《走进我的交易室 中英对照版》



走进我的交易室 中英对照版- 第95部分

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Your first task is to set up a record…keeping system。 Keeping records is like looking in a mirror while shaving with a very sharp blade。 You’re safer if you look。 Hammering on this topic reminds me how I once sent a patient to AA who told me that those meetings ruined him as an alcoholic。 Getting drunk could never be fun again。 Keeping records will do the same for you … it will immunize you against impulsive gambling。
Your next step is to set up a money management plan。 Follow that by writing down your trading plan; a decision…making tree。 Once you do that; you’ll be moving in the direction opposite to the majority of the trading public。 Test everything you read in this or any other book。 Only testing can make any method your own。
Those who concentrate on the rewards; which are considerable; often push themselves too hard。 It is better to trade small in order to be more relaxed and enjoy the learning process。 Then you will emerge not only richer; but also more alert; aware; free; and at peace with yourself。
I have traveled this road; made my choices; and battled my demons; growing from a wide…eyed beginner into someone who knows what he is doing。 The journey had many rough stretches; but both the trip and the rewards are worth it。
Closing this book does not mean having to say good…bye。 If I continue to run my Traders’ Camps; you may e to spend a week during which we’ll work on trading together。 All new ideas in this book have first been presented to my campers; to whom my work is dedicated。
In writing this book I gave you my best and did not hold anything back。 I hope you will give all of yourself to being a good trader。 I now return to my trading room and wish you success in yours。
Dr。 Alexander Elder
New York
February 2002
Writing this page is like having a dessert … after working on this book for more than three years; I get a chance to thank those who helped me along the way。
Thanks; first of all; to my campers; the people to whom this book is dedicated。 For the past several years I have been running Traders’ Camps; being friends with some of the sharpest; most inquisitive people in the markets。 Their questions forced me to dig deeper and articulate my ideas more clearly。 To this day; one of the highlights of each month is a meeting of campers in my apartment in Manhattan。
I want to thank my staff; especially my manager; Inna Feldman。 I trust her to take good care of my clients while I am traveling or trading overseas。
Fred Schutzman; an old and loyal friend; found time in his busy schedule to read the entire manuscript; and his eagle eye caught several oversights。 Fred did a similar review of my previous book; Trading for a Living。 At its publication party I introduced him to the woman who was my assistant manager。 They started dating; married; and last year had their third child。 Fred has a beautiful family; an unexpected bonus for his hard work。
My best friend; Lou Taylor; to whom Trading for a Living was dedicated; died more than a year before the current book was pleted。 His sage advice was priceless and his absence at the next book party will feel like a huge void。
My older daughter Miriam; a journalist in Paris; helped edit this manuscript。 It seems like just a few years ago I was correcting her homework; and now she takes a red pen to my pages。 Her English and her style are impeccable; it looks like that homework paid off。 My second daughter; Nika; an art historian in New York; another person with a razor…sharp sense of taste; developed the design for the jacket of the book。 She also selected the fonts and made other suggestions to improve the look and feel of the book。 Both girls; as well as my youngest child Danny; provided many cheerful distractions from business。 I often took them on trips; and since they like to sleep late; I had the time to work on this book in the cafes of Venice; Fiji; New Zealand; and other locales; before a day of skiing or museum hopping。
My former manager; Carol Keegan Kayne; who edited all of my previous books; reviewed page proofs of this one。 She convinced me once and for all that no book of mine is finished until she signs off on it。
My old friend Ted Bonanno insulated me from the most stressful part of writing a book … negotiating a publishing contract。 Ted is an Olympic rowing coach (not long ago he went to the Sydney Olympics and I did not go near the gym for three blessed weeks)。 We work out together; and it was fun discussing business with Ted while running or between rounds of weight lifting。
Last but not least; I want to thank many friends around the world in whose beach; mountain; or city houses I sometimes stayed while writing this book。 Since many of them are traders; I hope they benefited from the insights I shared with them as much as I enjoyed their hospitality。
Dr。 Alexander Elder
New York
February 2002
Achelis; Steven。 Technical Analysis from A to Z (New York: McGraw…Hill; 1995)。 Appel; Gerald。 Day…Trading with Gerald Appel (video) (New York: Financial Trading; 1989)。
Basso; Thomas F。 Panic…Proof Investing (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1994)。 Belveal; L。 Dee。 Charting modity Market Price Behavior (1969) (Homewood; IL: Dow Jones Irwin; 1989)。
Bernstein; Peter L。 Against the Gods (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1996)。 Bloom; Howard。 The Lucifer Principle (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press; 1995)。 
Briese; Stephen E。 The Inside Track to Winning (video) (New York: Financial
Trading; 1993)。
Brower; William。 Personal munication。
Caplan; David。 Trade Like a Bookie (Oxnard; CA: …Op Publishing; 1995)。 Chande; Tushar S。; and Stanley Kroll。 The New Technical Trader (New York:
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Dominguez; Joe; and Vicki Robin。 Your Money or Your Life (New York: Penguin Books; 1992)。
Douglas; Mark。 The Disciplined Trader (New York: New York Institute of Finance; 1990)。
Douglas; Mark。 Trading in the Zone (Englewood Cliffs; NJ: Prentice…Hall; 2001)。
Edwards; Robert D。; & John Magee。 Technical Analysis of Stock Trends (1948)
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Ehlers; John。 Personal munication。
Ehlers; John。 Rocket Science for Traders (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2001)。
Elder; Alexander。 Rubles to Dollars (New York: New York Institute of Finance; 1999)。
Elder; Alexander。 Study Guide for e Into My Trading Room (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2002)。
Elder; Alexander。 Study Guide for Trading for a Living (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1993)。
Elder; Alexander。 Trading at the Right Edge (video) (New York: Financial Trading; 1996)。
Elder; Alexander。 Trading for a Living (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1993)。 Elder; Alexander。 Winning Psychology and Tactics (video) (New York: Financial
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Friedentag; Harvey Conrad。 Options … Investing without Fear (Chicago: International Publishing; 1995)。
Gleick; James。 Chaos (New York: Viking Penguin; 1987)。
Guppy; D。 Personal munication。
Hagstrom; Robert G。; Jr。 The Warren Buffett Way (New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1995)。
Hartle; Thom。 Talking with “Turtle” Russell Sands (Stocks & modities。 1992; 10(12): 544–548)。
Hieronymus; Thomas A。 Economics of Futures Trading (New York: modity Research Bureau; 1971)。
Hurst; J。 M。 The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing (Englewood Cliffs; NJ: Prentice…Hall; 
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