《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第69部分

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es。 If you sell a naked call and the stock rallies above its exercise price; it exposes you to the risk of ruin。 You must decide in advance at what level you will cut and run; taking a relatively small loss。 A naked seller cannot afford to sit when a stock moves against him。 Amateurs hang on and wait for the underlying security to turn around。 They wait for the wasting time value to get them off the hook。 The longer you wait for a miracle; the deeper the steel hook of the market lodges in your intestines。 Stay away from naked writing if you have the slightest problem with discipline!
WRITER’S CHOICE  All options buyers know this sad sequence: you’re right on the direction of the market; right on the stock; but still lose money on the option。 Time is the enemy of options buyers。 Buyers lose when the underlying security takes longer than expected to get to the level at which they can collect on their bet。 As the expiration date nears; an option bees worth less; and less; and less。
发行人的选择 所有的期权买家都知道这个悲惨的结果:你的方向对的,股票对的,但还是要在期权上亏钱。时间是期权买家的敌人。如果股票花了很长时间才到达行权价,买家也是亏钱。当到期日接近时,期权就快没有价值了,价值越来越少。
What if we reverse this process and write rather than buy options? Now time will work in our favor because each passing day will reduce the likelihood of that option having any value before it expires。
The first time you write an option; and do it right; you’ll experience the delicious sensation of time working in your favor。 The option loses some of its time value each day; making the premium you’ve collected safer and safer。 When the market goes nowhere; you still make money; as time value evaporates with each passing day。
If living well is the best revenge; then taking a factor that kills most options buyers – time … and making it work for you is a gratifying experience。
We must not forget that an option is a hope; and it is better to sell empty hopes which are unlikely to be fulfilled。 Take three steps before writing a call or a put。 First; analyze the underlying security; decide which way it’s moving; and estimate its price target。 Second; decide whether to write a put or a call。 Third; choose the strike price and the expiration date for the option you’ll write。 If any one of these steps seems unclear; stand aside; do not force a decision; and look for another opportunity。
One of the key factors in pricing options is the volatility of the underlying security。 A tool included in most trading software; called Bollinger bands; can help you rate volatility。 Those standard deviation bands are centered around a moving average but unlike envelopes; whose walls are parallel; they expand and contract as volatility changes。 Bollinger bands bee narrow when markets are sleepy and wide when they grow wild。 Flat; narrow bands indicate a sleepy market where options are cheap and it is better to buy them rather than sell。 When Bollinger bands go to a wide spread; they mark an overheated market where options tend to be overpriced; creating an opportunity for writers。 Here are the steps to follow:
Analyze a security against which you want to write options。 Use Triple Screen to decide whether a stock; future; or an index is trending or nontrending。 Use weekly and daily charts; trend…following indicators; and oscillators to identify trends; detect reversals; and set up price targets。
Select the type of option to write。 If your analysis is bearish; consider writing calls。 If bullish; consider writing puts。 When the trend is up; sell the hope that it will turn down; and when it’s down; sell the hope it’ll turn up。 Do not write options when markets are flat and Bollinger bands are tight because premiums are low; and a breakout from a trading range can hurt you。
Estimate how far; with a generous safety margin; the market would have to move in order to change its trend; and write an option beyond that zone。 Write an option with a strike price the market is unlikely to reach before the expiration。 Suppose a stock is at 80; having risen from 50 in the past year and is now rising half a point per week; with 8 weeks left to option expiration。 The trend is up; and selling a 70 put under those circumstances means selling an option that is likely to expire worthless。
The temptation to sell naked options close to the money and get fatter premiums is dangerous; because a slight countertrend move can push your position underwater。 Look at the number of weeks remaining to the expiration; calculate the distance the market is likely to travel based on its recent behavior; and write an option outside that range。 
Write options with no more than two months to the expiration。 The shorter the time; the fewer surprises。 The erosion of time value accelerates in the last few weeks of option life。 When you write options close to the expiration; you benefit from faster time decay。 You can get more money for options with longer life; but do not get greedy。 The goal of a writer is not to make a killing on any single trade but to grind out a steady ine。
LIMITING RISK  A trader can keep writing naked calls or puts; but do it long enough; and some day he will get caught on the wrong side of a powerful move。 Profits of several years can be wiped out in a single day。
控制风险 交易者可以经常发行无标的证券期权,但是如果做的时间久了,总有一天要被强大的反向波动陷害。几年的利润可能一天就没有了。
For example; whenever there is a great bull market; the pros look at selling puts like a license to print money。 The contrarians; the alarmists; and “the end is nigh” crowd keep buying puts for years and losing money; but suddenly there is a crash and buyers have their day in the sun。 The pros who have been feeding off them for years face their day of reckoning … the quick ones survive; while the slow ones are carried out feet first。
A trader can grow fat and greedy writing naked options; selling useless contracts created out of thin air and pocketing profits。 A smug feeling of self…satisfaction blinds people to reality。 Naked positions in options need to be protected by stops and money management rules。
Use a mental stop…loss on the underlying security。 Set a stop on the underlying stock; future; or index and not on the price of your option。 Buy back that option if the underlying security reaches your stop level。 For example; if you sell a naked 80 call on a stock trading at 70; place your stop at 77。 Get out of your naked option position before it gets into the money by crossing its exercise price。
Your stop is like an ejection seat on an aircraft。 If you write an out…of…the…money option and the market starts moving into the money; there is no point in sticking around; waiting to see what happens next。 You are wrong; and you’re losing … push the eject button before the damage turns deadly。 If you sold an option for 1。50; by the time it hits your at…the…money stop level it may double in price to 3。 If you use stops; you’ll be nowhere near the “unlimited loss” that makes people afraid to write options。
Set your profit…taking zone … consider buying back your naked option。 When you write a
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