《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第6部分

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nager; writes that he only buys stocks in panies that are so simple that an idiot could run them … because eventually one will。 But Lynch is an investor; not a trader。 Stocks of many panies with little fundamental value can embark on fantastic runs; making heaps of money for bullish traders before collapsing and making just as much money for the bears。
The stock market offers a wealth of choices; even after we cut out illiquid or flat stocks。 You open a business newspaper; and stories of fantastic rallies and breathtaking declines leap at you from the pages。 Should you jump on the bandwagon and trade stocks in the news? Have they moved too far from the gate? How do you find future leaders? Having to make so many choices stresses beginners。 They spread themselves thin; jumping between stocks instead of focusing on a few and learning to trade them well。 Newbies who cannot confidently trade a single stock go looking for scanning software that will let them track thousands。
In addition to stocks; you can choose from their kissing cousins; mutual funds; called unit trusts in Europe。 Long…term investors tend to put money into diversified funds which hold hundreds of stocks。 Traders tend to focus on sector funds that let them trade specific sectors of the economy or entire countries。 You pick a favorite sector or country and leave individual stock selection to the supposedly hot…shot analysts laboring at those funds。
Choosing a winning stock or fund is a lot harder than listening to tips at a party or scanning headlines in a newspaper。 A trader must develop a set of fundamental or technical search parameters; have the discipline to follow his system; and spread a safety net of money management under his account。 We will delve into all three areas in Part 2。
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? How to Buy Stocks by Louis Engel is the best introductory book for stock investors and traders。 The author died years ago; but the publisher updates the book every few years … be sure to get the latest edition。
Futures look dangerous at first … nine out of ten traders go bust in their first year。 As you look closer; it bees clear that the danger is not in futures but in the people who trade them。 Futures offer traders some of the best profit opportunities; but the dangers are mensurate with rewards。 Futures make it easy for gamblers to shoot themselves in the foot; or higher。 A trader with good money management skills needn’t fear futures。
Futures used to be called modities; the irreducible building blocks of the economy。 Old…timers used to say that a modity was something that hurt when you dropped it on your foot … gold; sugar; wheat; crude oil。 In recent decades many financial instruments began to trade like modities … currencies; bonds; stock indexes。 The term futures includes traditional modities along with new financial instruments。
A future is a contract to deliver or accept delivery of a specific quantity of a modity by a certain date。 A futures contract is binding on both buyer and seller。 In options the buyer has the right but not an obligation to take delivery。 If you buy a call or a put; you can walk away if you like。 In futures; you have no such luxury。 If the market goes against you; you have to add money to your margin or get out of your trade at a loss。 Futures are stricter than options but are priced better for traders。
Buying a stock makes you a part owner of a pany。 When you buy a futures contract you don’t own anything; but enter into a binding contract for a future purchase of merchandise; be it a carload of wheat or a sheaf of Treasury bonds。 The person who sells you that contract assumes the obligation to deliver。 The money you pay for a stock goes to the seller; but in futures your margin money stays with the broker as a security; ensuring you’ll accept delivery when your contract es due。 They used to call margin money honest money。 While in stocks you pay interest for margin borrowing; in futures you can collect interest on your margin。
Each futures contract has a settlement date; with different dates selling for different prices。 Some professionals analyze their differences to predict reversals。 Most futures traders do not wait and close out their contracts early; settling profits and losses in cash。 Still; the existence of a delivery date forces people to act; providing a useful reality check。 A person may sit on a losing stock for ten years; deluding himself it is only a paper loss。 In futures; reality; in the form of the settlement date; always intrudes on a daydreamer。
To understand how futures work; let’s pare a futures trade with a cash trade … buying or selling a quantity of a modity outright。 Let’s say it’s February and gold is trading at 400 an ounce。 Your analysis indicates it is likely to rise to 420 within weeks。 With 40;000 you can buy a 100…ounce gold bar from a dealer。 If your analysis is correct; in a few weeks your gold will be worth 42;000。 You can sell it and make a 2;000 profit; or 5 percent before missions … nice。 Now let’s see what happens if you trade futures based on the same analysis。
Since it is February; April is the next delivery month for gold。 One futures contract covers 100 oz。 of gold; with a value of 40;000。 The margin on this contract is only 1;000。 In other words; you can control 40;000 worth of gold with a 1;000 deposit。 If your analysis is correct and gold rallies 20 per oz。; you’ll make roughly the same profit as you would have made had you bought 100 oz。 of gold for cash … 2;000。 Only now your profit is not 5% but 200%; since your margin was 1;000。 Futures can really boost your gains!
Most people; once they understand how futures work; are flooded with greed。 An amateur with 40;000 calls his broker and tells him to buy 40 contracts! If his analysis is correct and gold rallies to 420; he’ll make 2;000 per contract; or 80;000。 He’ll triple his money in a few weeks! If he repeats this just a few times; he’ll be a millionaire before the end of the year! Such dreams of easy money ruin gamblers。 What; if anything; do they overlook?
The trouble with markets is that they don’t move in straight lines。 Charts are full of false breakouts; false reversals; and flat trading ranges。 Gold may well rise from 400/oz。 to 420/oz。; but it is perfectly capable of dipping to 390 along the way。 That 10 dip would have created a 1;000 paper loss for someone who bought 100 oz。 of gold for cash。 For a futures trader who holds a 
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