《the origins of contemporary france-4》



the origins of contemporary france-4- 第95部分

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legal manifestation of respect for the public magistrate; having sent

either to the scaffold or to prison; and fined or disgraced the small

local élite; having degraded to the level of prostitutes and felons

under surveillance; reputable women and honorable men who are; by law;

most esteemed under a normal system of government and who; under the

revolutionary system are; by law; the least so。'118'

IX。   The Jacobin Citizen Robot。

Two characteristics of the upper class; wealth and education。  … Each

of these is criminal。  … Measures against rich and well…to…do people。

… Affected in a mass and by categories。  … Measures against cultivated

and polite people。  … Danger of culture and distinction。  …

Proscription of 〃honest folks。〃

Two advantages; fortune and education; each involving the other; cause

a man to be ranked in the upper class; hence; one or the other;

whether each by itself or both together; mark a man out for

spoliation; imprisonment and death。  … In vain may he have

demonstrated his Jacobinism; and Jacobinism of the ultra sort。

Hérault…Séchelles; who voted for murdering the King; who belongs to

the Committee of Public Safety; who; in the Upper…Rhine; has just

carried out the worst revolutionary ordinances;'119' but who has the

misfortune to be rich and a man of the world; is led to the scaffold;

and those devoted to the guillotine readily explain his condemnation:

he is no patriot; … how could he be; enjoying an income of two hundred

thousand livres; and; moreover; is he not a general…advocate?'120' One

of these offenses is sufficient。  … Alone and by itself; 〃opulence;〃

writes Saint…Just; 〃is a disgrace;〃 and; according to him; a man is

opulent 〃who supports fewer children than he has thousands of livres

income; in effect; among the persons confined as 〃rich and egoists〃 we

find; according to the very declaration of the Revolutionary

Committee; persons with incomes of only 4;000; 3;700; 1;500; and even

500 livres。'121' Moreover; a fortune or a competence; inspires its

possessor with anti…revolutionary sentiments; consequently; he is for

the moment an obstruction; 〃You are rich;〃 says Cambon; making use of

a personification; 〃you cherish an opinion; which compels us to be on

the defensive; pay then; so as to indemnify us and be thankful for our

indulgence which; precautionary and until peace is declared; keeps you

under bolt and bar。〃'122' Rich; anti…revolutionary; and vicious;〃

according to Robespierre;'123' 〃these three traits depend on each

other; and; therefore; the possession of the superfluous is an

infallible sign of aristocracy; a visible mark of incivism〃 and; as

Fouché says; 〃a stamp of reprobation。〃 〃The superfluous is an evident

and unwarrantable violation of the people's rights; every man who has

more than his wants call for; cannot use; and therefore he must only

abuse。〃'124'  Whoever does not make over to the masses the excess of

what is strictly necessary。  。  。  。  places himself in the rank of

'suspects。' Rich egoists; you are the cause of our misfortunes!〃'125'

〃You dared to smile contemptuously on the appellation of sans…

culottes;'126' you have enjoyed much more than your brethren alongside

of you dying with hunger; you are not fit to associate with them; and

since you have disdained to have them eat at your table; they cast you

out eternally from their bosom and condemn you; in turn; to wear the

shackles prepared for them by your indifference or your maneuvers。〃 In

other words; whoever has a good roof over his head; or wears good

clothes; man or woman; idler or industrious; noble or commoner; is

available for the prison or the guillotine; or; at the very least; he

is a taxable and workable serf at pleasure; his capital and

accumulations; if not spontaneously and immediately handed over; form

a criminal basis and proof of conviction。  … The orders of arrest are

generally issued against him on account of his wealth; in order to

drain a town of these offenders one by one; all are penned together

according to their resources; at Strasbourg;'127'  193 persons are

taxed; each from 6;000 to 300;000 livres; in all 9 million livres;

payable within twenty…four hours; by the leading men of each

profession or trade; bankers; brokers; merchants; manufacturers;

professors; pastors; lawyers; physicians; surgeons; publishers;

printers; upholsterers; glass…dealers; rope…makers; master…masons;

coffee…house and tavern keepers。  And let there be no delay in

responding to these orders within the prescribed time! Otherwise the

delinquents will be placed in the stocks; on the scaffold; face to

face with the guillotine。  〃One of the best citizens in the commune;

who had steadily manifested his attachment to the Revolution; being

unable to realize a sum of 250;000 livres in one day; was fastened in

the pillory。〃'128' Sometimes the orders affected an entire class; not

alone nobles or priests; but all the members of any bourgeois

profession or even of any handicraft。  At Strasbourg; a little later;

〃considering that the thirst for gold has always controlled the

brewers of the commune;〃 they are condemned to 250;000 livres fine; to

be paid in three days under penalty of being declared rebels; with the

confiscation of their possessions;〃 then; upon another similar

consideration; the bakers and flour dealers are taxed three hundred

thousand livres。'129' In addition to this; writes Representative

Milhaud; at Guyardin;'130' 〃We have ordered the arrest of all bankers;

stock…brokers and notaries。  。  。  。  All their wealth is confiscated;

we estimate the sums under seal at 2 or 3 millions in coin; and 15 or

16 in assignats。〃 There is the same haul of the net at Paris。  By

order of Lhuillier; procureur of the department; 〃seals are placed in

the offices of all the bankers; stock…brokers; silversmiths; etc。;〃

and they themselves are shut up in the Madelonettes; a few days after;

that they may pay their drafts; they are let out as a favor; but on

condition that they remain under arrest in their homes; at their own

expense; under guard of two good sans…culottes。'131'  In like manner;

at Nantes;'132' Lyons; Marseilles and Bordeaux; the prisons are filled

and the guillotine works according to the categories。  At one time

they are 〃all of the Grand Théatre;〃 or the principal merchants; 〃to

the number of more than 200;〃 are incarcerated at Bordeaux in one

night。'133' At another time; Paris provides a haul of farmer…generals

or parliamentarians。  Carts leave Toulouse conveying its

parliamentarians to Paris to undergo capital punishment。  At Aix;

writes an agent;'134'

〃the guillotine is going to work on former lawyers a few hundred heads

legally taken off will do the greatest good。〃

And; as new crimes require new terms to designate them; they add to

〃incivisme〃 and 〃moderantisme;〃 the term 〃negociantisme;〃 all of which

are easily stated and widespread crimes。

〃The rich and the merchants;〃 writes an observer;'135' 〃are here; as

elsewhere; born enemies of equality and lovers of hideous federalism;

the only aristocracy that remains to be crushed out。〃

Barras; with still greater precision; declares in the tribune that;

〃commerce is usurious; monarchical and anti…revolutionary。〃'136'

Considered in itself; it may be defined as an appeal to bad instincts;

it seems a corrupting; incivique; anti…fraternal institution; many

Jacobins having proposed either to interdict it to private persons and

attribute it wholly to the State; or suppress it along with the arts

and manufactures which nourish it; in order that only a population of

agriculturists and soldiers may be left in France。'137'

The second advantage and the second crime of the notables is

superiority of education。  〃In all respectable assemblages;〃 writes a

Dutch traveler in 1795;'138' 〃you may be sure that one…half of those

present have been in prison。   Add the absent; the guillotined; the

exiled; emigrés; the deported; and note this; that; in the other

favored half; those who did not quaff the prison cup had had a

foretaste of it for; each expected daily to receive his warrant of

arrest; 〃the worst thing under Robespierre; as several old gentlemen

have told me; was that one never knew in the morning whether one would

sleep in one's own bed at night。〃 There was not a well…bred man who

did not live in dread of this; examine the lists of 〃suspects;〃 of the

arrested; of exiles; of those executed; in any town; district or

department;'139' and you will see immediately; through their quality

and occupations; first; that three…quarters of the cultivated are

inscribed on it; and next; that intellectual culture in itself is

suspect。  〃They were equally criminal;〃'140' write the Strasbourg

administrators; 〃whether rich or cultivated 。  。  。  。  The (Jacobin)

municipality declared the University federalist; it proscribed public

instruction and; consequently; the professors; regents; and heads of

schools; with all instructors; public as well as private; even those

provided with certificates of civism; were arrested; 。  。  。  。  every

Protestant minister and teacher in the Lower…Rhine department was

incarcerated; with a threat of being transferred to the citadel at

Besan?on。〃 … Fourcroy; in the Jacobin Club at Paris; excusing himself

for being a savant; for giving lectures on chemistry; for not devoting

his time to the rantings of the Convention and of the clubs; is

obliged to declare that he is poor; that he lives by his work; that he

supports 〃his father; a sans…culotte; and his sans…culotte sisters;〃

although a good republican; he barely escapes; and the same with

others like him。   All educated men were persecuted;〃 he states a

month after Thermidor 9;'141' 〃to have acquaintances; to be literary;

sufficed for arrest; as an aristocrat。  。  。  。  Robespierre 。  。  。

with devilish ingenuity; abused; calumniated and overwhelmed with gall

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