《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第65部分

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III。  Restitution of the confiscated property of Alexander Long to his

son。) Dartigoyte; at Auch; did what Carrier did at Nantes。  〃It

follows from the above abstract duly signed that on the 27th Germinal;

year II。; between eight and nine o'clock in the evening; Alexandre

Long; Sr。; was put to death on the public square of the commune of

Auch by the executioner of criminal sentences; without any judgment

having been rendered against the said Long。〃 … In many places an

execution becomes a spectacle for the Jacobins of the town and a party

of pleasure。  For instance; at Arras; on the square devoted to

executions; a gallery was erected for spectators with a room for the

sale of refreshments; and; during the execution of M。 de Montgon; the

〃?a ira〃 is played on the bass drum。  (Paris; II。; 158; and I。; 159。)

A certain facetious representative has rehearsals of the performance

in his own house。  〃Lejeune; to feed his bloodthirsty imagination; had

a small guillotine put up; on which he cut off the heads of all the

poultry consumed at his table。  。  。  。  Often; in the middle of the

repast; he had it brought in and set to work for the amusement of his

guests。〃 (Moniteur; XXIV。; 607; session of June I; 1795; letter from

the district of Besan?on; and with the letter; the confirmatory

document。) 〃This guillotine; says the reporter; is deposited with the

Committee of Legislation。〃

CHAPTER III。  THE RULERS。  (continued)。

I。   The Central Government Administration。

The administrative body at Paris。  … Composition of the group out of

which it was recruited。  … Deterioration of this group。  … Weeding…out

of the Section Assemblies。  … Weeding out of the popular clubs。  …

Pressure of the government。

To provide these local sovereigns with the subordinate lieutenants and

agents which they require; we have the local Jacobin population; and

we have seen the composition of the recruits;'1'

* the distressed and the perverted of every class and degree;

especially the lowest;

* the castaways;

* envious and resentful subordinates;

* small shopkeepers in debt;

* the migrating; high…living workers;

* barflies;

* vagrants;

* men of the gutters;

* street…walkers;

 … in short; every species of 〃anti…social vermin;〃 male and

female;'2' including a few honest crack…brains into which the

fashionable theory had freely found its way; the rest; and by far the

largest number; are veritable beasts of prey; speculating on the

established order of things and adopting the revolutionary faith only

because it provides food for their appetites。  … In Paris; they number

five or six thousand; and; after Thermidor; there is about the same

number; the same appetites rallying them around the same dogma;'3'

levelers and terrorists; 〃some because they are poor; others because

they have broken off the habit of working at their trade;〃 furious

with 〃the scoundrels who own a coach house; against the rich and the

hoarders of objects of prime necessity。〃 Many of them 〃having soiled

themselves during the Revolution; ready to do it again provided the

rich rascals; monopolists and merchants can all be killed;〃 all

〃frequenters of popular clubs who think themselves philosophers;

although most of them are unable to read;〃 at the head of them the

remnant of the most notorious political bandits;

* the famous post…master; Drouet; who; in the tribune at the

Convention; declared himself a 〃brigand;〃'4'

* Javogues; the robber of Montbrison and the 〃Nero of Ain;〃

* the drunkard Casset; formerly a silk…worker and later the pasha of


* Bertrand; the friend of Charlier; the ex…mayor and executioner of


* Darthé; ex…secretary of Lebon and the executioner at Arras;

* Rossignol and nine other Septembriseurs of the Abbaye and the

Carmelites; and; finally; the great apostle of despotic communism;

* Babeuf; who; sentenced to twenty years in irons for the

falsification of public contracts; and as needy as he is vicious;

rambles about Paris airing his disappointed ambitions and empty

pockets along with the swaggering crew who; if not striving to reach

the throne by a new massacre;'5' tramp through the streets slipshod;

for lack of money 〃to redeem a pair of boots at the shoemakers;〃 or to

sell some snuff…box their last resource; for a morning dram。'6'

In this class we see the governing rabble fully and distinctly。

Separated from its forced adherents and the official robots who serve

it as they would any other power; it stands out pure and unalloyed by

any neutral influx; we recognize here the permanent residue; the deep;

settled slime of the social sewer。  It is to this sink of vice and

ignorance that the revolutionary government betakes itself for its

staff…officers and its administrative bodies。

Nowhere else could they be found。  For the daily task imposed upon

them; and which must be done by them; is robbery and murder; excepting

the pure fanatics; who are few in number; only brutes and blackguards

have the aptitudes and tastes for such business。  In Paris; as in the

provinces; it is from the clubs or popular associations in which they

congregate; that they are sought for。  … Each section of Paris

contains one of these clubs; in all forty…eight; rallied around the

central club in the Rue St。  Honoré; forty…eight district alliances of

professional rioters and brawlers; the rebels and blackguards of the

social army; all the men and women incapable of devoting themselves to

a regular life and useful labor;'7' especially those who; on the 31st

of May and 2nd of June; had aided the Paris Commune and the 〃Mountain〃

in violating the Convention。  They recognize each other by this sign

that; 〃each would be hung in case of a counter…revolution;〃'8' laying

it down 〃as an incontestable fact that; should a single aristocrat be

spared; all of them would mount the scaffold。〃'9' They are naturally

wary and they stick together: in their clique 〃everything is done on

the basis of good fellowship;〃'10' no one is admitted except on the

condition of having proved his qualifications 〃on the 10th of August

and 31st of May。〃'11'  And; as they have made their way into the

Commune and into the revolutionary committees behind victorious

leaders; they are able; through the certificates of civism which these

arbitrarily grant or refuse; to exclude; not only from political life

but; again; from civil life; whoever is not of their party。

〃See;〃 writes one of Danton's correspondents;'12' 〃the sort of persons

who easily obtain these certificates; … the Ronsins; the Jourdans; the

Maillards; the Vincents; all bankrupts; keepers of gambling…hells and

cut…throats。  Ask these individuals whether they have paid the

patriotic contribution; whether they regularly pay the usual taxes;

whether they give to the poor of their sections; to the volunteer

soldiers; etc。; whether they mount guard or see it regularly done;

whether they have made a loyal declaration for the forced loan。  You

will find that they have not。  。  。  。  The Commune issues

certificates of civism to its satellites and refuses them to the best


The monopoly is obvious; they make no attempt to conceal it; six weeks

later;'13' it becomes official: several revolutionary committees

decide not to grant certificates of civism to citizens who are not

members of a popular club。〃  And strict exclusion goes on increasing

from month to month。  Old certificates are canceled and new ones

imposed; which new certificates have new formalities added to them; a

larger number of endorsers being required and certain kinds of

guarantees being rejected; there is greater strictness in relation to

the requisite securities and qualifications; the candidate is put off

until fuller information can be obtained about him; he is rejected at

the slightest suspicion:'14' he is only too fortunate if he is

tolerated in the Republic as a passive subject; if he is content to be

taxed and taxed when they please; and if he is not sent to join the

〃suspects〃 in prison; whoever does not belong to the band does not

belong to the community。

Amongst themselves and in their popular club it is worse; for

 〃the eagerness to get any office leads to every one denouncing each

other; 〃'15'

consequently; at the Jacobin club in the rue St。  Honoré; and in the

branch clubs of the quarter; there is constant purging; and always in

the same sense; until the faction is cleansed of all honest or

passable alloy and only a minority remains; which has its own way at

every balloting。  One of them announces that; in his club; eighty

doubtful members have already been gotten rid of; another that; in his

club; one hundred are going to be excluded。'16'  On Ventose 23; in the

〃Bon…Consei1〃 club; most of the members examined are rejected: 〃they

are so strict that a man who cannot show that he acted energetically

in critical times; cannot form part of the assembly; he is set aside

for a mere trifle。〃 On Vent?se 13; in the same club; 〃out of twenty…

six examined; seven only are admitted; one citizen; a tobacco dealer;

aged sixty…eight; who has always performed his duty; is rejected for

having called the president Monsieur; and for having spoken in the

tribune bareheaded; two members; after this; insisted on his being a

Moderate; which is enough to keep him out。〃 Those who remain; consist

of the most restless and most loquacious; the most eager for office;

the self…mutilated club being thus reduced to a nucleus of charlatans

and scoundrels。

To these spontaneous eliminations through which the club deteriorates;

add the constant pressure through which the Committee of Public Safety

frightens and degrades it。  The lower the revolutionary government

sinks; and the more it concentrates its power; the more servile and

sanguinary do its agents and employees become。  It strikes right and

left as a warning; it im
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