《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第124部分

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read; the annual mortality during years II。  and III。  and most of

year IV。; may be estimated as having increased one…half extra。  Now;

previous to 1789; according to Moheau and Necker; (Peuchet;

〃Statistique elementaire de la France;〃 1805; p。239;) the yearly

mortality in France was one person to every thirty; that is to say;

866;666 deaths to a population of 26 millions。  One…half in addition

to this for two and a half years gives; consequently; one million and

eighty thousand deaths。

 2nd 。  During the whole of the Directory episode; privation lasted

and the rate of mortality rose very high; especially for sick

children; the infirm and the aged; because the convention had

confiscated the possessions of the hospitals and public charity was

almost null。  For example; at Lyons; 〃The Asylums having been deprived

of sisters of charity during years II。; III。  and IV。; and most of

year V。; the children gathered into them could neither be fed nor

suckled and the number that perished was frightful。〃 (〃Statistique du

Rhone;〃 by Vernier; prefet; year X。) … In Necker's time; there were

about eight hundred asylums; hospitals and charitable institutions;

with one hundred thousand or one hundred and ten thousand inmates。

(Peuchet; ibid。; 256。) For lack of care and food they die in myriads;

especially foundlings; the number of which increases enormously: in

1790; the figures do not exceed 23;000; in year IX。; the number

surpasses 62;000; (Peuchet; 260): 〃It is a 'perfect deluge;' 〃 say the

reports; in the department of Aisne; there are 1;097 instead of 400;

in that of Lot…et…Garonne; fifteen hundred; (Statistiques des préfets

de l'Aisne; Gers; Lot…et…Garonne); and they are born only to die。  In

that of Eure; after a few months; it is six out of seven; at Lyons;

792 out of 820; (Statistique des Prefets du Rhone et de l'Eure)。  At

Marseilles; it is ′600 out of 618; at Toulon; 101 out of 104; in the

average; 19 out of 20。  (Rocquam; 〃Etat de France au 18e Brumaire;〃

p。33。  Report of Fran?ois de Nantes。) At Troyes; out of 164 brought in

in year IV。; 134 die; out of 147 received in year VII。; 136 die。

(Albert Babeau; II。; 452。) At Paris; in year IV。; out of 3;122 infants

received 2;907 perish。  (Moniteur; year V。; No。  231。) … The sick

perish the same。  〃At Toulon; only seven pounds of meat are given each

day to eighty patients; I saw in the civil Asylum;〃 says Fran?ois de

Nantes; 〃a woman who had just undergone a surgical operation to whom

they gave for a restorative a dozen beans on a wooden platter。〃

(Ibid。; 16; 31; and passim; especially for Bordeaux; Caen; Alen?on;

St。  L?; etc。) … As to beggars; these are innumerable: in year IX。; it

is estimated that there are 3 or 4;000 by department; at least 300;000

in France。  〃In the four Brittany departments one can truly say that a

third of the population live at the expense of the other two…thirds;

either by stealing from them or through compelling assistance。〃

(Rocquain; 〃Report by Barbé…Marbois;〃 p。93。)

3rd。  In year IX。; the Consells…generaux are called upon to ascertain

whether the departments have increased or diminished in population

since 1789。  (〃Analyse des procés…verbaux des Conseils…Generaux de

l'an XI。〃 In four volumes。) Out of 58 which reply; 37 state that the

population with them has diminished; 12; that it has increased; 9;

that it remains stationary。  Of the 22 others; 13 attribute the

maintenance or increase of population; at least for the most part; to

the multiplication of early marriages in order to avoid conscription

and to the large number of natural children。  … Consequently; the

average rate of population is kept up not through preserving life; but

through the substitution of new lives for the old ones that are

sacrificed。  Bordeaux; nevertheless; lost one…tenth of its population;

Angers one…eighth; Pau one…seventh; Chambery one…fourth; Rennes one…

third。  In the departments where the civil…war was carried on;

Argenton…Chateau lost two…thirds of its population; Bressuire fell

from 3;000 to 630 inhabitants; Lyons; after the siege; fell from a

population of 140;000 thousand to 80;000。  (〃Analyse des procés…

verbaux des Conseils…Generaux〃 and Statistiques des Prefets。〃)

'152' Lareveillère…Lepeaux; 〃Mémoires。  〃 I; 248。  (He belongs to the

Committee and is an eye…witness。)

BOOK FIFTH。    The End of the Revolutionary Government。


I。    The Convention。

The Convention after Thermidor 9。  … Reaction against the Terrorists。

… Aversion to the Constitutionalists。  … The danger they run if they

lose power。

Nevertheless they too; these glutted sovereigns; are anxious; and very

much so; we have just seen why; it's a question of remaining in office

in order to remain alive; and henceforth this is their sole concern。

… A good Jacobin; up to the 9th of Thermidor; could; by shutting his

eyes; still believe in his creed。'1' After the 9th of Thermidor;

unless born blind; like Soubrany; Romme and Goujon; a fanatic whose

intellectual organs are as rigid as the limbs of a fakir; nobody in

the Convention can any longer believe in the Contrat…Social; in a

despotic equalizing socialism; in the merits of Terror; in the divine

right of the pure。   For; to escape the guillotine of the pure; the

purest had to be guillotined; Saint…Just; Couthon and Robespierre; the

high…priest of the sect。   That very day the 〃Montagnards;〃 in giving

up their doctor; abandoned their principles; and there is no longer

any principle or man to which the Convention could rally。   In effect;

before guillotining Robespierre and his associates as orthodox; it

guillotined the Girondins; Hébert and Danton; as heretics。   Now; 〃the

existence of popular idols and of head charlatans is irrevocably

ended。〃'2' Ever the same conventional symbol before the empty

sanctuary in the blood…stained temple; and ever the same loud…intoned

anthem; but faith is gone; and only the acolytes remain to drone out

the revolutionary litany; old train…bearers and swingers of incense;

the subaltern butchers who; through a sudden stroke; have become

pontiffs; in short; the valets of the church who have donned the

mitres and croziers of their masters after having assassinated them。

From month to month; under the pressure of public opinion; they detach

themselves from the worship at which they have officiated; for;

however blunted or perverted their consciences; they cannot avoid

admitting that Jacobinism; as they have practiced it; was the religion

of robbery and murder。   Previous to Thermidor an official

phraseology'3' drowned with its doctrinal roar the living truth; while

each Conventional sacristan or beadle; confined to his own chapel; saw

clearly only the human sacrifices in which he himself had taken part。

After Thermidor; the friends and kindred of the dead; the oppressed;

make their voices heard; and he is forced to see collectively and in

detail all the crimes to which; nearly or remotely; he has contributed

either through his assent or through his vote; the same as in Mexico;

the priest of Huichilobos walks about in the midst of the six hundred

thousand skulls amassed in the vaults of his temple。  …   In quick

succession; during the whole of year III。; through the freedom of the

press and the great public discussions; the truth becomes known。

First; comes an account of the funereal journey of one hundred and

thirty…two Nantese; dragged from Nantes to Paris;'4' and the solemn

acquittal; received with transports; of the ninety…four who survive。

After this; come the trials of the most prominent terrorists; that of

Carrier and the Revolutionary Committee of Nantes; that of Fouquier…

Tinville and the old revolutionary Tribunal of Paris; that of Joseph

Lebon;'5' and; during thirty or forty consecutive sessions; hundreds

of minute; verified depositions ending in the most complete and

satisfactory testimony。  …   In the mean time; revelations multiply at

the tribune of the Convention; these consist of the letters of the new

representatives on mission and the denunciations of the towns against

their overthrown tyrants; against Maignet; Dartigoyte; Piochefer…

Bernard; Levasseur; Crassous; Javogues; Lequinio; Lefiot; Piorry;

Pinet; Monestier; Fouché; Laplanche; Lecarpentier; and many others。

Add to these the reports of commissions charged with examining into

the conduct of old dictators; Collot d'Herbois; Billaud…Varennes;

Barère; Amar; Vouland; Vadier and David; the reports of the

representatives charged with investigating certain details of the

abolished system; that of Grégoire on revolutionary vandalism; that of

Cambon on revolutionary taxes; that of Courtois on Robespierre's

papers。  …   All these rays combine in a terrible illumination which

imposes itself even on the eyes that turn away from it: It is now but

too plain that France; for fourteen months; has been devastated by a

gang of bandits。  All that can be said in favor of the least perverted

and the least vile is that they were born so; or had become crazy。'6'

…   The majority of the Convention cannot evade this growing testimony

and the Montagnards excite its horror; and all the more; because it

bears them a grudge: the 73 who were imprisoned and the sixteen who

were proscribed have resumed their seats; the 400 silent who have for

so long held their seats under the knife; remember the oppression to

which they have been subject。  They now recover and turn first against

the most tainted scoundrels; and then against the members of the old

committees。  … Whereupon the 〃Mountain;〃 as was its custom; launches

its customary supporters; the starved populace; the Jacobin rabble; in

the riots of Germinal and Prairial; in year III。; and proclaims anew

the reign of Terror; the Convention again sees the knife over its

head。  Saved by young men; by the National Guard; it becomes

courageous through fear; and; in its turn
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