《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第15部分

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everybody is convinced of their guilt。  。  。  。  It is the Convention

which must remove all formalities that interfere with the course

pursued by the tribunal。〃 … Moniteur; XVII。; (Session of October 28);

291。  The decree provoked by a petition of Jacobins; is passed on

motion of Osselin; aggravated by Robespierre。

'109' Louvet; 〃Mémoires;〃 321。  (List of the Girondists who perished

or who were proscribed。  Twenty…four fugitives survived。)

'110' Mortimer…Ternaux; VIII。; 395; 416; 435。  The terror and disgust

of the majority is seen in the small number of voters。  Their

abstention from voting is the more significant in relation to the

election of the dictators。  The members of the Committee of Public

Safety; elected on the 16th of July; obtain from one hundred to one

hundred and ninety…two votes。  The members of the Committee of

Security obtain from twenty…two to one hundred and thirteen votes。

The members of the same committee; renewed on the 11th of September;

obtain from fifty…two to one hundred and eight votes。  The judges of

the revolutionary tribunal; completed on the 3rd of August; obtain

from forty…seven to sixty…five votes。  … Meillan; 85。  (In relation to

the institution of the revolutionary government; on motion of Bazire;

Aug。  28)。  〃Sixty or eighty deputies passed this decree。  。  。  it

was preceded by another passed by a plurality of thirty against ten。

。  。  For two months the session the best attended; contains but one

hundred deputies。  The Montagnards overran the departments to deceive

or intimidate the people。  The rest; discouraged; keep away from the

meetings or take no part in the proceedings。〃

'111' The meaning and motives of this declaration are clearly

indicated in Bazire's speech。  〃Since the adoption of the

Constitution;〃 he says; 〃Feuillantism has raised its head; a struggle

has arisen between energetic and moderate patriots。  At the end of the

Constituent Assembly; the Feuillants possessed themselves of the words

law; order; public; peace; security; to enchain the zeal of the

friends of freedom; the same man?uvres are practiced to…day。  You must

shatter the weapon in your enemies' hands; which they use against

you。〃 … Durand…Maillane; 154。  〃The simple execution of constitutional

laws;〃 said Bazire; 〃made for peaceable times; would be impotent among

the conspiracies that surround you。〃 … Meillan; 108。

'112' Moniteur; XVIII; 106。  (Report of Saint…Just on the organization

of the revolutionary government; October 10th; and the decree in

conformity therewith。) Ibid。; 473。  (Report of Billaud…Varennes on a

mode of provisional and revolutionary government; Nov。  18th; and

decree in conformity therewith。) … Ib。; 479 (session of Nov。  22nd;

1793;。… Speech of Hébrard; spokesman of a deputation from Cantal)。  〃A

central committee of surveillance; a revolutionary army; has been

established in our department。  Aristocrats; suspects; the doubtful;

moderates; egoists; all gentlemen without distinguishing those who

have done nothing for the revolution from those who have acted against

it; await in retirement the ulterior measures required by the

interests of the Republic。  I have said without distinction of the

indifferent from the suspects; for we hold to these words of Solon's:

〃 He who is not with us is against us。〃

'113' The trousers used in pre…Revolutionary France by the nobility

was called culottes; they terminated just below the knee where the

long cotton or silken stockings would begin。  The less affluent used

long trousers and no socks and became known as the Sans…culottes which

became ; as mentioned in vol。  II。  a nickname for the revolutionary

proletariat。  (SR。)

'114' Moniteur; (Speech by Danton; March 26; 1794。) 〃In creating

revolutionary committees the desire was to establish a species of

dictatorship of citizens the most devoted to liberty over those who

rendered themselves suspects。〃

'115' Mallet…Dupan; II。; 8。  (February; 1794)。  〃At this moment the

entire people is disarmed。  Not a gun can be found either in town or

country。  If anything attests the super…natural power which the

leaders of the Convention enjoy; it is to see; in one instant; through

one act of the will and nobody offering any resistance; or complaining

of it; the nation from Perpignan to Lille; deprived of every means of

defense against oppression; with a facility still more unprecedented

than that which attended the universal arming of the nation in 1789。〃

… 〃A Residence in France;〃 II。; 409。  〃The National Guard as a regular

institution was in great part suppressed after the summer of 1793;

those who composed it being gradually disarmed。  Guard…mounting was

continued; but the citizens performing this service were; with very

few exceptions; armed with pikes; and these again were not fully

entrusted to them; each man; on quitting his post; gave up his arms

more punctually than if he had been bound to do so through

capitulation with a victorious enemy。〃

'116' Moniteur; XVIII。; 106。  (Report by Saint…Just; Oct。  10th)。

'117' Ibid。; 473。  (Report of Billaud…Varennes; Nov。  13th)。

'118' Ibid。; XVIII。; 591。  (Speech by Couthon; December 4th)。  Ibid。;

Barère: 〃Electoral assemblies are monarchical institutions; they

attach to royalism; they must be specially avoided in revolutionary


'119' Mortimer…Ternaux; VIII。; 40。  (Decree passed on the proposition

of Danton; session of September 13th)。  The motive alleged by Danton

is that 〃members are still found on the committees whose opinions; at

least; approach federalism。〃 Consequently the committees are purified;

and particularly the Committee of General Security。  Six of its

members are stricken off (Sept。  14); and the list sent in by the

Committee of Public safety passes without discussion。

'120' Moniteur; XVIII。; 592。  (Session of December 4; speech by


'121' Miot de Melito; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 47。

'122' Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。; 153。  Mortimer…Ternaux; VIII。; 443。

(Decree of September 28th)。  … Wallon; 〃Histoire du Tribunal

Révolutionaire de Paris;〃 IV。; 112。

'123' Buchez et Roux; XXXIV。; 300。  (Trial of Fouquier…Tinville and

associates)。  Bill of indictment: 〃One of these publicly boasted of

always having voted death。  Others state that they were content to see

people to give their judgment; physical inspection alone determined

them to vote death。  Another said; that when there was no offense

committed it was necessary to imagine one。  Another is a regular sot

and has never sat in judgment but in a state of intoxication。  Others

came to the bench only to fire their volleys。〃 Etc。  (Supporting

evidence。) … Observe; moreover; that judges and juries are bound to

kill under penalty of death (Ibid。;30)。〃 Fouquier…Tinville states that

on the 22nd of Prairial he took the same step (to resign) with

Chatelet; Brochet and Lerry; when they met Robespierre; returning to

the National Convention arm…in…arm with Barère。  Fouquier adds; that

they were treated as aristocrats and anti…revolutionaries; and

threatened with death if they refused to remain on their posts。〃

Analogous declarations by Pigeot; Ganne; Girard; Dupley; Foucault;

Nollin and Madre。  〃Sellier adds; that the tribunal having

remonstrated against the law of Prairial 22; he was threatened with

arrest by Dumas。  Had we resigned; he says; Dumas would have

guillotined us。

'124' Moniteur; XXIV。; 12。  (Session of Vent?se 29; year III。; speech

by Baileul)。  〃Terror subdued all minds; suppressed all emotions; it

was the force of the government; while such was this government that

the numerous inhabitants of a vast territory seemed to have lost the

qualities which distinguish man from a domestic animal。  They seemed

even to have no life except what the government accorded to them。

Human personality no longer existed; each individual was simply a

machine; going; coming; thinking or not thinking as he was impelled or

stimulated by tyranny。〃

'125' Decree of Frimaire 14; year II。; Dec。  4; 1793。

'126' Moniteur; XVII。; 473; 474; 478。  (Speech by Billaud…Varennes)。

〃The sword of Damocles must henceforth be brandished over the entire

surface。〃 This expression of Billaud sums up the spirit of every new


'127' Moniteur; XVIII。; 275。  (Session of Oct。  26。  1793; speech by

Barère。) 〃This is the most revolutionary step you can take。〃


'128' Ibid。; 520。  (Report of Barère and decree in conformity)。  〃The

representatives sent on mission are required to conform strictly to

the acts of the Committee of Public Safety。  Generals and other agents

of the executive power will; under no pretext; obey any special order;

that they may refuse to carry out the said acts。〃 … Moniteur; XVIII。;

291。  (Report by Barère; Oct。  29; 1793。) At this date one hundred and

forty representatives are on mission。

'129' Archives Nationales; AF。  II。; 22。  (Papers of the 'Committee of

Public Safety。  Note on the results of the revolutionary government

without either date or signature。) 〃The law of Frimaire 14 created two

centers of influence from which action spread; in the sense of the

Committee; and which affected the authorities。  These two pivots of

revolutionary rule outside the Committee were the representatives of

the people on missions and the national agents controlling the

district committees。  The word revolutionary government alone

exercised an incalculable magical influence。〃 … Mallet…Dupan;

〃Mémoires;〃 II。; p。  2; and following pages。



I。   The Doctrine。

Program of the Jacobin party。   Abstract principle and spontaneous

development of the theory。

Nothing is more dangerous than a general idea in narrow and empty

minds: as they are empty; it finds no knowledge there to interfere

with it; as they are narrow it is not long befo
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