《king henry iv part 1(亨利四世i)》



king henry iv part 1(亨利四世i)- 第18部分

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You;   son   John;   and   my   cousin   Westmoreland;   Towards   York   shall   bend 

you   with   your   dearest   speed   To   meet   Northumberland   and   the   prelate 

Scroop; Who; as we hear; are busily in arms。 Myself and you; son Harry; 

will   towards     Wales    To   fight  with   Glendower      and   the   Earl   of  March。 

Rebellion   in   this   laud   shall   lose   his   sway;   Meeting   the   check   of   such 

another day; And since this business so fair is done; Let us not leave till all 

our own be won。 Exeunt。 

     THE END 


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