《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第70部分

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Set your profit…taking zone … consider buying back your naked option。 When you write a call or a put; you sell a wasting asset。 When the underlying security moves far from the exercise price but there is still time left to the expiration; the price of that option may reach its rock bottom。 It loses value only in tiny dribs and drabs。 The loser who bought that option still has a bit of a chance that the market may reverse in his favor。 He continues to hold that call or put like a lottery ticket; and once in a rare while his ticket may win。
Why hold an open position in an option that has already given you most of its value? You have little to gain; while remaining exposed to the risk of an adverse move。 Consider buying back that option to close out your profitable trade。
Open an insurance account。 A naked seller needs insurance against a catastrophic reversal。 You may write a put and the market crashes the next day; or you write a call and suddenly there is a takeover。 You hope this never happens; but trade long enough and eventually everything will happen! That’s why you need insurance。 Nobody will write it for you; so you’ll have to self…insure。
Open a money market account; and every time you close out a naked writing position; throw a percentage of your profit; 10 percent or more; into that account。 Do not use it for trading。 Have it sit there; in a money market fund; for as long as you write options。 Your insurance account grows with each new profit; ready to cover a catastrophic loss or to be taken out in cash when you stop writing options!
Option writers get hurt in one of three ways。 Beginners overtrade and write too many options; breaking money management rules。 Intermediate…level traders get hurt when they fail to run fast enough when their options move against them。 Experienced traders can get blown out if they do not have a reserve against a major adverse move。 The longer you trade; the greater your risk of a catastrophic event。 Having an insurance account confirms your position as a professional option writer。
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? Every options trader should own Lawrence McMillan’s Options as a Strategic Investment and use it as a handbook。 Most professional traders read Sheldon Natenberg’s Option Volatility and Pricing Strategies。 Harvey Friedentag’s Options: Investing without Fear has a nice angle on covered writing。
Futures used to have such a bad reputation that several states tried to outlaw them a century ago。 They used to have Sunday sermons against futures in parts of the agricultural belt。 None of that prevented futures from evolving into a potent economic force。
Futures markets have prospered because they serve two groups that have a great deal of money。 On the one hand; futures permit major mercial producers and consumers to hedge price risks; giving them a fantastic petitive advantage。 On the other hand; futures offer speculators a gambling palace with more choices than all the casinos in Nevada。 Between the hedgers and the speculators; on a ground richly soaked with blood and money; are professional futures traders。 They help move the wheels of merce and take a fee for their services。 A sign of their profitability is the fact that many of those public servants pass their craft to their sons and now occasionally even to their daughters。
Hedging means opening a futures position that is the opposite of one’s position in the actual modity。 It removes the price risk from holding a cash modity or planning to buy such a modity in the future。 Hedgers transfer price risks to modity speculators。 This allows them to concentrate on their core businesses; offer better consumer pricing; and obtain a long…term petitive advantage over their unhedged petitors。
For example; I have two friends; brokers in Moscow; who teach sugar importers how to hedge (Russia has bee the world’s biggest importer of sugar since the breakup of the Soviet Union)。 Their clients are big players in the food industry; who know up to a year in advance how much sugar they’re going to need。 Now they can buy sugar futures in London or New York when prices are low enough。 They are going to need their trainloads of sugar many months from now; but meanwhile they hold sugar futures; which they plan to sell when they buy their cash position。 In effect; they are short cash; long futures。 If sugar prices go up and they have to pay more than expected; they will offset that loss by making roughly the same profit on their futures positions。
Their unhedged petitors are in effect flipping a coin。 If sugar prices fall; they’ll buy on the cheap and reap a windfall; but if they rise; they’ll be hung out to dry。 The importers who are hedged can concentrate on running their core business instead of watching the price ticker。
Producers of modities also benefit from hedging。 An agribusiness can presell its wheat; coffee; or cotton when prices are high enough to guarantee profits。 They sell short as many futures contracts as it takes to cover their prospective crop。 From that point on; they have no price risk。 If prices go down; they’ll make up their losses on cash modities by profits on futures。 If prices go up; they’ll lose money on their short positions in futures but make it back selling the actual modities。 Producers give up a chance of a windfall but insulate themselves from the risk of lower prices。 Survivors thrive on stability。 That why the Exxons; the Coca…Colas; and the Nabiscos are among the major players in the modity markets。 Hedgers are the ultimate insiders; and a good hedging department not only buys price insurance; but serves as a profit center。
Speculators step in to assume market risks; lured by the glitter of profits。 Hedgers; with their inside information; are not fully confident about future prices; while crowds of cheerful outsiders plunk down money to bet on price direction。 It reminds me how; years ago; I walked into a liquor store with a scientist friend to buy some wine for dinner。 This was soon after the state of New Jersey introduced a lottery to pay for education。 There was a huge line at the counter; as lottery tickets in those days were sold only in liquor stores。 When my friend; who owned a house in New Jersey; saw what was happening; he doubled up laughing; “You mean these people are lining up to keep my taxes down?!” That’s pretty much what most speculators do in futures。
The two largest groups of speculators are farmers and engineers。 Farmers produce modities; while engineers love to apply scientific methods to the mark
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