《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第75部分

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Whatever percentage of capital you lose; you must make a greater percentage to e back。 I used to carry a receipt from a car rental agency to illustrate this point。 The receipt showed a charge of 70; followed by a 10% discount; and 10% tax。 What was the bottom line? If you said 70; go back to the books! 70-10%=63。 63+10%=69。30。 If 10% is taken away and 10% added; you end up below the starting point。 Losing equity is like falling into an ice cave … it’s easy to slide in but hard to claw your way out because the edges are slippery。 What happens when a trader knocks his 10;000 account down to 6;600? He’s down 34% and must make 50% just to e back to even。 How likely is it that a trader who just dropped a third of his equity will earn 50%? He’s at the bottom of an ice hole。 He’ll either die or get a new lease on life from an outside source。 The key question is whether he learns from his experience。 
不管你损失的比例有多少,你都必须赚更多比例的钱来补偿。过去我常常带着一张汽车租赁公司的收据来证明这一点。该收据注明收费70元,打折10%,返税10%。那么结果是什么?如果你说是70 元,那么请再读一遍上文。70-10%=63,63+10%=69。30。如果先减去10% ,两加上10%,最后的结果就低于初始值。亏损就像跌进一个冰窟——下滑是容易的,但很难再爬出来,因为冰窟的壁太光滑了。当一个交易者的账户从10000元下滑到6600元时,会发生什么呢?他的账户亏损了34%,而他必须再赢利50%才能重新回到10000元,一个刚刚亏损掉三分之一资金的交易者,想要赚50%,可能吗?他处在一个冰窟的底部,他或者就此死去,或者重新投入资金。关键问题是他是否能从失败中吸取教训。
Markets are about as soft as a gladiator fight。 Life on the battle…field is measured in money。 Everybody’s fighting to take it away from you … petitors; vendors; and brokers。 Losing money is easy; making it is hard。
Money management has two goals: survival and prosperity。 The first priority is to survive; then to grind out steady gains; and finally; to make spectacular gains。 Beginners tend to have those priorities reversed。 They shoot for spectacular gains but never think about long…term survival。 Putting survival first makes you focus on money management。 Serious traders are always focused on minimizing losses and growing equity。
The most successful money manager I know keeps saying he’s afraid of ending up as a taxi driver。 His engineering degree is out of date; he has no work experience outside the markets; and if he fails as a trader; all he can do is drive a cab。 He’s made millions; but still does everything in his power to avoid losing money。 He is one of the most disciplined people I know。
Modern society makes it easy to live without counting。 Most of us rarely count; having grown accustomed to calculators and digital screens on appliances。 If you can add up the number of guests at a dinner party or figure out how many beers are left in a six…pack after you have drunk two; you’re in good shape。 It’s easy to go through life with hardly any arithmetic。 Not so in the markets。
Trading is a numbers game。 If you cannot count; you cannot trade。 You do not need calculus or algebra; but you must be on easy terms with basic math … adding; subtracting; multiplying; and dividing。 In addition; you need to calculate percentages and fractions and round off numbers in order to count fast。 Also; you must be at ease with the concept of probability。 This may sound simple; but it never ceases to amaze me how poorly and slowly most beginners count。 All good traders are on easy terms with math。 They are practical and sharp people who quickly calculate risks; results; and odds。
What if you’re a product of modern education and need a calculator to subtract 26。75 from 183。5 or figure out 15% of 320? You need to educate yourself。 You have to drill yourself in arithmetic。 One of the easiest ways to do so is by counting change when you go shopping。 Estimate the total price。 Once you give money to a cashier; calculate how much change you’ll need。 Figure out sales tax in your head。 Keep practicing; keep stepping out of the fortable shell of modern consumer society where counting isn’t necessary。 Read a couple of popular books on the theory of probability。
如果你是一个现代教育的产品,需要计算器来计算183。5减26。75 或者320的15%之类的结果,那会如何呢?你需要自学。你必须在数学方面训练自己。最简单的方法之一是当你去商店买东西时,心算找零。估算总价。当你把钱递给收银员时,心算一下找零是多少。在自己的头脑中算一下营业税。坚持练习,坚持走出现代社会客户不需要计算的安逸的外壳。读一两本有关可能性理论的流行书。
Troublesome? Yes。 Time consuming? For sure。 Learning to count on your feet is not entertaining; but it’ll help you succeed in trading。
How wide is the channel? What is the ratio of the distances to your stop…loss and the profit target? If you want to risk no more than 1% of your account and the stop is 1。25 points away; how many shares may you buy? These and similar questions go to the heart of successful trading。 Being able to answer them on the fly gives you a real advantage over the crowd of innumerate amateurs。
通道有多宽?止损点和赢利目标的比例是多少?如果你想拿自己账户的1%去冒险,且止损点距当前价位1。25 点,那么你应该买多少股?这些以及其它类似的问题就是成功交易的关键所在。能够飞速地回答这些问题,将使你获得一个位于无数业余选手人群之上的优势。
Remember our example of a small businessman who ran a fruit and vegetable stand; selling several crates each day? What if his wholesaler offered him a crate of some new exotic fruit? He could make money on it; but if locals did not like the fruit and it rotted; a single crate would not hurt his business。 It is a normal businessman’s risk。
Now imagine he bought a tractor…trailer of that fruit at a super low price。 If it sold; he could make a quick killing; but if that load rotted on him; it would hurt his business and could endanger his survival。 A crate presented an acceptable risk; but a truckload was a rotten risk。 The difference between a businessman’s risk and a loss is its size relative to the size of your account。
A businessman’s risk exposes you to normal equity fluctuation; but a loss threatens your prosperity and survival。 You must draw a line between them and never cross it。 Drawing that line is a key task of money management。
Whenever you buy a stock and place a stop under it; you limit your dollar risk per share。 Money management rules limit your total risk on any trade as a whole; allowing you to risk only a small percentage of your account。 If you know your maximum permitted risk per trade as well as your risk per share or contract; it is a matter of simple arithmetic to calculate how many shares or contracts you may trade。
Money management rules are essential for your survival and success。 Few traders have the discipline to follow them。 Promises are easy to make while reading a book; but wait until you are in front of the screen。 “This time is different; it’s free money; I’ll give this trade a little extra room。” The market seduces traders into breaking their rules。 Will you follow yours?
I was recently invited to chair a panel on market psychology at a gathering of money managers。 One of my panelists had nearly a billion dollars under management。 A middle aged man; he started in business in his 20s; while working for a naval consulting firm after graduate school。 Bored with his job; he designed a trading system but did not have enough money to trade it because it required a minimum of 200;000。 “I had to go to other people;” he said; “and
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