《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第60部分

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Your money management stops belong in the market。 They represent your maximum allowable risk level; which you may not violate under any circumstances。 If your technical analysis stops are closer to the market; you may hold them in your mind as you monitor prices and are prepared to exit if those levels gets hit。
Here; I want to share with you two advanced methods for placing stops。 Try to program them into your software and test them on your market data。 Until now; I have never disclosed SafeZone to traders; except to small groups in Traders’ Camps; where I like to share my latest research。 It is my principle not to withhold information from my books。 I write as I trade and maintain my edge not by secrecy but by developing new methods。
The SafeZone Stop
Once in a trade; where should you put your stop? This is one of the hardest questions in technical analysis。 After answering it; you’ll face an even harder one … when and where to move that stop with the passage of time。 Put a stop too close and it’ll get whacked by some meaningless intraday swing。 Put it too far; and you’ll have very skimpy protection。
The Parabolic System; described in Trading for a Living; tried to tackle this problem by moving stops closer to the market each day; accelerating whenever a stock or a modity reached a new extreme。 The trouble with Parabolic was that it kept moving even if the market stayed flat and often got hit by meaningless noise。
The concept of signal and noise states that the trend is the signal and the nontrending motion is the noise。 A stock or a future may be in an uptrend or a downtrend; but the noise of its random chop can obscure its signal。 Trading at the right edge is hard because the noise level is high。 I developed SafeZone to trail prices with stops tight enough to protect capital but remote enough to keep clear of most random fluctuations。
Engineers design filters to suppress noise and allow the signal to e through。 If the trend is the signal; then the countertrend motion is the noise。 When the trend is up; we can define noise as that part of each day’s range that protrudes below the previous day’s low。 When the trend is down; we can define noise as that part of each day’s range that protrudes above the previous day’s high。 SafeZone measures market noise and places stops at a multiple of noise level away from the market。
工程师发明了滤网在过滤噪音,让信号通过。如果趋势就是信号,那么逆势的波动就是噪音。当趋势上涨时,每天波动超过前一天最低点就是噪音。当趋势下跌, 每天波动超过前一天最高点就是噪音。安全区域计算噪音,让止损点远离噪音。
We may use the slope of a 22…day EMA to define the trend。 You need to choose the length of the lookback period for measuring noise level。 It has to be long enough to track recent behavior but short enough to be relevant for current trading。 A period of 10 to 20 days works well; or we can make our lookback period 100 days or so if we want to average long…term market behavior。
If the trend is up; mark all downside penetrations during the look…back period; add their depths; and divide the sum by the number of penetrations。 This gives you the Average Downside Penetration for the selected lookback period。 It reflects the average level of noise in the current uptrend。 Placing your stop any closer would be self…defeating。 We want to place our stops farther away from the market than the average level of noise。 Multiply the Average Downside Penetration by a coefficient; starting with two; but experiment with higher numbers。 Subtract the result from yesterday’s low; and place your stop there。 If today’s low is lower than yesterday’s; do not move your stop lower since we are only allowed to raise stops on long positions; not lower them。
Reverse these rules in downtrends。 When a 22…day EMA identifies a downtrend; count all the upside penetrations during the lookback period and find the Average Upside Penetration。 Multiply it by a coefficient; starting with two。 When you go short; place a stop twice the Average Upside Penetration above the previous day’s high。 Lower your stop whenever the market makes a lower high; but never raise it。
I anticipate that SafeZone will be programmed into many software packages; allowing traders to control both the lookback period and the multiplication factor。 Until then; you will have to do your own programming or else track SafeZone manually (see Table 6。1)。 Be sure to calculate it separately for uptrends and downtrends。
Here are the rules for calculating SafeZone using an Excel spreadsheet。 Once you understand how it works; try to program SafeZone into your technical analysis software and superimpose its signals on the chart。 pare the numbers from the spreadsheet and the trading software。 They should be identical; otherwise; you have a programming error。 paring results from two software packages helps overe pesky programming problems。
Rules for Longs in Uptrends When the trend is up; we calculate SafeZone on the basis of the lows because their pattern determines stop placement。
上涨时做多的原则 当趋势上涨,我们根据最低点计算安全区域,因为它们的模式决定了止损的位置。

Table 6。1 SafeZone Stops – Spreadsheet
表6。1 安全区域止损——电子表格
1。 Obtain at least a month of data for your stock or future in high…low…close format; as shown in Table 6。1 (lows are in column C with the first record in row 3)。
2。 Test whether today’s low is lower than yesterday’s。 Go to cell E4; enter the formula =IF(C3》C4;C3…C4;0) and copy it down the length of that column。 It measures the depth of the downside penetration below the previous day’s range; and if there is none; it shows zero。
3。 Choose the lookback period and summarize all downside penetrations during that time。 Begin with 10 days and later experiment with other values。 Go to cell F13; enter the formula =SUM(E4:E13); and copy it down the length of that column。 It will summarize the extent of all downside penetrations for the past 10 days。
4。 Mark each bar that penetrates below the previous bar。 Go to cell G4; enter the formula =IF(C4
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