《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第74部分

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 move is much more likely to go in your favor; not against。 With the globalization of the futures markets; many more emergency exits appeared; allowing you to unwind a trade elsewhere。 A good trader learns to find those exits before he needs them。 Last but not least; a futures trader may consider opening an “insurance account;” as remended above for naked options writers; albeit on a much smaller scale。
MINICONTRACTS Futures traders with tiny accounts sometimes ask whether they should trade regular contracts or minicontracts。 For example; a regular contract of S&P represents 250 times the index; but a minicontract is only one…fifth its size; representing 50 times the index。 In British pounds a regular contract represents £62;500; but a minicontract only one…fifth its size represents only £12;500。 Minicontracts trade during the same hours as regular contracts and closely track them in price。
迷你合约 一些钱不多的期货交易者问是应该交易正常的合约,还是交易迷你合约。比如,正常的标准普尔合约1点是250元,但迷你合约只有五分之一,1点50元。英镑合约正常要62500英镑,但迷你合约只有五分之一,是12500英镑。迷你合约和正常合约一样的交易时间,且跟踪正常的合约。
The only advantage of minis is the reduction of risk; but their missions take a bigger percentage from each trade。 Beginners may use them for practice; but full…size contracts are much better trading vehicles。
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? The Futures Game by Teweles and Jones has educated several generations of futures traders。 Make sure to get the latest edition; the book is updated every 12 years or so。 Economics of Futures Trading by Thomas A。 Hieronymus is probably the wisest book on futures。 It has long been out of print; try to find a copy in the library。 Charting modity Market Price Behavior by L。 Dee Belveal has some of the sharpest analysis of volume and open interest。 The Inside Track to Winning by Steve Briese is a video on the mitments of traders; produced by my firm。
Do you trade for the money or for the thrill? Don’t tell me; just show your trading records。 Don’t have good records? Well; that’s an answer in itself。 If you keep records; then the slope of your equity curve will show how serious you are about trading。
Most people enter the markets for the money; but soon loose track of that goal and start chasing some private version of fun。 The trading game is a lot more interesting than solitaire and feeds dreams of wealth and power。 People trade to escape boredom or show off their smarts。 There are as many neurotic reasons to trade as there are traders; but only one realistic one … to make more money than from riskless investments; such as Treasury bills。
Successful trading is based on 3 M’s: Mind; Method; and Money。 Mind is trading psychology; Method is market analysis; and Money refers to risk management。 This last M is your ultimate key to success。 The slope of your equity curve; which you must draw as a part of your money management process; reflects the state of your mind as well as the quality of your method。
成功交易基于3个M:心态、方法和资金管理。心态指的是交易心理,方法指的是市场分析,资金管理指的是风险管理。这最后一个M 是成功的最关键因素。在你的资金管理过程中,必须要画出自己的资金曲线,它不仅会反映出你的心态,也会反映出你所用方法的质量。
Anyone can make money on a single trade or even several trades。 Even in the casinos of Las Vegas you continuously hear the music of the jackpots。 Coins pour from the slot machines; making a happy noise; but how many players go back to their rooms with more money than they came with? In the markets; almost anyone can make a good trade; but few can grow equity。
Money management is the craft of managing your trading capital。 Some call it an art; others a science; but really it is a bination of both; with science predominating。 The goal of money management is to accumulate equity by reducing losses on losing trades and maximizing gains on winning trades。 When you cross the street after the “Walk” sign lights up; you still glance right and left because some crazed driver may be barreling toward the crosswalk; sign or no sign。 Whenever your trading system gives you a signal; money management bees the equivalent of glancing right and left。 Even the most beautiful trading system requires money management to make consistent profits。
I once met a father and son team of successful money managers。 The father began grooming his son for the business while the boy was still a teenager。 On weekends he used to take him to the track and give his son 10 for the day。 That was his lunch money and betting money。 The father spent the day with his cronies; while the kid could e up and ask questions but never got another dollar。 He had to make his money betting horses and manage his resources if he wanted to eat lunch that day。 Learning to handicap horses (technical analysis); manage his stake (money management); and wait for the best odds (psychology) paid off a million…fold after the son joined his father in managing a hedge fund。
我曾经遇到父子二人为一组的成功的资金管理者。父亲在他的儿子十几岁时就开始培养他的商业才能。周末他常带他去赛马场,并给他10 元,作为那天他的午餐和赌本。父亲整天都与朋友们在一起,他的儿子如果有问题可以过来问他,但不会再得到额外的1 元钱。他必须自己通过赌马来赚钱,如果还想吃午餐的话,就得管好自己的钱。研究障碍赛马(技术分析),管理自己的赌注(资金管理),并且等待最佳机会(心态),在儿子加入他的父亲的对冲基金后赢利了一百万倍。
A good trading system gives you an edge in the market。 To use a technical term; it provides a positive expectation over a long series of trials。 A good system ensures that winning is more likely than losing over a long series of trades。 If your system can do that; you need money management; but if you have no positive expectation; no amount of money management will save you from losing。
For example; a roulette player has a negative expectation。 A roulette wheel has 38 slots in the United States and 37 in Europe; but only 36 are in play; as the house “owns” the remaining one or two。 Since a slot represents roughly 2。7% of a wheel; over a period of time the house skims that much from each game; slowly bleeding players dry。 There is a primitive money management system called a martingale that has players start with a minimum bet; usually 1; and double up after each loss; so that in theory; when they eventually win; they get back all they lost plus 1; and start with 1 again。 Martingale does not work in real life because casinos limit maximum bets。 Once your loss runs up to that limit; a martingale just hits its head on the ceiling and dies。 
例如,轮盘赌(一种赌者打赌转动盘上旋转的小球将停止于盘上哪一个槽内的赌博游戏。)玩家的期望是负的。在美国一个轮盘赌轮有38条淘槽,在欧洲有37 条,但在玩的时候只有36条,赌场“拥有”剩余的1 条或2 条。一个槽约占一个赌轮的2。7%,经过一段时间后,赌场就在每轮游戏中都占有高的胜率,慢慢地把玩家榨干。有一种原始的资金管理系统叫做加倍下注,开始时玩家下只下最小的赌注,通常是1 元,在每次输掉后就加倍下注。于是在理论上,当他们最终赢的时候,他们就会赚回所有的损失加1 元,然后重新以1 元的赌注开始。加倍下注法在现实生活中不起作用,因为赌场限制了最大赌注。一旦你的损失达到那个限制,加倍下注法就彻底玩蛋了。
In blackjack; on the other hand; a very disciplined trader who follows a tested strategy and counts cards has a slight edge over the casino; on the order of 1 or 2 percent; sometimes higher。 Here a good card counter needs money management to keep bets small on iffy hands and double up on strong hands。
另一方面,在21点游戏中,一个非常有纪律的玩家遵循曾经测试有效的策略,数牌能力会比赌场略占优势,约1%到2% ,有时更高一些。这时,一个优秀的玩家需要资金管理,在牌不好时下较小的注,而在牌好时加倍下注。
Once you have a trading system with a positive expectation; you must establish money management rules。 Follow them as if your life depended on them; because it does。 When we lose money; we die as traders。
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