《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第101部分

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the fees amounted to two hundred and fifty thousand livres; which were

not a burden on the nation; but on the litigants。  M。 Thouret; who

practiced in the Rouen parliament; will bear witness to this。  I

appeal to him to say conscientiously what sum a Councillor derived

from his office  … not five hundred livres 。  。  。  When a judgment

cost the litigant nine hundred livres the King's portion was six

hundred Iivres 。  。  。  To sum up; the profits of an office were seven

livres ten sous。〃

'81' Albert Babeau; 〃La Ville;〃 ch。  II。; and 〃Histoire de Troyes;〃

I。; ch。  1。  At Troyes; fifty merchants; notables; elected the judge…

consul and two consuls; the merchants' guild possessed its own hall

and had its own meetings。  At Paris; the drapers; mercers; grocers;

furriers; hatters and jewelers formed the six bodies of merchants。

The merchants' guild everywhere took precedence of other industrial

communities and enjoyed special privileges。  〃The merchants;〃 says

Loyseau; 〃hold rank (qualité d'honneur); being styled honorable men;

honest persons and bourgeois of the towns; qualifications not

attributed to husbandmen; nor to sergeants; nor to artisans; nor to

manual laborers。〃 … On paternal authority and domestic discipline in

these old bourgeois families see the History of Beaumarchais and his

father。  (〃 Beaumarchais;〃 by M。 de Lomenie; vol。  I。)

'82' Albert Babeau; 〃Le village sous l'Ancien Régime;〃 p。  56; ch。

III and IV。; (on the village syndics); and pp。  357 and 359。  〃 The

peasants had the right to deliberate on their own affairs directly and

to elect their principal agents。  They understood their own needs;

were able to make a sacrifice for school and church 。  。  。  。  for

repairs of the town clock and the belfry。  They appointed their own

agents and generally elected the most capable。〃 … Ibid; 〃La Ville sous

1'Ancien Regime;〃 p。29。  The artisans' guilds numbered at Paris one

hundred and twenty…four。  at Amiens sixty…four; and at Troyes fifty;

also Chalons…sur…Marne; at Angers twenty…seven。  The edicts of 1776

reduced them to forty…four at Paris; and to twenty as the maximum for

the principal towns within the jurisdiction of the Paris parliament。

… 〃Each guild formed a city within a city 。  。  。  Like the communes;

it had its special laws; its selected chiefs; its assemblies; its own

building or; at least; a chamber in common; its banner; coat…of…arms

and colors。〃 … Ibid。; 〃 Histoire de Troyes Pendant la Revolution;〃 I。;

13; 329。  Trade guilds and corporations bear the following titles;

drawn up in 1789; from the files of complaints: apothecaries; jewelers

and watch…makers; booksellers and printers; master…barbers; grocers;

wax and candle…makers; bakers and tailors; master shoemakers; eating…

house…keepers; inn…keepers and hatters; master…masons and plasterers

in lime and cement; master…joiners; coopers and cabinet…makers;

master…cutlers; armorers; and polishers; founders; braziers; and pin…

makers; master…locksmiths; ironmongers; tinsmiths and other metal

workers; vinegar…makers; master…shearers; master rope…makers; master…

tanners; dealers and master…dyers and dressers; master saddle and

harness…makers; charcoal…burners; carters; paper…makers and band…box…

makers; cap…makers and associates in arts and trades。  … In some towns

one or two of these natural guilds kept up during the Revolution and

still exist; as; for example; that of the butchers at Limoges。

'83' F。  Leplay; 〃Les Ouvriers Européens;〃 V。; 456; 2nd ed。; (on

workmen's guilds); Charpentier; Paris。

'84' F。  Leplay; 〃Les Quvriers Européens;〃 (2nd ed。) IV。; 377; and the

monographs of four families (Bordier of Lower Brittany; Brassier of

Armagnac; Savonnier of Lower Provence; Paysan of Lavedan; ch。  7; 8

and 9)。  … Ibid。; 〃L'Organization de la Famille;〃 p。62; and the whole

volume。  … M。 Leplay; in his exact; methodical and profound

researches; has rendered a service of the highest order to political

science and; consequently; to history。  He has minutely observed and

described the scattered fragments of the old organization of society;

his analysis and comparison of these fragments shows the thickness and

extent of the stratum almost gone; to which they belonged。  My own

observations on the spot; in many provinces in France; as well as the

recollections of my youth; agree with M。 Leplay's discoveries。  … On

the stable; honest and prosperous families of small rural proprietors;

Cf。  Ibid。; p。  68; (Arthur Young's observation in Béarn); and p。75。

Many of these families existed in 1789; more of them than at the

present time; especially in Gascony; Languedoc; Auvergne; Dauphiny;

Franch…Comté; Alsace and Normandy。  … Ibid。; 〃L'Organization du

Travail;〃 pp。499; 503; 508。  (Effects of the 〃Code Civile〃 on the

transmission of a manufactory and a business establishment in France;

and on cultivation in Savoy; the number of suits in France produced by

the system of forced partition of property。)

'85' F。  Leplay; 〃L'Organization de la Famille;〃 p。212。  (History of

the Mélonga family from 1856 to 1869 by M。 Cheysson。) Also p。269。

(On the difficulty of partitions among ascendants; by M。 Claudio


'86' Rétif de la Bretonne; 〃Vie de mon Pere;〃 (paternal authority in a

peasant family in Burgundy)。  The reader; on this point; may test the

souvenirs of his grand…parents。  With reference to the bourgeoisie I

have cited the family of Beaumarchais。  Concerning the nobles; see the

admirable letter by Buffon June 22; 1787; (correspondence of Buffon;

two vols。; published by M。 Nadaud de Buffon); telling his son how he

ought to act on account of his wife's behavior。

'87' Moniteur; XIX。; 669。

'88' Dauban; 〃 Paris en 1794;〃 p。245。  (Report by Bacon; Vent?se 25;

year II。)

'89' Ibid。  (Report by Perrière; Vent?se 26。)

'90' Ironical; slang for a hog。  TR。

'91' Ibid。; 245。  (Report by Bacon; speech of an orator to the general

assembly of the section 〃Contrat…Social;〃 Vent?se 25。)

'92' 〃Un Sejour en France。〃 (Sep。; 1792。) Letter of a Parisian: 〃It is

not yet safe to walk the streets in decent clothes。  I have been

obliged to procure and put on pantaloons; jacket; colored cravat and

coarse linen; before attempting to go outdoors。〃 … Beaulieu; 〃Essais;〃

V。; 281。  〃Our dandies let their moustaches grow long; while they

rumpled their hair; dirtied their hands and donned nasty garments。

Our philosophers and literary men wore big fur caps with long fox…

tails dangling over their shoulders; some dragged great trailing

sabers along the pavement … they were taken for Tartars 。  。  。  。  In

public assemblies; in the theatre boxes; nothing was seen in the front

rows but monstrous red bonnets。  All the galériens of all the convict

prisons in Europe seem to have come and set the fashion in this superb

city which had given it to all Europe。〃 … 〃 Un Séjour en France;〃 p。

43。  (Amiens; September; 1792。) 〃Ladies in the street who are well…

dressed or wear colors that the people regard as aristocratic are

commonly insulted。  I; myself; have been almost knocked down for

wearing a straw hat trimmed with green ribbons。〃 …  Nolhac; 〃Souvenirs

de Trois Années de la Révolution at Lyons;〃 p。132。  〃It was announced

that whoever had two coats was to fetch one of them to the Section; so

as to clothe some good republican and ensure the reign of equality。〃

'93' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。; 455。  (Speech by Robespierre; in the

Jacobin club; May 10; 1793。): 〃The rich cherish hopes for an anti…

revolution; it is only the wretched; only the people who can save the

country。〃 … Ibid。; XXX。  (Report by Robespierre to the Convention;

December 25; 1793。): 〃Virtue is the appanage of the unfortunate and

the people's patrimony。〃 … Archives Nationales; AF。;II。; 72。  (Letter

of the municipality of Montauban; Vendémiaire 23; year IV。) Many

workmen in the manufactories have been perverted 〃by excited

demagogues and club orators who have always held out to them equality

of fortunes and presented the Revolution as the prey of the class they

called sans…culottes 。  。  。  。  The law of the 'maximum;' at first

tolerably well carried out; the humiliation of the rich; the

confiscation of the immense possessions of the rich; seemed to be the

realization of these fine promises。〃

'94' Archives Nationales; F。7; 4421。  Petition of Madeleine Patris。  …

Petition of Quétrent Cogniér; weaver; 〃sans…culotte; and one of the

first members of the Troyes national guard。〃 … (The Style and

orthography of the most barbarous kind。)

'95' bid。; AF。; II。  135。  (Extract from the deliberations of the

Revolutionary Committee of the commune of Strasbourg; list of

prisoners and reasons for arresting them。) At Obersch?ffolsheim; two

farmers 〃because they are two of the richest private persons in the

commune。〃 … 〃Recueil de Pieces; etc。;〃 I。。  225。  (Declaration by

Welcher; revolutionary commissioner)。  〃I; the undersigned; declare

that; on the orders of citizen Clauer; commissioner of the canton; I

have surrendered at Strasbourg seven of the richest in

Obersh?ffolsheim without knowing why。〃 Four of the seven were


'96' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。; 341。  (Speech by Chasles in the

Convention; May 2; 1793。)

'97' Moniteur; XVIII。; 452。  (Speech by Hébert in the Jacobin club;

Brumaire 26。)…Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de la Révolution Fran?aise;〃 19。

(Reports of Dutard; June II。  … Archives Nationales。  F7。; 31167。

(Report of the Pourvoyeur; Niv?se 6; year II。) 〃The people complain

(se plain) that there are still some conspirators in the interior;

such as butchers and bakers; but particularly the former; who are

(son) an intolerable aristocracy。  They (il) will sell no more meat;

etc。  It is frightful to see what they (il) give the people。〃

'98' 〃Recueil de Police;〃 etc。; I。; 69 and 91。  At Strasbourg a number

of women of the lower class are imprisoned as 〃aristocrats 
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