《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第103部分

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scarcely ever heard of before; dare assume to have credit in a town of

sensible inhabitants and honest families; from father to son;

accustomed to governing and renowned for centuries?〃 … Ibid。; 113。

(Speech of the mayor Mouet; Floréal 21; year II。) 〃Moral purification

(in Strasbourg) has become less difficult through the reduction of

fortunes and the salutary terror excited among those covetous men 。  。

。  Civilization has encountered mighty obstacles in this great number

of well…to…do families who have nourished souvenirs of; and who regret

the privileges enjoyed by; these families under the Emperors; they

have formed a caste apart from the State carefully preserving the

gothic pictures of their ancestors they were united only amongst

themselves。  They are excluded from all public functions。  Honest

artisans; now taken from all pursuits; impel the revolutionary cart

with a vigorous hand。〃

'119' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。  1411。  (Instructions for

the civil commissioners by Hérault; representative of the people;

Colmar; Frimaire 2; year II。) He enumerates the diverse categories of

persons who were to be arrested; which categories are so large and

numerous as to include nine out of ten of the inhabitants。

'120' Dauban; 〃Paris en 1794;〃 p。264。  (Report of Pourveyeur; Vent?se

29。) 〃They remark (sic) that one is not (sic) a patriot with twenty…

thousand livres (sic) income; and especially a former advocate…


'121' De Martel; 〃Fouché;〃 p。226; 228。  For instance; at Nevers; a man

of sixty…two years of age; is confined 〃as rich; egoist; fanatic;

doing nothing for the Revolution; a proprietor; and having five

hundred livres revenue。〃

'122' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。; '77。  (Speech by Cambon; April 27; 1793。)

'123' 〃Who are our enemies? The vicious and the rich。〃 … 〃 All the

rich are vicious; in opposition to the Revolution。〃 (Notes made by

Robespierre in June and July; 1793; and speech by him in the Jacobin

club; May 10; 1793。)

'124' Guillon; II。; 355。  (Instructions furnished by Collot d'Herbois

and Fouché; Brumaire 26; year II。)

'125' De Martel; 171; 181。  (Orders of Fouché; Nevers; August 25 and

October 8; 1793。)

'126' Guillon。…Archives des Affaires étrangères; F。  1411。  Reports by

observers at Paris; Aug。  12 and 13; 1793。  〃The rich man is the sworn

enemy of the Revolution。〃

'127' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 135。  (Orders of Saint…Just and

Lebas; Strasbourg; Brumaire 10; year II。; with the list of names of

one hundred and ninety…three persons taxed; together with their

respective amounts of taxation。) … Among others; 〃a widow Franck;

banker; two hundred thousand livres。〃 … Ibid。; AF。; II。; 49。

(Documents relating to the revolutionary tax at Belfort。) 〃Vieillard;

Moderate and egoist; ten thousand francs; Keller; rich egoist; seven

thousand; as aristocrats; of whom the elder and younger brother are

imprisoned; Barthélémy the younger ten thousand; Barthélémy senior;

three thousand five hundred; Barthelemy junior seven thousand;

citoyenne Barthélémy; mother; seven thousand; etc。〃

'128' 〃Recueil de Pièces; etc。;〃 I。; 22。  (Letter of the Strasbourg

authorities。) De Martel; p。  288。  (Letter of the authorities of

Allier。) 〃Citizens Sainay; Balome; Heulard and Lavaleisse were exposed

on the scaffold in the most rigorous season for six hours (at Moulins)

with this inscription … 〃bad citizen who has given nothing to the


'129' 〃Recueil de Pièces; etc。;〃 I。; 16。

'130' Ibid。; I。; 159。  (Orders of Brumaire 15; year II。)

'131' Archives Nationales; F。7; 2475。  (Minutes of the Revolutionary

committee of the Piques section。) September 9; 1793; at 3 o'clock in

the morning; the committee declares that; for its part; 〃it has

arrested twenty…one persons of the category below stated。〃 October 8;

it places two sans…culottes as guards in the houses of all those named

below; in the quarter; even those who could not be arrested on account

of absence。  〃It is time to take steps to make sure of all whose

indifference (sic) and moderatism is ruining the country。〃

'132' Berryat Saint…Prix; pp。36; 38。  carrier declares suspect

〃merchants and the rich。〃

'133' Moniteur; XVIII。; 641。  (Letter of the representatives

imprisoned at Bordeaux; Frimaire 10; year II。)

'134' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。329。  (Letter of Brutus;

October 3; 1793。)

'135' Ibid。; vol。329。  (Letter of Charles Duvivier; Lille; Vendémiaire

15; year II。)

'136' Speech by Barère; Vent?se 17; year II。

'137' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。  331。  Letter by

Darbault; political agent; Tarbes; Frimaire II; year II。  (Project for

doing away with middle men in trade; brokers and bankers。) 〃The

profession of a banker is abolished。  All holders of public funds are

forbidden to sell them under a year and one day after the date of

their purchase。  No one must be at the same time wholesale and retail

dealer; etc。〃 Projects of this sort are numerous。  As to the

establishment of a purely agricultural and military Republic; see the

papers of Saint…Just; and the correspondence of the Lyons Terrorists。

According to them the new France needs no silk…weavers。  The definite

formulas of the system are always found among the Babeuvists。  〃Let

the arts perish; if it must be so; provided real Equality remains。〃

(Sylvain Maréchal;〃 Maniféste des Egaux。〃)

'138' 〃Revue Historique;〃 November; 1878。  (Letter of M。 Falk; Paris;

Oct。19; 1795。)

'139' 〃Etude sur l'histoire de Grenoble Pendant la Terreur;〃 by Paul

Thibault。  (List of notorious 〃suspects〃 and of ordinary 〃suspects〃

for each district in the Isere; April and May; 1793。) … Cf。  the

various lists of Doubs in Sauzay; and of Troyes; in Albert Babeau。

'140' 〃Recueil de Pièces; etc。;〃 I。; 19; and the second letter of

Frederic Burger; Thermidor 25。  … Archives Nationales; AF。;

II。;111。(Order of Representatives Merlincourt and Amar; Grenoble;

April 27; 1793。) 〃The persons charged with the actual government of

and instruction in the public establishments known in this town under

the titles of; 1st; Orphelines; 2nd  Presentins; 3rd Capuchins; 4th ;

Le Propagation; 5th ; Hospice for female servants。  。  。  。  are put

under arrest and are forbidden to take any part whatever in the

functions relating to teaching; education or instruction。〃

'141' Moniteur; XXI。; 645。  (Session of the Convention; Fructidor 14;

year II。) … 〃Bibliotèque nationale;〃 LB41; 1802; (Denounciation of the

six sections of the commune of Dijon); 3: 〃Woe betide those are seen

in any way; either due to an honest affluence; a good education; an

elegant dress or some talent or other; as being different from their

fellow citizens! They are likely to be persecuted or to be killed。〃

'142' Perhaps there is a connection with Mao Zedong and the Chinese

Cultural Revolution。  (SR。)

'143' Moniteur; XVIII。; 51。  (Letter by Carrier; Brumaire 17; year

II。) … Berryat Saint…Prix; pp。36 and 38。

'144' Berriat…Saint…Prix; 240 (The imprisoned at Brest。) …

Duchaltelier (〃Brest pendant la Terreur;〃 205)。  Of the 975 prisoners;

106 were former nobles; 239 female nobles; 174 priests or monks; 206

nuns; 111 seamstresses; female workers etc; 56 were farmers; 46

artisans or workers; 17 merchants; 3 with a liberal profession。  One

is imprisoned for having secret opinions〃 a girl; 〃for being witty and

laughing at the patriots。〃

'145' Mallet…Dupan; 〃Correspondance Politique。〃 Introduction; p。

VIII。  (Hamburg; 1796。)

'146' Portalis; 〃De la Révision des Jugements;〃 1795。  (Saint…Beuve;

〃Causeries du Lundi;〃 V。; 452。) … Moniteur。  XXII; 86 (Report of

Grégoire; 14 Fructidor; year II): 〃Dumas said that all clever men (les

hommes d'esprit) should be sent to the guillotine。  。  。  Henriot

proposed to burn the National Library。  。  。  。  and his proposal is

repeated in Marseille。  。  。  The systematic persecution of talented

persons was organized。  。  。  。  〃 Shouts had been heard in the

sections: 〃Beware of that man as he as written a book。〃

'147' 〃Tableau des Prisons de Toulouse〃 by Pescayre; prisoner; year

III; p。  317 ( Messidor 22nd; year II)。  Pinson; secretary of the

reception; indoctrinated as follows the old duke de Lesparre:

〃Citoyen; your detention is used by your country as a means of

conversion。  Eight of your immediate family have; because they did not

take advantage of his opportunity; carried their heads to the

scaffold。  What have you done to avoid the sword of justice?  Speak!

What are your feelings? Let us hear your principles。  Have you at last

renounced the arrogance of the ancient regime? Do you believe in

equality established by nature and ordained by the Convention? Who are

the sans…culottes you associate with? Is your cell not a meeting place

for the aristocrats? 。  。  。  It is I; who in the future will be your

company; I; who will make you familiar with the republican principles;

who will make you love them; and who will take care of your


'148' Taillandier; Mémoires écrits par Daunau; à Port…Libre; in Aug。

1794; p。51; 52。

'149' Granier du Cassagnac; 〃Histoire du Directoire;〃 i。; 107。  (Trial

of Babeuf; extracts from Buonarotti; programme des 〃Egaux。〃) All

literature in favor of Revelation must be prohibited: children are to

be brought up in common; the child will no longer bear his father's

name; no Frenchman shall leave France; towns shall be demolished;

chateaux torn down and books proscribed; all Frenchmen shall wear one

special costume; armies shall be commanded by civil magistrates; the

dead shall be prosecuted and obtain burial only according to the

favorable decision of the court; no written document shall be

published without the consent of the government; etc。〃 … Cf。  〃Les

Meditations de Saint…Just。〃

'150' Guillon de Montléon; II。; 174。

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