《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第25部分

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'45' Buchez et Roux。; 296。  (〃Institutions〃 by Saint…Just。) … Meillan;

〃Mémoires;〃 p。  17。  … Anne Plumptre; 〃A narrative of three years'

residence in France; from 1802 to 1805;〃 II。; 96。  At Marseilles: 〃The

two great crimes charged on those who doomed to destruction; were here

as elsewhere; wealth and aristocracy。  。  。  It had been decreed by

the Terrorists that no person could have occasion for more than two

hundred livres a year; and that no income should be permitted to

exceed that sum。〃

'46' Archives Nationales; F7; 4437。  (Address of the people's club of

Caisson (Gard); Messidor 7; year II。) 〃The Bourgeoisie; the

merchants; the large land…owners have all the pretension of the ex…

nobles。  The law provides no means for opening the eyes of the common

people in relation to these new tyrants。  The club desires that the

revolutionary tribunal should be empowered to condemn this proud class

of individuals to a prompt partial confinement。  The people would then

see that they had committed a misdemeanor and would withdraw that sort

of respect in which they hold them。〃 A note in the hand…writing of

Couthon: 〃Left to the decision of popular commissions。〃

'47' Gouvernor Morris; in a letter of January 4; 1796; says that

French capitalists have been financially ruined by assignats; and

physically by the guillotine。  … Buchez et Roux; XXX。; 26。  (Notes

written by Robespierre in June; 1793。) 〃Internal dangers come from the

bourgeois。  。  。  who are our enemies? The vicious and the rich。〃

'48' Narrative by M。 Sylvester de Sacy (May 23; 1873): His father

owned a farm bringing in four thousand francs per annum; the farmer

offered him four thousand francs in assignats or a hog; M。 de Sacy

took the hog。

'49' Buchez et Roux; XXXI。; 441。  (Report by Cambon on the institution

of the grand livre of public debt; August 15; 1793。)

'50' Ibid。; XXXI。; 311。  Report by Saint…Just; February 26; 1794; and

decree in accordance therewith; unanimously adopted。  See; in

particular; article 2。  … Moniteur; 12 Vent?se; year II。  (meeting of

the Jacobin club; speech by Collot d'Herbois)。  〃The Convention has

declared that prisoners must prove that they were patriots from the

1st of May 1789。  When the patriots and enemies of the Revolution

shall be fully known; then the property of the former shall be

inviolable and held sacred; while that of the latter will be

confiscated for the benefit of the republic。〃

'51' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。; 455 (Session of the Jacobin Club; May 10;

1793; speech by Robespierre。) … Ibid。; (Report by Saint…Just; Feb。

26; 1794。) 〃He who has shown himself an enemy of his country cannot be

one of its proprietors。  Only he has patrimonial rights who has helped

to free it。〃

'52' Buchez et Roux; XXXI。; 93 and 130。  (Speech by Robespierre on

property; and the declaration of rights adopted by the Jacobin club。)

Decree of Sept。  3; 1793 (articles 13 and 14)。

'53' Moniteur; XXII。; 719。  (Report by Cambon; Frimaire 6; year III。)

At Bordeaux Raba has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1;200;000 francs;

Pechotte to pay 500;000 francs; Martin…Martin to 300;000 francs。〃 …

Cf。  Rodolphe Reuss; 〃Séligmann Alexandre ou les Tribulations d'un

israélite de Strasbourg。〃

'54' Ibid。; XVIII。; 486。  (Report by Cambon; Frimaire 1; year II。)

〃The egotists who; some time ago; found it difficult to pay for the

national domains they had acquired from the Republic; even in

assignats; now bring us their gold 。  。  。  Collectors of the revenue

who had buried their gold have come and offered to pay what they owe

the nation in ingots of gold and silver。  These have been refused; the

Assembly having decreed the confiscation of these objects。〃

'55' Decree of Brumaire 23; year II。  On taxes and confiscations in

the provinces see M。 de Martel; 〃Etude sur Fouché et Pieces

authentiques servant à l'histoire de la revolution à Strasbourg。〃 And

further on the details of this operation at Troyes。  … Meillan; 90:

〃At Bordeaux; merchants were heavily taxed; not on account of their

incivism; but on account of their wealth。〃

'56' Decree of March 7…11; 1793。

'57' Moniteur; XVIII。; 274; decrees of Brumaire 4; and ibid; 305;

decree of Brumaire 9; year II。; establishing equal partition of

inheritances with retroactive effect to July 14; 1789。  Adulterous

bastards are excepted。  The reporter of the bill; Cambacèrés; laments

this regrettable exception。

'58' Rights of inheritance allowed to the descendants of a deceased

person who never enjoyed these rights; but who might have enjoyed them

had he been living when they fell to him。  … Tr。

'59' Fenet; 〃Travaux du Code civil。〃 (Report by Cambacèrés on the Code

civil; August 9; 1793)。  The spokesman for the committee that had

framed the bill makes excuses for not having deprived the father of

all the disposable portion。  〃The committee believed that such a

clause would seriously violate our customs without being of any

benefit to society or of any moral advantage。  We assured ourselves;

moreover; that there should always be a division of property。〃 With

respect to donations: 〃It is repugnant to all ideas of beneficence to

allow donations to the rich。  Nature is averse to the making of such

gifts so long as our eyes dwell on misery and misfortune。  These

affecting considerations have determined us to fix a point; a sort of

maximum; which prohibits gifts on the part of those who have reached

that point。〃

'60' Moniteur; XII。; 730; (June 22; 1792); speech by Lamarque。  … But

this principle is encountered everywhere。  〃Equality; indeed; (is) the

final aim of social art。〃 (Condorcet; 'Tableau des progrès de l'esprit

humain;〃 II。; 59。  … 〃We desired;〃 writes Baudot; 〃to apply to

politics the equality which the Gospel awards to Christians。〃 (Quinet;

〃Revolution Fran?aise; II。; 407。)

'61' Buchez et Roux; XXXV; 296 (The words of Saint…Just。) … Moniteur;

XVIII; 505 (Ordinance of the Paris Commune; Frimaire 3; year II)。

〃Wealth and Poverty must alike disappear under the régime of


'62' Ib。  XXXV; 296 (〃Institutions〃 by Saint…Just)。  〃A man is not

made for trades; nor for a workhouse nor for an alms…house; all this

is frightful。〃 … Ibid。; XXXI。; 312。  (Report of Saint…Just; Vent?se 8;

year II。) 〃Let all Europe see that you will not allow a miserable man

on French territory! 。  。  。  Happiness is a new idea in Europe。〃

'63' Ib。  XXXV; 296 (〃Institutions〃 by Saint…Just。)

'64' Moniteur; XX; 444 ( Report by Barère; Floreal 22; year II)。

〃Mendicity is incompatible with popular government。〃

'65' Ib。; XIX。; 568。  (Report by Saint…Just; Vent?se 8; year II。)

'66' Ib。; XX; 448 (Rapport by Barère; Floreal 22)。

'67' Ibid。; XIX。; 568。  (Report by Saint…Just; Vent?se 8; and decree

of Vent?se 13。) 〃The Committee of Public Safety will report on the

means of indemnifying the unfortunate with property belonging to the

enemies of the Revolution。〃

'68' Ibid。; XIX。; 484。  (Report by Barère; Vent?se 21; year II。) …

Ibid。; XX。; 445。  (Report by Barère; Floréal 22; year II。) … Decrees

on public assistance; June 28; 1793; July 25; 1793; Frimaire 2; and

Floréal 22; year II。) … this principle; moreover; was set forth in the

Constitution of 1793。  〃Public help is a sacred obligation; society

owes a subsistence to unfortunate citizens; whether by providing work

for them; or by ensuring the means of existence to those who are not

in a condition to work。〃 … Archives Nationales; AF。  II。; 39。  The

character of this measure is very clearly expressed in the following

circular of the Committee of Public Safety to its representatives on

mission in the departments; Vent?se; year II。  〃A summary act was

necessary to put the aristocracy down。  The national Convention has

struck the blow。  Virtuous indigence had to recover the property which

crime had encroached upon。  The national Convention has proclaimed its

rights。  A general list of all prisoners should be sent to the

Committee of General Security; charged with deciding on their fate。

The Committee of Public Safety will receive the statement of the

indigent in each commune so as to regulate what is due to them。  Both

these proceedings demand the utmost dispatch and should go together。

It is necessary that terror and justice be brought to bear on all

points at once。  The Revolution is the work of the people and it is

time they should have the benefit of it。〃

'69' Moniteur; XX。; 449。  (Report by Barère; Floréal 22; year II。)

'70' Decree of April 2…5; 1793。

'71' Moniteur; XVIII。; 505。  (Orders of Fouché and Collet d'Herbois;

dated at Lyons and communicated to the commune of Paris; Frimaire 3;

year II。) … De Martel; 〃Etude sur Fouché;〃 132。  Orders of Fouché on

his mission in the Nievre; Sept。  19; 1793。  〃There shall be

established in each district town a Committee of Philanthropy;

authorized to levy on the rich a tax proportionate to the number of

the indigent。〃

'72' Decree of April 2…5; 1793。  〃There shall be organized in each

large commune a guard of citizens selected from the least fortunate。

These citizens shall be armed and paid at the expense of the


'73' Moniteur; XX。; 449。  (Report of Barère; Floréal 22; year II。)

'74' Ibid。; XIX。; 689。  (Report by Saint…Just; Vent?se 23; year II。)

〃We spoke of happiness。  It is not the happiness of Persepolis we

have offered to you。  It is that of Sparta or Athens in their best

days; the happiness of virtue; that of comfort and moderation; the

happiness which springs from the enjoyment of the necessary without

the superfluous; the luxury of a cabin and of a field fertilized by

your own hands。 A cart; a thatched roof affording shelter from the

frosts; a family safe from the lubricity of a robber … such is happiness!〃

'75' Buchez et Roux; XXXI。; 402。  (Constitution of 1793。)

'76' Ibid。  XXXV。;
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