《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第86部分

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Your equity curve shows a steady uptrend with shallow drawdowns。 The performance standard for professional money managers is 25% annual gain on the account; with no drawdowns of more than 10% from peak equity。 If you can match or exceed that; you are far ahead of the game。
You make your own trading plans。 Even when you get a terrific…sounding tip from a friend; you do not get swept up in the excitement。 You either ignore it or put it through your own decision…making screens。
You do not chat about your trading。 You may discuss a technical point or a closed trade with a trusted friend; but you never ask for advice on an open trade。 You do not disclose your positions so as not to expose yourself to unwanted advice or tie up your ego in the process。
You learn all you can about the market you’re trading。 You have a good grasp of the main technical; fundamental; intermarket; and political factors that may impact your stock or a future。
You grade yourself on the adherence to your written plan。 Imagine you are an employee; and the boss has left on an extended vacation; leaving you to manage his money by following his plan。 When he returns he will reward or punish you based on how faithfully you followed his plan。
You allot a certain amount of time to the markets each day。 You download data each day; put it through your battery of tests and screens; and write down the results and plans for tomorrow。 You allocate time in your daily schedule to make trading a regular activity and not something you do catch as catch can。
You monitor selected markets daily; regardless of their activity。 You avoid the typical beginners’ error of monitoring markets only when they are active and “interesting。” You know that strong moves spring from periods of relative inactivity。
You learn and are open to new ideas; but are skeptical of claims。 You read market books and magazines; attend conferences; participate in online forums; but you do not accept any ideas without testing them on your own data。
You follow your money management rules as if your life depended on them … because your financial life does。 If you have good money management; most decent trading systems will make you money in the long run。
All traders pay attention to money but few are aware of the importance of time。 Time is just as crucial as money … the more you have; the more likely you are to win。
Most people start out with too little money; and most traders do not give themselves enough time to learn。 Trading is very different from physics or mathematics; where genius reveals itself early。 In science; if you’re not a star by the time you’re 25; you’ll never be one。 Trading; on the contrary; is an old man’s game; and now increasingly a woman’s。 Patience is a virtue and memory a great asset。 If you slightly improve each year; you can grow into a brilliant trader。
My friend Lou Taylor; to whom Trading for a Living was dedicated; used to say; “if I bee half a percent smarter each year; I’ll be a genius by the time I die。” As always with him; there was a great deal of wisdom in his joke。
Raise your eyes from the keyboard and think about two goals … to learn to trade and to make money。 Which es first and which es second? Stop killing yourself trying to make a lot of money in a hurry。 Learn to trade; and the money will follow。 An intelligent horse trainer does not overload a young horse。 Training es first; pulling heavy loads es later。
You learn best by making many small trades and analyzing your performance。 The more you trade; the more you learn。 Play for small stakes to reduce the pressure and concentrate on quality。 You can always increase your size later。 The goal is to acquire enough experience so that most actions bee nearly automatic。 A trader whose experience has taught him a lot of practical skills can focus on strategy … what he wants to do … instead of worrying about his next step。
If you are serious about trading; you have got to put time into it。 Markets have to be studied; trading methods dissected and rated; systems designed and applied; decisions made and recorded。 All of this adds up to a fair bit of work。 What is a fair bit? Two examples e to mind; at opposite ends of the spectrum。
At the hard…working end; I think of a top…rated American futures money manager in whose apartment I once stayed。 We lived under the same roof; but I hardly ever saw him。 He would leave for the office before 7 A。M。; return after 10 P。M。; and fall asleep in his clothes in the living room。 He worked like that six days a week; but on a Sunday he took it easy。 In the morning he would go for a game of squash at a club before running back to the office to prepare for the opening on Monday。 No wife; no girlfriend; no pastimes; and no friends … but man; was he raking in millions!
At the relaxed; but still very disciplined end; I think of a middle…aged Chinese trader whom I visited in his mansion when the stock markets were reeling throughout Asia。 He had made a fortune in the two bull markets of the previous 10 years and told me that he needed just one more Asian bull market to make all the money he wanted。 He was prepared to wait for several years for the next one; but meanwhile looked after his family; collected art; and played a lot of golf。 He spent a few hours a week downloading the data and watching his indicators。
How much time should you spend analyzing markets and doing your homework? A beginner must spend every minute of his waking hours learning the basics。 How much time will you need at the next stage; once you’ve bee a petent semiprofessional trader? We are talking about position trading and not day…trading; which forces one to stay in front of the screen all day。 The answer depends on how fast you work and how many markets you trade。
You must dedicate a certain amount of time to the markets each day。 Amateurs and gamblers make a typical mistake。 When markets are inactive; they stop watching and lose touch。 They wake up after hearing the news of a runaway move。 By that time; the markets are running … the amateurs have missed yet another train and now they chase it; hoping to hop aboard a runaway trend。
An organized trader tracks his markets; whether he trades them at the moment or not。 He notices when a listless range starts rubbing against a resistance; buys early; and when amateurs start piling into the rally; he takes profits; selling to lazy lateers。 A serious trader is ahead of the game because he does his homework day in and day out。
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