny percentage of your account。 If you’re not fully confident; risk an even smaller percentage。 Once you have the dollar figure for your maximum risk; turn to technical analysis to find where to place your stop。 A stop based on technical analysis is almost always tighter; that is; closer to the market; than the money management stop。 Your account is now starting to look like a submarine with a double hull … softer on the outside and harder on the inside。
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