《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第120部分

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other representatives on mission。  … Dauban;〃 Paris en1794。〃 190。

(Speech by Fouquier…Tinville in the Convention; Vent?se 19。) 〃The

mayor of Pont St。  Maxence has dared to say that 'when Paris sends us

sugar we will then see about letting her have our eggs and butter。'〃

'74' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。  1411。  (Reports of August

7 and 8; 1793。) 〃Seven thousand five hundred pounds of bread; about to

be taken out; have been stopped at the barriers。〃 … Dauban; 45。

(Orders of the day。  Pluvi?se 17。) Lamps are set up at all the posts;

〃especially at la Greve and Passy; so as to light up the river and see

that no eatables pass outside。〃 … Mercier; I。; 355。  … Dauban; 181。

(Reports of Vent?se 18。) … 210。  (Reports of Vent?se 21。) … 190。

Speech by Fouquier; Vent?se 19。) 〃The butchers in Paris who cannot

sell above the maximum carry the meat they buy to the Sèvres butchers

and sell it at any price they please。  〃 … 257。  (Reports of Vent?se

27。) 〃You see; about ten o'clock in the evening; aristocrats and other

egoists coming to the dealers who supply Egalité's mansion (the Duke

of Orleans) and buy chickens and turkeys which they carefully conceal

under their overcoats。〃

'75' Dauban; 255。  (Orders of the day by Henriot; Vent?se 27。) 〃I have

to request my brethren in arms not to take any rations whatever。  This

little deprivation will silence the malevolent who seek every

opportunity to humble us。〃 … Ibid。;359。  〃On Floreal 29; between five

and six o'clock in the morning; a patrol of about fifteen men of the

Bonnet Rouge section; commanded by a sort of commissary; stop

subsistences on the Orleans road and take them to their section。〃

'76' Dauban; 341。  (Letter of the Commissioner on Subsistences;

Germinal 23。) 〃The supplies are stolen under the people's eyes; or

what they get is of inferior quality。〃 The commissioner is surprised

to find that; having provided so much; so little reaches the


'77' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。1411。  (Reports of August

11…12 and 31; and Sept。  1; 1793。) … Archives Nationales; F。  7;

31167。) (Reports of Niv?se 7 and 12; year II。)

'78' Dauban; 〃Paris en 1794; 60; 68; 69; 71; 82; 93; 216; 231。  …

Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris;〃 187; 190。  … Archives Nationales; F。  7;

31167。  (Report of Leharivel; Niv?se 7。) … The gunsmiths employed by

the government likewise state that they have for a long time had

nothing to eat but bread and cheese。

'79' Dauban; 231。  (Report of Perriére; Vent?se 24。) 〃Butter of which

they make a god。〃

'80' Ibid。; 68。  (Report of Vent?se 2。)

'81' Archives Nationales; F。7; 31167。  (Report of Niv?se 28。) … Dauban;

144。  (Report of Niv?se 14。)

'82' Dauban; 81。  (Report of Latour…Lamontagne; Vent?se 4。)

'83' Souvenirs et Journal d'un Bourgeois d'Evreux;〃 83。  〃Friday; June

15; 1794; a proclamation is made that all who have any provisions in

their houses; wheat; barley; rye; flour and even bread; must declare

them within twenty four hours under penalty of being regarded as an

enemy of the country and declared 'suspect;' put under arrest and

tried by the courts。〃 … Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de la Revolution

Fran?aise;〃 II。。  214。  A seizure is made at Passy of two pigs and

forty pounds of butter; six bushels of beans; etc。; in the domicile of

citizen Lucet who had laid in supplies for sixteen persons of his own


'84' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 68。  Orders of the Committee of

Public Safety; Pluvi?se 23; referring to the law of Brumaire 25;

forbidding the extraction of more than fifteen pounds of bran from a

quintal of flour。  Order directing the removal of bolters from

bakeries and mills; he who keeps or conceals these on his property

〃shall be treated as 'suspect' and put under arrest until peace is

declared。〃 … Berryat Saint Prix; 357; 362。  At Toulouse; three persons

are condemned to death for monopoly。  At Montpelier; a baker; two

dealers and a merchant are guillotined for having invoiced; concealed

and kept a certain quantity of gingerbread cakes intended solely for

consumption by anti…revolutionaries。

'85' 〃Un Séjour en France;〃 (April 22; 1794)。

'86' Ludovic Sciout; IV。; 236。  (Proclamation of the representatives

on mission in Finisterre。) 〃Magistrates of the people tell all farmers

and owners of land that their crops belong to the nation and that they

are simply its depositaries。〃 Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 92。

(Orders by B?; representative in Cautal; Pluvi?se 8。) 〃Whereas; as all

citizens in a Republic form one family。  。  。  。  all those who refuse

to assist their brethren and neighbors under the specious pretext that

they have not sufficient supplies must be regarded as 'suspect '


'87' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 68。  (Orders of the Committee of

Public Safety; Prairial 28。) The maximum price is fourteen francs the

quintal; after Messidor 30; it is not to be more than eleven francs。

'88' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 116 and 106; orders of Paganel; Castres;

Pluvi?se 6 and 7。  Orders of Dartigoyte; Floréal 23; 25; and 29。

'89' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 147。  (Orders of Maignet; Avignon; Prairial 2。)

'90' Moniteur; XXIII。; 397 (Speech by Dubois…Crancé; May 5; 1795。)

〃The Committee on Commerce (and Supplies) had thirty…five thousand

employees in its service。〃

'91' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 68。  (Orders of the Committee of

Public Safety; Prairial 28。) Decret of Messidor 8; year II。  〃All

kinds of grain and the hay of the present crop are required by the

government。〃 A new estimate is made; each farmer being obliged to

state the amount of his crop; verification; confiscation in case of

inaccurate declarations; and orders to thrash out the sheaves。  …

Dauban; 490。  (Letter of the national agent of Villefort; Thermidor

19。) Calculations and the reasoning of farmers with a view to avoid

sowing and planting: 〃Not so much on account of the lack of hands as

not to ruin oneself by sowing and raising an expensive crop which;

they say; affords them small returns when they sell their grain at so

low a price。〃 Archives Nationales; AF。; II。  106。  (Letter of the

national agent in Gers and Haute…Garonne; Floréal 25。) 〃They say here;

that as soon as the crop is gathered; all the grain will be taken

away; without leaving anything to live on。  It is stated that all salt

provisions are going to be taken and the agriculturists reduced to the

horrors of a famine。〃

'92' Moniteur; XXII。; 21。  (Speech by Lindet; September 7; 1794。) 〃We

have long feared that the ground would not be tilled; that the meadows

would be covered with cattle while the proprietors and farmers were

kept in prison。〃 Archives Nationales; D。; § I; No。  I。  (Letter from

the district of Bar…sur…Seine; Vent?se 14; year III。) 〃The 'maximum'

causes the concealment of grain。  The quit…claims ruined the consumers

and rendered them desperate。  How many wretches; indeed; have been

arrested; … ?attacked; confiscated; fined and ruined for having gone

off fifteen or twenty leagues to get grain with which to feed their

wives and children?〃

'93' AF。; II。; 106。  (Circular by Dartigoyte; Floréal 25。) 〃You must

apply this rule; that is; make the municipal officers responsible for

the non cultivation of the soil。〃 〃If any citizen allows himself a

different kind of bread; other than that which all the cultivators and

laborers in the commune use; I shall have him brought before the

courts conjointly with the municipality as being the first culprit

guilty of having tolerated it。  。  。  Reduce; if necessary; three

fourths of the bread allowed to non laboring citizens because

muscadins and muscadines: have resources and; besides; lead an idle


'94' AF。; II。; III。  (Letters of Ferry; Bourges; Messidor 23; to his

〃brethren in the popular club;〃 and 〃to the citoyennes (women) of


'95' Moniteur; XXI。; 171。  (Letter from Avignon; Messidor 9; and

letter of the Jacobins of Arles。

'96' Moniteur; XXI。; 184。  (Decree of Messidor 21。)

'97' Gouverneur Morris。  (correspondence with Washington。  Letters of

March 27 and April 10; 1794。) He says that there is no record of such

an early spring。  Rye has headed out and clover is in flower。  It is

astonishing to see apricots in April as large as pigeons' eggs。  In

the south; where the dearth is most severe; he has good reason to

believe that the ground is supplying the inhabitants with food。  A

frost like that of the year before in the month of May (1793) would

help the famine more than all the armies and fleets in Europe。

'98' Stalin was to test the system and prove Taine right。  (SR。)

'99' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 73。  (Letter by the Directory of

Calvados; Prairial 26; year III。) 〃We have not a grain of wheat in

store; and the prisons are full of cultivators。〃 Archives Nationales;

D。; § 1; file No。3。  (Warrants of arrest issued by Representative

Albert; Pluvi?se 19; year III。; Germinal 7 and 16。) On the details of

the difficulties and annoyances attending the requisitions; cf。  this

file and the five preceding or following files。  (Letter of the

National agent; district of Nogent…sur…Seine; Germinal 13。) 〃I have

had summoned before the district court a great many cultivators and

proprietors who are in arrears in furnishing the requisitions made on

them by their respective municipalities。  。  。  。  A large majority

declared that they were unable to furnish in full even if their seed

were taken。  The court ordered the confiscation of the said grain with

a fine equal to the value of the quantity demanded of those called

upon 。  。  It is now my duty to execute the sentence。  But; I must

observe to you; that if you do not reduce the fine; many of them will

be reduced to despair。  Hence I await your answer so that I may act

accordingly。〃 (Another letter from the same agent; Germinal 9。) 〃It is

impossible to supply the ma
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