


魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下)- 第1部分

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    1。These are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world。(WARMING UP)这些是曾经令世界改变的巨大科学成就。    
    The scientific methods include conducting experiments and recording and checking the results。科学方法包括进行实验、作记录和检查结果。    
    We should work with scientific instruments。我们应该用科学仪器来工作。     
    We succeeded in our scientific experiment in the end。我们终于在科学实验中取得了成功。    
    He is proud of his scientific achievements。他为他所取得的科学成就感到自豪。    
    2。Do these achievements have anything in common?(WARMING UP)这些成就有相同之处吗?    
    have something(nothing)in common(with)意为“与……有(无)共同之处”或“与……共用”。    
    They have nothing in common with one another。他们彼此之间毫无共同之处。    
    3。What is it that makes scientific achievements important?(PREREADING)到底是什么使得科学成就变得如此重要呢?    
    ①it可用于强调句子除谓语外的某一成分,如主语、状语、宾语等。这种句子的结构是“It is /was +被强调部分+that+句子的其余部分”。    
    It was an eagle that he shot dead yesterday。他昨天射死的是一只鹰。    
    It is Prof。Smith who/that teaches us English。教我们英语的是史密斯教授。    
    It is the local people whom/that we often visit。我们经常访问的是当地的人。    
    4。Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China; it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing。(READING) 无论中国将来会有多么伟大的成就,其中许多很有可能就诞生在北京的西北部。    
    You can take whatever farm tools you need。你们需要什么农具都可以拿。    
    Whatever problem you have; you can always come to me for help。    
    Whatever I have is at your service。我所有的每一样东西,你都可以任意使用。    
    She will do whatever I wish。她对我会言听计从。     
    Keep calm; whatever happens。无论发生什么事情,都要保持镇静。    
    5。They all have their own characteristics; but they all share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success。(READING)虽然他们特色各异,但是他们都有着共同的创造精神和科学技能,造就了中关村成为成功的高科技园区。    
    We shared the money among us。我们把那笔钱均分了。     
    They shared the cake between them。他们俩分了那块蛋糕。     
    Good friends should share happiness and sorrow with each other。好友之间应该分享快乐和忧愁。    
    They divided the money into equal shares。    
    His share is double。他是双份的。    
    Their efforts were rewarded with success。他们的努力获得了成功。    
    Our experiment ended with success。我们的实验胜利结束了。    
    His success took a load off my mind。他的成功卸下了我心中的重负。    
    Hard work is the path to success。勤奋是通向成功之路。    
    6。The science park is also home to a growing number of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home。(READING)这个科学园区也成了越来越多的海外华侨抓住机遇在国内实现自己理想的大本营。    
    She left home when she was a child。她小时候就离开了家乡。    
    He has his home at present in Canada。目前他居住在加拿大。    
    The foreign scientist regarded China as his second home。这位外籍科学家视中国为第二故乡。    
    7。I never felt really comfortable abroad;and I missed everything about China。(READING)我感觉我在国外没有过着真正舒适的生活,我思念中国的一切。    
    Youll miss all your friends when you go to live abroad。如果你去国外定居,你会怀念你所有的朋友的。    
    They have missed the train。他们没有赶上火车。     
    I don’t  want to miss seeing that singer on television tonight。我不想错过今晚在电视上看看那位歌唱家的机会。    
    8。Yufang talked to some friends from his university in Beijing and they helped arrange for his return。(READING)于方与来自他在北京读大学时的母校的一些朋友交谈,然后他们帮助安排他回国。    
    They are arranged in order of increasing difficulty。它们是按先易后难的顺序排列的。    
    My duties were to arrange the goods; keep them clean; help out in the workroom and; above all; run errands。我的责任是整理商品,保持商品的清洁,在工作室给人做个帮手,而最重要的是在外面跑腿。    
    We have arranged to meet him at six this evening。我们已经安排今天晚上6点见他。     
    I can’t arrange for everything。不能一切都靠我来办。    
    We have arranged that the Young Pioneers (should) go and help her once a week。我们已经安排少先队员每周去帮她一次。    
    9。Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science。(READING)中关村无论对商业还是科学都产生了积极的影响。    
    have effect on…是动词短语,表示“对……产生影响”。这里effect用作可数名词或不可数名词,意为“影响”、“效果”或“作用”。    
    Did the medicine have any effect?这种药有效吗?     
    What he says may have some effects。他说的话也许会起作用。    
    Thus one simple fact;a change in the number of bison;had an effect on the whole wildlife chain of the plains。 因此,出现了这样一个简单的事实——野牛数目的变化对平原的整个野生生物链都产生了影响。    
    10。Relying on science; technology; and knowledge to increase economic power。(READING)依靠科学技术知识发展经济。    
    rely on/upon是动词短语,意为“依赖”或“依靠”,相当于depend on/upon。    
    He can always be relied upon for help。他的帮助是永远可靠的。    
    You may rely upon it that he will be early。你放心好了,他一定会早到的。    
    11。We are not making that much money yet…(READING)我们现在还没有挣到那么多钱……    
    How could she sing that well?她怎么能唱得那么好?     
    Can you walk that far?你能走那么远吗?    
    The weather isn’t  all that hot。天气根本没有那么热。    
    12。The programme was started in March 1986 and has led to several breakthroughs in science and technology。(LANGUAGE STUDY)这个项目于1986年3月启动,并引起科学技术的几次重大突破。    
    lead to的用法    
    ①lead to属于动介结构,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,意为“导致”、“引起”或“影响”。    
    The heavy rain led to serious floods。大雨造成了严重的水灾。    
    ②lead to后跟地点名词,表示道路“通向”某地。    
    This road leads to our village。这条路通向我们的村子。    
    13。China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research aimed at improving agriculture。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)中国在着眼于提高农业的基因研究领域一直处于领先地位。    
    The hunter took careful aim at the wolf and fired。那个猎手仔细地瞄准那条狼,然后射击。     
    He picked up a stone and aimed it at the dog。他捡起一块石头朝狗扔去。    
    I aim at becoming an astronaut。(英)/I aim to become an astronaut。(美)我的目标是要成为一名宇航员。    
    14。It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)这就好像中国和计算机一见钟情一样。    
    byte是计算机用语,意为“(二进制)字节”、“(二进制)位元组”。句中at first byte等于at first sight,表示“初见”、“乍见”、“未加研究”等。    
    He fell in love with her at first sight。他对她一见钟情。    
    15。For the first time ever; scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells。(INTEGRATING SKILLS)科学家有史以来第一次有能力创造出能够杀死癌细胞的化学元素。    
    (1)for the first time属于固定搭配,是介词短语,在句中一般用作状语,意为“第一次”。    
    He cast his net for the first time; and drew in a dead donkey。 他撒了第一网,拉上来一头死驴。    

Unit 11 Scientific achievement单元语法知识归纳

    longterm 长期的openair 户外的homesick 想家的;思念家乡的    sightseeing 观光    
    crossroad 十字路口       takeoff起飞    
    kindhearted 心肠好的     coldblooded 冷血的    
    nobleminded 高尚的      goodtempered 脾气好的    
    goodlooking 好看的      finesounding 动听的     
    easygoing 脾气随和的,随便的    
    hardworking 勤劳的 farreaching 深远的    
    peaceloving 热爱和平的 epochmaking 划时代的    
    stateowned 国有的    heartfelt 由衷的     
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