《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第65部分

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;000 worth of Dell in the early 1990s and cashed out three years later at 2。3 million; but DELL’s days of spiking through the roof and doubling twice a year are gone。 Instead; this widely held stock has bee a vehicle for swing traders; and not a very active one at that。
A beginning trader is better off learning to catch swings; because profit targets and stops are clearer; feedback es faster; and money management is easier。 The choice between trend trading and swing trading is partly objective and partly subjective。 Should you trade trends or swings? My impression; after meeting thousands of traders and investors; is that the elite tend to trade the big moves and ride major trends; but people who can do it successfully are few and far between。 There are many more traders who make money … sometimes very serious money … by trading swings。 The principles of Triple Screen work for both; even though the entries and especially the exits are different。
TREND TRADING  Trend trading means holding your positions for a long time; sometimes for months。 It requires holding while your stocks react against the main trend。 Bull and bear markets are driven by shifts in the fundamentals; such as new technologies and discoveries in the case of stocks; weather patterns in the case of agricultural markets; political shifts in the case of currencies; and so on。 Fundamental factors are behind bull and bear markets; but prices move only in response to actions by traders and investors。 When your fundamental information forecasts a major move; you need to analyze the charts to see whether the technicals confirm the fundamentals。
趋势交易 意味着长期持有仓位,有时是几个月。当价格相反于主趋势时也要持有。上涨和下跌是因为基本面在变化,比如股票市场的新科技,新发明,农业市场的天气变化,外汇市场的政治变化等等。基本面因素躲在上涨和下跌的市场后面,但是价格对交易者和投资者的行动直接起反映。当基本面信息预测到大波动时,你要分析图表,看看技术是否确认了基本面。
A market doesn’t send you an invitation before it takes off。 When a trend first climbs out of the cellar; few people pay attention。 Amateurs are fast asleep; while professionals monitor their markets and scan for breakouts and divergences。 Active markets get into the news because the lows and especially the highs attract journalists。 One of the key differences between the pros and the outsiders is that the pros always track their markets; while amateurs wake up and look at charts only after a market hits the news。 By that time the train has already left the station。 The ABC Rating System; described on page 255; can help you handle the challenge of tracking stocks through inactive periods。
A new breakout is easy to recognize but hard to trade and even harder to hold。 As a trend speeds up; more and more people pray for a pullback。 The stronger the trend; the less likely it is to acmodate bargain hunters。 It takes a lot of patience and confidence to hold a position in a trend。 Traders tend to be active men with the attitude of “don’t just sit there; do something。” Learning to be passive es hard to them。 One reason women tend to trade better is that they are more likely to be patient。
How can you teach yourself to trade trends? You may begin by studying historical charts; but remember; there is no substitute for experience。 The idea is to learn by doing。 Start by putting on positions so small that you can be relaxed and not tie your mind into a knot。 Trade only a few hundred shares or a single futures contract while you’re learning。
To apply Triple Screen to trend trading; monitor long…term charts for breakouts or look for well…established moves; identified by a weekly EMA。 When the weeklies tell you to be bullish or bearish; return to the dailies and use oscillators to find entry points。 Put on long positions in up…trends when prices touch their rising daily EMA and keep adding on pullbacks。 You can also add when daily oscillators; such as MACD…Histogram or Force Index; give buy signals; especially when they coincide with pullbacks。 Reverse the procedure in downtrends。 When the weekly trend is down and daily oscillators rally and reach overbought levels; they signal to sell short; especially when they coincide with rallies to the EMA。
The idea is to position yourself in the direction of the market tide and use the waves that go against that tide to build up your initial position。 As a beginner; learn to trade a single small position; but once you start making money; the size of your positions and the number of additions bee a function of money management。
Once you recognize a new trend; get in! New trends; springing out of trading ranges; are notoriously fast; with few or no pullbacks。 If you think you have identified a new trend; hop aboard。 You can reduce your risk by trading a smaller size; but do not wait for a deep pullback。 Those may e later; and you will be able to add to your position。 Jumping aboard a new trend feels counterintuitive; but being in the market makes you more alert to its behavior。 The great George Soros was only half…joking when he said; “Buy first; investigate later。”
Place your initial stop at the breakout level; where the new trend erupted from the range。 A rocket that takes off from its launching pad has no business sinking back to the ground。 Do not hurry to move your initial stop。 Wait for a reaction and then a new move before moving your stop to the bottom of that reaction。 The SafeZone stops; which work so well for swings; are much too tight for big trends。 While riding a tide; you must expect the waves to swing against you and still hold your position。
Trend trading means retaining your initial position through thick and thin。 You are fishing for very big fish; and you need plenty of room。 One of the reasons so few people make big money from big trends is that they bee anxious and hyperactive and forget to hang on。 Trends are unlike swings; where you must take profits and run fast。 Stay with the trend unless weekly trend…following indicators go flat or reverse。
Amateurs often outsmart themselves by trying to pick the end of a trend … a notoriously hard task。 As Peter Lynch aptly put it; trying to catch a bottom is like trying to catch a falling knife … you invariably grab it in the wrong spot。 Trends tend to overshoot rational expectations。 News; daily chart patterns; and other distractions try to throw you off the saddle。 Hang on! Consider trading a core position and supplementary positions。 You may put on a core position with a wide stop and no definite profit target; while swinging in and out of additional positions … buying on declines to the EMA or selling on rallies to the upper channel line。 Consider using two different accounts for easier record keeping。
SWING TRADING Markets spend most of their time going nowhere。 They rally a few days; pause; decline a few days; and rally again。 Small swings … weekly; daily; or hourly … are more mon than big trends。 By the end of the month the market may be higher or lower; but it has traveled up and down several times。 Newers get shaken out; while professionals enjoy the short rides。
波段交易 大部分时间市场是没有方向的。它们涨几天,暂停,跌几天。小的波动——周线的,
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