


纪伯伦散文-流浪者_纪伯伦- 第9部分

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now while the two philosophers were loud upon the wind; a stranger; a man who was deemed a simpleton in his own village; passed by; and when he heard the two in hot dispute; he stood awhile and listened to their argument。 

then he came near to them and said; 〃my good men; it seems that you both really belong to the same school of philosophy; and that you are speaking of the same thing; only you speak in different words。 one of you is seeks the fountain of youth; and the other seeks the mystery of death。 yet indeed they are but one; and as they dwell in you both。〃 

then the stranger turned away saying; 〃farewell sages。〃 and as he departed he laughed a patient laughter。 

the two philosophers looked at each other in silence for a moment; and then they laughed also。 and one of them said; 〃well now; shall we not walk and seek together。〃







the sceptre

said a king to his wife; 〃madame; you are not truly a queen。 you are too vulgar and ungracious to be my mate。〃 

said his wife; 〃sir; you deem yourself king; but indeed you are only a poor soundling。〃 

now these words angered the king; and he took his sceptre with his hand; and struck the queen upon her forehead with his golden sceptre。 

at that moment the lord chamberlain entered; and he said; 〃well; well; majesty! that sceptre was fashioned by the greatest artist of the land。 alas! some day you and the queen shall be forgotten; but this sceptre shall be kept; a thing of beauty from generation to generation。 and now that you have drawn blood from her majestys head; sire; the sceptre shall be the more considered and remembered。〃 













the path

there lived among the hills a woman and her son; and he was her first…born and her only child。 

and the boy died of a fever whilst the physician stood by。 

the mother was distraught with sorrow; and she cried to the physician and besought him saying; 〃tell me; tell me; what was it that made quiet his striving and silent his song?〃 

and the physician said; 〃it was the fever。〃 

and the mother said; 〃what is the fever?〃 

and the physician answered; 〃i cannot explain it。 it is a thing infinitely small that visits the body; and we cannot see it with the human eye。〃 

the physician left her。 and she kept repeating to herself; 〃something infinitely small。 we cannot see it with our human eye。〃 

and at evening the priest came to console her。 and she wept and she cried out saying; 〃oh; why have i lost my son; my only son; my first…born?〃 

and the priest answered; 〃my child; it is the will of god。〃 

and the woman said; 〃what is god and where is god? i would see god that i may tear my bosom before him; and pour the blood of my heart at his feet。 tell me where i shall find him。〃 

and the priest said; 〃〃god is infinitely vast。 he is not to be seen with our human eye。〃 

then the woman cried out; 〃the infinitely small has slain my son through the will of the infinitely great! then what are we? what are we?〃 

at that moment the womans mother came into the room with the shroud for the dead boy; and she heard the words of the priest and also her daughters cry。 and she laid down the shroud; and took her daughters hand in her own hand; and she said; 〃my daughter; we ourselves are the infinitely small and the infinitely great; and we are the path between the two。〃 

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the whale and the butterfly

once on an evening a man and a woman found themselves together in a stagecoach。 they had met before。 

the man was a poet; and as he sat beside the woman he sought to amuse her with stories; some that were of his own weaving; and some that were not his own。 

but even while he was speaking the lady went to sleep。 then suddenly the coach lurched; and she awoke; and she said; 〃i admire your interpretation of the story of jonah and the whale。〃 

and the poet said; 〃but madame; i have been telling you a story of mine own about a butterfly and a white rose; and how they behaved the one to the other!〃

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peace contagious

one branch in bloom said to his neighbouring branch; 〃this is a dull and empty day。〃 and the other branch answered; 〃it is indeed empty and dull。〃 

at that moment a sparrow alighted on one of the branches; and the another sparrow; nearby。 

and one of the sparrows chirped and said; 〃my mate has left me。〃 

and the other sparrow cried; 〃my mate has also gone; and she will not return。 and what care i?〃 

then the two birds began to twitter and scold; and soon they were fighting and making harsh noise upon the air。 

all of a sudden two other sparrows came sailing from the sky; and they sat quietly beside the restless two。 and there was calm; and there was peace。 

then the four flew away together in pairs。 

and the first branch said to his neighbouring branch; 〃that was a mighty zig…zag of sound。〃 

and the other branch answered; 〃call it what you will; it is now both peaceful and spacious。 and if the upper air makes peace it seems to me that those who dwell in the lower might make peace also。 will you not wave in the wind a little nearer to me?〃 

and the first branch said; 〃oh; perchance; for peace sake; ere the spring is over。〃 

and then he waved himself with the strong wind to embrace her。 








the shadow

upon a june day the grass said to the shadow of an elm tree; 〃you move to right and left over…often; and you disturb my peace。〃 

and the shadow answered and said; 〃not i; not i。 look skyward。 there is a tree that moves in the wind to the east and to the west; between the sun and the earth。〃 

and the grass looked up; and for the first time beheld the tree。 and it said in its heart; 〃why; behold; there is a larger grass than myself。〃 

and the grass was silent。 









the poet youth said to the princess; 〃i love you。〃 and the princess answered; 〃and i love you too; my child。〃 

〃but i am not your child。 i am a man and i love you。〃 

and she said; 〃i am the mother of sons and daughters; and they are fathers and mothers of sons and daughters; and one of the sons of my sons is older than you。〃 

and the poet youth said; 〃but i love you。〃 

it was not long after that the princess died。 but ere her last breath was received again by the greater breath of earth; she said within her soul; 〃my beloved; mine only son; my youth…poet; it ma
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